Saturday, August 7, 2010

Chestsitting And Bouncing

Love Parade victims and family members act together

Love Parade victims and family members do together act

father a 16 year student recommended for injured people and affected family members: Solidarity action - "Together we are strong" - possibly a long court processes and investigations

By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot

Duisburg. 5. August 2010. After the Love Parade in Duisburg at the catastrophe which resulted in 24th July 2010, 21 young people were killed and more than 500 people were seriously injured, Jürgen Hagemann and his wife initiated the action of solidarity action by relatives and concerned people who have come to grief at the disaster or even worse, lost loved ones have.

The couple are parents of a 16 year old daughter, who was injured at the Love Parade. The 16 year old student had to spend a week in hospital. In Germany, the legislator may not, as in the United States of America, the possibility of a class action, but his father believes, nevertheless, help that a collection process and joint action for the legitimate interests of the members concerned and affected people may claims for damages and compensation for pain and suffering in the complex proceedings before the German courts to enforce and to call for.

be developed or a out of court settlement or a comparison. The disasters the flight crashes at Ramstein and the train disaster in Eschede have not shown that the survivors and people affected often in several years of judicial processes to the compensation but also to the recovery of costs for physicians, hospitals, emergency services and port-treatments complaints need to find at least some law and justice in Germany after disasters. At least 15 to 20 participants are needed for a collective process. Could find the father now, but he is continuing to seek further injured and affected people who want to help together to demand damage compensation and damages, claims and maintain.

Former Federal Interior Minister Gerhart Baum and lawyer from the law firm Baum, Reiter & colleagues, in a press release (as reported) his support for the bereaved and stricken people said yes. The lawyer is a fully professional in the complex field of the representation of victims after disasters and major loss events. He sat down already for the interests of Ramstein victims and the victims of the Concorde plane crash one. A collection method provides the ability to stress, risks and costs of action for several shoulders to distribute, even if all the affected people individually and separately to sue for their rights and claims in the courts. According

Gerhart Baum, lawyer of the investigations to clarify the liability issues and related to intervention by the liability insurance from its experience gained will last for years. The lawyer advises interested parties to unite for the establishment and enforcement of claims of compensation. With the collective, it was possible the necessary pressure on the leaders and possibly the investigation authorities to maintain. Together it is possible to achieve more.

The victim should urgently sign a detailed memory protocol, should be included in the important details about what time at what point of these events have been had and note the names of any witnesses. It is also important accurate documentation in reports, medical reports, results and photos of the injuries suffered, pain, distress.

for physical and psychological damage and impairment of all physician should be concerned and affected people can also give medical certificates. More specifically, should be even a day or book a kind of sickness, health and healing protocol cause. An event log or diary can also help to demonstrate late sequelae.

For the relatives of the 21 people killed these logs are just as important as in the course of grief, shock, and forget the history of the events often fade, accurate and important details in judicial processes then often can not be described by relatives.

The survivors should also incurred costs such as transfer of deceased persons, funeral or income-loss record. The documentation should be initiated early as possible, so that loss of relevant evidence and details are not lost or forgotten.

detailed information on the initiative of a collective process of interested and affected people of the Love Parade disaster in the Internet at to find.

more detailed instructions and information:

first Federal Interior Minister Gerhart Baum retired,
second - Blog,


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