disaster in Pakistan: "We need to quickly provide assistance to the people of Pakistan"
Disaster in Pakistan: "We need to quickly provide assistance to the people of Pakistan"
journalists appeal for peace in the world international community - Iftikhar Chaudri: "Wealthy countries should help prevent another disaster in Pakistan and NGO's, the distribution of relief supplies and donations monitor "
1,600 people killed by floods in Pakistan - 20 million people homeless - Risk of Disease - President of JIP asks to prevent another disaster in Pakistan
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
Berlin / Islamabad (Pakistan ). 18. August 2010. In an interview with The British broadcaster BBC, the president of the international organization "Journalists for International Peace (JIP)" Iftikhar Claudri, appeals to the international world community as soon as possible help for the flood-affected people in Pakistan to make.
"If there existed problems on individual persons or groups with respect to the credibility and transparency with the government in Pakistan should supervise wealthy countries, the international world community and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the distribution of aid and donor funds , an almost unimaginable scale disaster in modern history for the people to avoid in Pakistan. "said Iftikhar Claudri in Islamabad in Pakistan in an interview with BBC.
More than 20 million people are affected by the consequences of floods in Pakistan. The number of 1600 deaths had victims was compared with other major natural disasters "low", but the number of affected people in Pakistan "extremely high". According to the UN (United Nations), more than 1,600 people were killed and nearly 300,000 houses damaged or completely destroyed.
"If we do not act quickly enough to have much more people from the effects of pests, diseases and nutritional deficiency die in Pakistan." Warned Iftikhar Claudri.
The previously-provided benefits would meet the minimum requirements for an acute emergency in the next three months. The funds do not cover the cost of rebuilding the infrastructure destroyed by floods in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
International financial experts expect costs in the amount of 15 billion euros needed for the reconstruction of infrastructure in Pakistan.
At least 18 million hectares of crops were destroyed in Punjab. The region was regarded as the breadbasket of Pakistan, according to the United Nations. Fields in the floodplain of the North West were also devastated by the floods of the rivers that burst their banks are. After the flood had risen in Pakistan, prices for grain and food "explosive".
The president of a journalist for International Peace (JIP) was in favor, that "reliable contacts or with the help of NGOs (nongovernmental organizations), the distribution of relief supplies and donations for humanitarian aid for the people of Pakistan through the international world community can be monitored in order to speed up relief efforts for people in the flood-affected areas or to improve. "
The group of journalists to international peace operates in a Facebook group page at: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=35094596824. The organization is on the web to find www.j4ip.org. For telephone interviews is the president of the organization for journalists and international peace (JIP), Iftikhar Chaudri, in call 0092-321-9567531 in Islamabad in Pakistan to provide.
Many aid agencies trying to help people in Pakistan. A small selection of charities and their fundraising accounts:
account 97 0 97, BLZ 370 205 00
Bank of Social Economy,
Password: Pakistan and other crises
Caritas International
Donation Account 202, BLZ 660 205
Bank for Social Economy
Password: Pakistan
German Red Cross
4141 BLZ 370 205 00
Bank for Social Economy
Password: Pakistan.
IMAGE hilft eV "A Heart for Children"
067 67 67 BLZ 200 700 00
keyword: "Children of Pakistan"
Action Coalition is an alliance of Germany renowned German aid organizations. "Together we are helping the flood victims in Pakistan," the motto of the organization.
Donations: 102030 BLZ
37.0205 million social banking Cologne
donation hotline: 0900 55 10 20 30 (toll-free from the German fixed network)
asks the UN refugee assistance: "Help the flood victims in Pakistan":
UN Refugee
Donations 2000 8850
Sparkasse Köln-Bonn - BLZ 370 501 98
Keywords: Emergency Pakistan
donations online and more fluechtlingshilfe.de www.uno-
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