Thursday, August 19, 2010

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Love Parade threaten bloggers, authors and journalists 250.000 € punishments?

Love Parade threaten bloggers, authors and journalists 250.000 € punishments?

is an explanation of the causes of disasters in Duisburg Love Parade back? Prosecutor now possibly against journalists, writers and bloggers because of reports to the Love Parade disaster - there are violations of copyright law? - The freedom of the press in Germany is still possible in practice? - Are bloggers, authors and journalists in the face of impending, extremely high fines or failing that, maybe more years of imprisonment in jail still report freely?

By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot

Duisburg / Berlin. 19. August 2010. killed only three weeks after the Love Parade disaster and a mass panic in Duisburg which resulted in 21 people and more than 500 people were injured, some seriously, demonstrated the CDU Mayor Adolf Sauerland (55) now has full and almost unlimited power and strength. Against journalists, writers and bloggers who report on the events of the Love Parade, now may determine the public prosecutor and a district court. The journalists, writers and bloggers, in Germany, monetary penalties imposed under an administrative fine of 250,000 Euro or more years of imprisonment in prisons in Germany threaten. Documents published by the Love Parade has now been banned in court at the instance of the city of Duisburg. n Several media reports and information to the Daily Telegraph and The time and the news stations were on the web-tv, among others, Xtranews on Wednesday released a trailer from the city-commissioned report.

The Cologne Regional Court has prohibited the publication of the documents. The regional news portal Xstranews announced that it relates to a dispute in the value of 50,000 € and the defense of press freedom in the matter. The city of Duisburg sees the publication the documents could have a violation of copyright law. Bloggers, authors and journalists have been warned. This now threatens a penalty in the form of a fine of 250,000 €, failing that, a multi-year prison sentence. Xtranews have read the documents after a warning from the Internet. The city of Duisburg has previously obtained a preliminary injunction the district court in Cologne to the dissemination of the documents to stop.

said in a reply Xtranews the editorial, which was the editor of the Rheinische Post newspaper sent it in part: "The city of Duisburg has first tried to obtain an injunction in privacy protection - with the attempt to subsume these under the press law. Since this is apparently not succeeded, you have developed in a second step, a construct that a violation would be contradictory to the "copyright". "

Mayor Adolf Sauerland (55, CDU) three weeks demonstrated after the disaster at the Love Parade full and unlimited power. By all means, and the Life he liked, it assess human rights and press observers action against authors, journalists and bloggers who report to the publication of documents from the report on the events of the Love Parade disaster in Duisburg and unusual with the editorial and wanted to contribute journalistic resources to establish the circumstances leading to the deaths of 21 young people in Duisburg and more than 500 people, some seriously injured on 24 July 2010 resulted. Three weeks after the death of 21 young people in Duisburg, several authors, bloggers and journalists may be threatened even before the economic death, and in Duisburg, which means more precisely the economic existence of extermination, as in times of global economic crisis, editors, journalists , writers, bloggers and small publishers usually do not have 250,000 euros in cash in the postage-cash or accounts. "Is death in Duisburg at home?" Ask concerned people, the events in the City observed worldwide.

The authors of the newspaper ( ask, "Will Mayor Adolf Sauerland education or not," Is it seriously not for speculation of the TAZ, the mayor of Duisburg, the elucidation of the Love Parade disaster. Although the city of Duisburg, parts of the report on the website of the city have made public, but there are missing attachments to the report. The documents go by 300 pages of appendix to a report for detailed minutes of meetings, planning concepts and background reports. According to authors, bloggers and journalists see the city of Duisburg and the Mayor on the issue of jurisdiction ". Not always get along"

The city justified the ban on publication of Duisburg, according to media reports, including the following reasons: The documents do not contain blackened and equipment, personnel-related data. It could be about data protection and copyright protection, suspect other journalists and the media. The operator of Xtranews, Thomas Roden books, made a decision, other media reports, not just on the disclosure of the documents. We've had to make a balance between copyright protection laws and public education. In this test, are authors, journalists and bloggers have come to believe that the public have a right to seeing the documents.

also media reports that the controversial data come from a CD, which was allegedly leaked from the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia. After the announcement of the contents of the documents had a lot of new issues also arose in some Council members in the city of Duisburg, on the contents of the documents may not have had some knowledge. The documents and annexes to the report, which was commissioned by the city of Duisburg in order, have now spread worldwide, however, so that an implementation of the prohibition of the District Court and the city of publication almost in spite of threats of heavy financial penalties in the amount € 250,000 and an injunction of the District Court was no longer practicable.

Therefore, the city of Duisburg would now no longer legal action against the authors, journalists and bloggers which have in the events of the Love Parade in Duisburg also reported critical. ", Write more papers. Meanwhile, the documents were to be found in full at the online portal and Indymedia will also Wikileaks discussed a publication of the documents for the purposes of aid to education. It is hardly possible the documents from the Internet to disappear. The news portal "The West, meanwhile, reported:" The city of Duisburg and its Mayor Adolf Sauerland want to prevent the disclosure of administrative documents for the Love Parade planning the web of court "

The German Journalists Association (DJV, had just turned on". Instead of information blockade the city should create transparency " said DJV chairman Michael Konken Federal. The Journalists' Association is disappointed with the "restrictive information policy." The city should waive legal resources and maintain a cooperative press and public relations work. "This is it the journalists, but also the citizens guilty. Comprehensive information on the Duisburg Incidents is a core task of the media, "added the Federal DJV chairman Michael Konken in a statement on the Web site of the DJV.

A spokesman for the international media project of Human Rights Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters (, London, said "... with the threat of 250.000 € - penalties, regulatory funds or multi-year prison sentences to journalists, writers and bloggers and small media companies and publishers in Germany are in the deadly danger of the very real economic existence and destruction could be a deadly threat, especially for disabled journalists, authors, Bloggers, small media companies or publishers mean. "It is hoped that the restrictions of speech press and information freedom, as guaranteed by European, national and international laws and human rights to be running in Germany no further, because otherwise a free reporting, the highest bid of the press, the commitment to truth and to guarantee their right to public information, would not be possible in Germany.

Article 5 of the Basic Law, Germany

(1) Everyone has the right to his opinion by speech, writing and pictures to express themselves freely and to spread and to be made generally available Sources freely informed. Press freedom and freedom of reporting by radio and films are guaranteed. Censorship does not occur.

(2) These rights are subject to limitations in the provisions of general laws, legal provisions to protect young people and the right to personal honor.

(3) art and science, research and teaching are free. Freedom of teaching does not release from allegiance to the Constitution.

extract from the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany

extract from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, proclaimed by the United Nations in 1948: Article 19

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression: this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, through any media and regardless of frontiers, information and ideas, receive and disseminate

Article 18

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom to manifest religion or belief, alone or in community with others and in public or in private, teaching, practice, to worship and confess.


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