Love Parade: Was the cause of the disaster, possible through a series of human errors and weaknesses?
Love Parade: Was the cause of the disaster, possible through a series of human errors and weaknesses?
causes research - hypothesis and the attempt of a possible description of causal factors that may have led to the disaster at the Love Parade 2010 in Duisburg - concept of a charity music CD planned
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
Duisburg. 31. July 2010. After the disaster in the wake of a mass panic are sadness, anger, despair and grief at the loss of the lives of 21 young people (18 to 38 years) in words hard to describe large. More than 500 people were injured, some seriously, and a far larger number of people were traumatized by the events. After such a calamity and a disaster it is human to ask the question: Who is to blame for this catastrophe? But maybe the question should also be placed in a broader perspective: What are the causal and triggering factors that could lead to disaster?
As I have already suffered several severe traumas in my life and because of my reports to the Heysel disaster in Brussels - Stadium when crushed in 1985 at least 39 people and more than 454 people were injured, some seriously, I have a French-German journalist, radio journalist, radio, TV and media producer (since 1984), as a certified Nurses (secondary second profession since 1993) and as a paramedic something strong effort to to research events of the disaster in Duisburg.
in the results of my research I have come to the first impression is that there could be not only a responsible person and not just a small group of possible causative and triggering factors for the catastrophe of a mass panic with the dire consequences at the Love Parade in Duisburg. be involved here, the following groups could take co-responsibility and as a part of the causative and contributing factors and groups could be direct or participate indirectly:
1) Federal police - Justification: The officials and officials of the Federal Police have although its specific and long-term experience, the signs of development a possibility of mass panic, despite the use of helicopters and experienced officials to be recognized in time. Compare reports in the daily newspaper Junge Welt.
2) North Rhine-Westphalia - Justification: The state of North Rhine-Westphalia was aware of the cancellation of the Love Parade in the city of Bochum. In the view of the infrastructure, are the cities of Bochum and Duisburg in proportion to the size only. Nevertheless, concerns were in relation to the security of a big event like the Love Parade in Duisburg may not be clearly articulated to the public or not perceived. This might have been possible by the Ministry of Interior before the implementation of the Love Parade.
3) operators, Lopavent GmbH, represented by its managing director Rainer Schaller - Reason: Possible misconceptions in the security concept, possible planning errors and mis-estimation of visitor numbers.
4) city of Duisburg as a planning authority - Reason: Possible misconceptions regarding the security concept, error in the test and in finding suitable alternatives to the planned event's concept, outstanding commitments, the facilitation of conditions for the implementation of the Love Parade. Perhaps the basic principles of physics were ignored, not recognized or not recognized early. Compare reports to
5) Lord Mayor Adolf Sauerland and the competent department heads, order department heads - reasoning: Maybe political 'sub-pressurization, pressurized feel alleged pressure to succeed, error in examination and approval procedures for granting licenses the implementation of the Love Parade
6) MEDIA (radio, television, online and print) - Reason: Possible media sub-pressurization of all parties see, here are the reports and reactions to the cancellation of Love Parade, the mayor of Bochum, Dr. Ottilie Scholz, in 2009.
7) people in North Rhine-Westphalia and party to Ruhr 2010. - Justification: Maybe too high expectation position on the success of the Love Parade 2010 in Duisburg and possibly unintended sub-pressurization of all concerned, economic troubles in the region and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the fear of an Image and prestige loss.
8) and female visitors. Conjecture - reasoning: The great anticipation after a year of the Love Parade, the hot temperatures, long-standing and waiting times may have led a few visitors and visitors to push her. This is NOT meant to express the 21 people killed, but so far not known visitors and visitors who do not favorable due to the external factors that could not have the patience that they otherwise would have a more favorable overall framework conditions can have.
9) folder - Reason: Possibly too short preparation for a major event like the Love Parade, possibly in the face of enormous pressure load the compression is not expected high visitor-mass, possibly developing acute hazards not found in time and later started using.
This hypothesis does explicitly NOT qualify for the accuracy or completeness of all these hypotheses. - Therefore, this work is a hypothesis and not a thesis. The possible participants and possible causal and triggering factors are a hypothesis and not a thesis, I still can not show the evidence to prove or completely. In order to show any scientific proof would have to be proved or provable hypotheses are under test conditions or by further testing. To the physical demonstrate effects of wave motion and dynamics of human masses would be a scientific experiment in the experiment possible. The list of possible causative and triggering factors does not a claim to completeness. It is possible that there could be other causative and triggering factors involved and responsible groups that should be considered as causative and triggering factors for the disaster at the Love Parade 2010 in Duisburg.
overcoming trauma, grief work and opportunity of using
In the wake of the disaster in a stampede killed 21 young people. According to current scientific Cognitive status and human imagination, it is no longer possible, the young man back to life in this world to get. Depending on the idea of faith and power of faith, it is conceivable that the young people will continue to live in another world. This is a question of belief and faith.
scientifically provable methods can I have this idea of faith and strength of faith is not known. There remains only the hope and faith as a comfort for people who believe such things. Faith is certainly also given as a grace from God the Lord and thus to be regarded as a gift.
chances of assistance
We as concerned and not affected people's sympathy and in the mourning of friends, relatives, parents and the people that loved ones have lost one in the human imagination almost unimaginable catastrophe, taking a share in the grief of trying to help afford to make immediate aid possible, give comfort, compassion and help and live charity and solidarity. It was fast, humane and non-bureaucratic in providing assistance to prevent further damage, such as severe economic and financial needs of the affected and any injured people and avoid them. 'm From my personal experience I, unfortunately, very sure that people take many years to process their traumas.
opportunities for more than 500 injured people
The more than 500 injured people are alive, thank God. Here, nurses, doctors, doctors, and another large number of therapists and also specifically address the treatment of severe physical and psychological trauma-trained therapists, which means specialists to help pastors, priests and psychologists as well and as far as possible, so that any potential late follow-up damage is so low as possible, just kind of conceivable and possibly a complete cure can be achieved. Here, the power of faith and the power of love a chance to be a possible helper for healing after severe trauma, stressful experiences, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual art
Possible ways of conflict processing in the Christian model: Error and forgiveness
People of faith in the Christian faith know the story. The following story is from the Gospel of John, 8th Chapters narrated in the Holy Scriptures, known as the Bible: "Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came to him, and he sat down and taught them. But the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman, taken in adultery, and set her in the middle dar. and said unto him, Master, this woman was caught in the act in adultery. Moses in the law commanded us to stone such: what do you say? This they said, tempting him, that they might accuse him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote with his finger on the ground. When they stopped
now to ask him, he straightened up and said to them: Who is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. As they heard this, they went out (transferred from their conscience), one after the other, by the elders to the least, and Jesus was left alone and the woman standing in the middle. Jesus straightened up, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? Has no one condemned you? And they said, Lord, nobody. Jesus said: I condemn thee not go, and sin no more "
This history and tradition more than 2000 years makes us and our consciences well clear and reminds us that we think as human beings because in this world is not a single man who is without sin or error. How many people would act today if the events of would happen then in the present gathering of people in a city in North Rhine-Westphalia?
Another story from the Bible even offers a further possibility of a possible healing and guidance for conduct in relation to the disaster in Duisburg. Many Christians and people of faith know the prayer known as the "Our Father". Even people of other faiths who are not familiar with the prayer in the Christian faith in the world as the "Our Father" is known. The tradition is found in Matthew's Gospel, Chapter 6, verses 9 to 15. It is written:
"Therefore you shall therefore pray: Our Father in heaven! Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as in Himmel.Unser daily bread give us today. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will forgive you too, where you not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your not forgive. "
forgiveness can be an opportunity and be the valve to pent-up aggression, anger, resentment and despair of a valve and skip to heal deep wounds. The 21 young people who were killed, unfortunately, not again be brought to life by human hands. Clearly shows the claim for assistance, compensation and care of bereaved people, their relatives in the aftermath of the disaster at the Love Parade in Duisburg were killed. From this, and the financial and economic entitlement to compensation and at least economic power derived, which also applies to the large number of injured people. doing, for the LOVE persists
guilty instead possible or co-responsible human being and also as a trigger -
instead blame causal factors involved, which could lead to this disaster to inflict additional damage of any kind, it could be the bond of love that goes beyond death and is stronger than death, to make possible TO DO GOOD AND TO BE MADE. It is not possible, so think I fight the evil with evil, and it is not possible this happen with even more suffering and more suffering in the GOOD to convert. If something bad has happened and no doubt about that, then we should as individuals in the population of all the people GBGEN SOMETHING GOOD CHANCE TO ADMIT. If we try the happened suffering of many people with good works to overcome then maybe there is a chance for a cure. The Love Parade, at least the part of LOVE was in Duisburg can not possibly end with death. The parade, which has declared the manager of the organizer, the Lopavent GmbH in Berlin, Rainer Schaller already, there will be no more in this form. The parade is "dead" with the horrific death of 21 young people. But love still exists. So does the LOVE may be possible that could be produced in Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia and with the help of people in Germany with volunteer artists, musicians, artists and supporters of a charity music CD, which dedicated life, suffering, comfort, grace, healing, love, hope and optimism: with 24 music tracks the subject. I believe the music should represent a diversity of life in German, English, English, Italian, Chinese and other languages from the pop, rock, funk, techno, RnB, soul, gospel and classical music. On 27 July 2010, the international Jewish Christiche John Baptist Mission of Togo (John the Baptist Mission of Togo) wrote to the government leader and prime minister sent Hannelore Kraft (SPD) with the request for assistance and support. Just three days later was also President Christian Wulff asked a project to support a charity music CD and other charitable activities.
The charity CD under the guidance set "A tape of love" should be produced as a non-commercial music project with the participation of musicians and artists from Germany and the world in Duisburg and in trade for a price of 9, - € will be available. As a basis for calculation, that per sold CD 4, - € suffice for the production and distribution costs and 5, - € per CD sold as a direct aid to the financial support for the relatives of the 21 people killed and the more than 500 injured people and possibly other affected people who were traumatized in the wake of the disaster at the Love Parade in Duisburg, 2010, will be used to help people. The means of music production for a charity music CD or as a charity CD, people involved, all in voluntary work, with no commercial interests and out of love, which means by the MOTIVATION LOVE, at the possible multi-national, multi-cultural and international music project from Duisburg in Germany for grieving people to participate in the world and act. If successful this project was to music, this would be also an outward sign and signal to the people of Germany and the world that not to the death as an endpoint in Duisburg see, but that the bond of love is stronger than death. The concept for a planned charity music CD is not yet fully developed and there will be further informed when new parts are developed concept. May Gd give us the grace of the Lord comfort, healing and love rich.
If it can be announced with such a charity music CD the message possible solidarity, healing, forgiveness, peace and love in large parts of the world, could to a lot of anger, sorrow, pain and despair and hope and confidence and love of Duisburg are sent all over the world, after the difficult days of events the 24th July 2010. The international Jewish-Christian John Baptist Mission of Togo, representing Germany, and dealer for the UK asks sincerely all the musicians, all artists, publishers, music publishers, other decision-makers and people that the project of a charitable want to support music CD and can be contacted in the sense of a BAND FOR PEACE AND LOVE.
John Baptist Mission of Togo
agency for Germany
project bond of love
Postfach 11 13 67 137 D
Germany Tel 06 236 416 802
Mobile Tel 0178 817 2114
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