German churches: "Help Pakistan"
German churches appeal: "Help Pakistan"
Germany increased support for people in Pakistan to 25 million euros - Pakistani Foreign Minister Mahmood Qureshi thanked the people in Germany - Churches motivation to help: "Provides fast, help fast! "
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
Berlin / Islamabad (Pakistan). 19. August 2010. The race against time goes on after the floods in Pakistan. Still, many are of the reach of the tides flooded crisis regions in Pakistan with the help of American helicopters. The international Aid organization Doctors Without Borders yesterday already built a water-recycling systems, and since then at least some of the 20 million homeless children, women or people drinking in a region of Pakistan with clean water. The serious plight of the people in Pakistan is hard to imagine for people in Germany. "Entire villages and towns were washed away. People's fear of epidemics in the flooded areas is growing. "Says a young mother in Pakistan.
According to the United Nations (UN) have lost up to 6 million children by the floods and their parents are now half-or full orphans. The Protestant and Catholic Church Germany have therefore called in a joint appeal to people in Germany to help the people of Pakistan. For nearly two weeks, the people of Pakistan affected by a flood disaster of immense proportions. Hard to imagine: An area half the size of Germany is under water. The plight of the people screaming at the sky.
Many organizations from around the world try to help as much as possible. In recent days, we had to recognize that the donations in Germany is not as great as in other disasters.
Today, on International Day of humanitarian aid, "we would particularly urge:" Help Pakistan! Help the many Victims of the flood! ", Told the Catholic German Bishops' Conference and the Evangelical Church in Germany.
was important: the willingness of the Germans should not be reservations about a country and a region to be reduced, which prevail in difficult political circumstances. Rather, it is a simple law of love that many people who are in acute danger to life and limb and to sink their prospects in the floods threaten to be helped fully and quickly: "A friend in need, helping double."
Our Church's aid agencies are able to do so, shared with the churches in Germany. They are already used with great active. But the measure of their aid also depends on the sacrifice of the Germans. Therefore we appeal to the Christians and all people in Germany: "Help the flood victims in Pakistan! Open your heart, be generous! ! Help now do not hesitate to "
Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, Chairman of the German Bishops' Conference (Catholic) and Chairman Nicholas Schneider, Chairman of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany, adds:" Let us work together for the needy people pray and special to God protection and blessings in this threatening situation, please. "
Federal Foreign Minister Dr. Guido Westerwelle (FDP), and a spokesman for the Federal Government confirmed the information that Germany has increased its financial assistance to the people of Pakistan within the framework of bilateral assistance now to 25 million €.
Westerwelle said: "The scale of the floods in Pakistan is much larger than originally assumed. We must now allow up to 20 million people affected. Federal Minister Dirk Niebel and I have therefore decided to increase humanitarian assistance to the government of Pakistan to another 10 million €. With the support of our partner organizations, we ensure that the assistance arrives quickly where it most is required.
I appeal in this connection to the generosity of the Germans. Your donation can significantly help to alleviate the plight of the people of Pakistan. "The Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Mahmood Qureshi, in a telephone interview yesterday thanked the people of Germany for their help and financial donations. Pakistan was given the extent of the damage in urgent need of international assistance.
Given the humanitarian catastrophe expressed Guido Westerwelle from the people of Pakistan expressed his deepest sympathy and promised German help and support. Germany stands firmly in these difficult days at the side of Pakistan.
A small selection of charities and their fundraising accounts:
account 97 0 97
BLZ 370 205 00
Bank for Social Economy
Password: Pakistan and other crises
Caritas International
Donation Account 202,
BLZ 660 205 00.
Bank for Social Economy
Password: Pakistan
German Red Cross
4141 BLZ 370 205 00
Bank for Social Economy
Password: Pakistan.
IMAGE hilft eV "A Heart for Children"
067 67 67 BLZ 200 700 00
keyword: "Children of Pakistan"
Action Germany Coalition is an alliance of renowned German aid organizations. "Together we are helping the flood victims in Pakistan," the motto of the organization.
Donations: 102030
BLZ 37,020,500
Sozialbank Cologne
donation hotline: 0900 55 10 20 30 (toll free from the German fixed network)
Diakonia disaster
Donation Account 502 707
Postbank Stuttgart,
Bank code (BLZ) 600 100 70
Password: Pakistan asks
The UN Refugee Agency: "Help the flood victims in Pakistan: UN refugee aid
Donations 2000 8850
Sparkasse Köln-Bonn - BLZ 370 501 98
Keywords: Pakistan emergency
online donations and more information at:
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Any Way To Watch Howard Tv Online
Love Parade threaten bloggers, authors and journalists 250.000 € punishments?
Love Parade threaten bloggers, authors and journalists 250.000 € punishments?
is an explanation of the causes of disasters in Duisburg Love Parade back? Prosecutor now possibly against journalists, writers and bloggers because of reports to the Love Parade disaster - there are violations of copyright law? - The freedom of the press in Germany is still possible in practice? - Are bloggers, authors and journalists in the face of impending, extremely high fines or failing that, maybe more years of imprisonment in jail still report freely?
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
Duisburg / Berlin. 19. August 2010. killed only three weeks after the Love Parade disaster and a mass panic in Duisburg which resulted in 21 people and more than 500 people were injured, some seriously, demonstrated the CDU Mayor Adolf Sauerland (55) now has full and almost unlimited power and strength. Against journalists, writers and bloggers who report on the events of the Love Parade, now may determine the public prosecutor and a district court. The journalists, writers and bloggers, in Germany, monetary penalties imposed under an administrative fine of 250,000 Euro or more years of imprisonment in prisons in Germany threaten. Documents published by the Love Parade has now been banned in court at the instance of the city of Duisburg. n Several media reports and information to the Daily Telegraph and The time and the news stations were on the web-tv, among others, Xtranews on Wednesday released a trailer from the city-commissioned report.
The Cologne Regional Court has prohibited the publication of the documents. The regional news portal Xstranews announced that it relates to a dispute in the value of 50,000 € and the defense of press freedom in the matter. The city of Duisburg sees the publication the documents could have a violation of copyright law. Bloggers, authors and journalists have been warned. This now threatens a penalty in the form of a fine of 250,000 €, failing that, a multi-year prison sentence. Xtranews have read the documents after a warning from the Internet. The city of Duisburg has previously obtained a preliminary injunction the district court in Cologne to the dissemination of the documents to stop.
said in a reply Xtranews the editorial, which was the editor of the Rheinische Post newspaper sent it in part: "The city of Duisburg has first tried to obtain an injunction in privacy protection - with the attempt to subsume these under the press law. Since this is apparently not succeeded, you have developed in a second step, a construct that a violation would be contradictory to the "copyright". "
Mayor Adolf Sauerland (55, CDU) three weeks demonstrated after the disaster at the Love Parade full and unlimited power. By all means, and the Life he liked, it assess human rights and press observers action against authors, journalists and bloggers who report to the publication of documents from the report on the events of the Love Parade disaster in Duisburg and unusual with the editorial and wanted to contribute journalistic resources to establish the circumstances leading to the deaths of 21 young people in Duisburg and more than 500 people, some seriously injured on 24 July 2010 resulted. Three weeks after the death of 21 young people in Duisburg, several authors, bloggers and journalists may be threatened even before the economic death, and in Duisburg, which means more precisely the economic existence of extermination, as in times of global economic crisis, editors, journalists , writers, bloggers and small publishers usually do not have 250,000 euros in cash in the postage-cash or accounts. "Is death in Duisburg at home?" Ask concerned people, the events in the City observed worldwide.
The authors of the newspaper ( ask, "Will Mayor Adolf Sauerland education or not," Is it seriously not for speculation of the TAZ, the mayor of Duisburg, the elucidation of the Love Parade disaster. Although the city of Duisburg, parts of the report on the website of the city have made public, but there are missing attachments to the report. The documents go by 300 pages of appendix to a report for detailed minutes of meetings, planning concepts and background reports. According to authors, bloggers and journalists see the city of Duisburg and the Mayor on the issue of jurisdiction ". Not always get along"
The city justified the ban on publication of Duisburg, according to media reports, including the following reasons: The documents do not contain blackened and equipment, personnel-related data. It could be about data protection and copyright protection, suspect other journalists and the media. The operator of Xtranews, Thomas Roden books, made a decision, other media reports, not just on the disclosure of the documents. We've had to make a balance between copyright protection laws and public education. In this test, are authors, journalists and bloggers have come to believe that the public have a right to seeing the documents.
also media reports that the controversial data come from a CD, which was allegedly leaked from the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia. After the announcement of the contents of the documents had a lot of new issues also arose in some Council members in the city of Duisburg, on the contents of the documents may not have had some knowledge. The documents and annexes to the report, which was commissioned by the city of Duisburg in order, have now spread worldwide, however, so that an implementation of the prohibition of the District Court and the city of publication almost in spite of threats of heavy financial penalties in the amount € 250,000 and an injunction of the District Court was no longer practicable.
Therefore, the city of Duisburg would now no longer legal action against the authors, journalists and bloggers which have in the events of the Love Parade in Duisburg also reported critical. ", Write more papers. Meanwhile, the documents were to be found in full at the online portal and Indymedia will also Wikileaks discussed a publication of the documents for the purposes of aid to education. It is hardly possible the documents from the Internet to disappear. The news portal "The West, meanwhile, reported:" The city of Duisburg and its Mayor Adolf Sauerland want to prevent the disclosure of administrative documents for the Love Parade planning the web of court "
The German Journalists Association (DJV, had just turned on". Instead of information blockade the city should create transparency " said DJV chairman Michael Konken Federal. The Journalists' Association is disappointed with the "restrictive information policy." The city should waive legal resources and maintain a cooperative press and public relations work. "This is it the journalists, but also the citizens guilty. Comprehensive information on the Duisburg Incidents is a core task of the media, "added the Federal DJV chairman Michael Konken in a statement on the Web site of the DJV.
A spokesman for the international media project of Human Rights Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters (, London, said "... with the threat of 250.000 € - penalties, regulatory funds or multi-year prison sentences to journalists, writers and bloggers and small media companies and publishers in Germany are in the deadly danger of the very real economic existence and destruction could be a deadly threat, especially for disabled journalists, authors, Bloggers, small media companies or publishers mean. "It is hoped that the restrictions of speech press and information freedom, as guaranteed by European, national and international laws and human rights to be running in Germany no further, because otherwise a free reporting, the highest bid of the press, the commitment to truth and to guarantee their right to public information, would not be possible in Germany.
Article 5 of the Basic Law, Germany
(1) Everyone has the right to his opinion by speech, writing and pictures to express themselves freely and to spread and to be made generally available Sources freely informed. Press freedom and freedom of reporting by radio and films are guaranteed. Censorship does not occur.
(2) These rights are subject to limitations in the provisions of general laws, legal provisions to protect young people and the right to personal honor.
(3) art and science, research and teaching are free. Freedom of teaching does not release from allegiance to the Constitution.
extract from the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany
extract from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, proclaimed by the United Nations in 1948: Article 19
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression: this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, through any media and regardless of frontiers, information and ideas, receive and disseminate
Article 18
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom to manifest religion or belief, alone or in community with others and in public or in private, teaching, practice, to worship and confess.
Love Parade threaten bloggers, authors and journalists 250.000 € punishments?
is an explanation of the causes of disasters in Duisburg Love Parade back? Prosecutor now possibly against journalists, writers and bloggers because of reports to the Love Parade disaster - there are violations of copyright law? - The freedom of the press in Germany is still possible in practice? - Are bloggers, authors and journalists in the face of impending, extremely high fines or failing that, maybe more years of imprisonment in jail still report freely?
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
Duisburg / Berlin. 19. August 2010. killed only three weeks after the Love Parade disaster and a mass panic in Duisburg which resulted in 21 people and more than 500 people were injured, some seriously, demonstrated the CDU Mayor Adolf Sauerland (55) now has full and almost unlimited power and strength. Against journalists, writers and bloggers who report on the events of the Love Parade, now may determine the public prosecutor and a district court. The journalists, writers and bloggers, in Germany, monetary penalties imposed under an administrative fine of 250,000 Euro or more years of imprisonment in prisons in Germany threaten. Documents published by the Love Parade has now been banned in court at the instance of the city of Duisburg. n Several media reports and information to the Daily Telegraph and The time and the news stations were on the web-tv, among others, Xtranews on Wednesday released a trailer from the city-commissioned report.
The Cologne Regional Court has prohibited the publication of the documents. The regional news portal Xstranews announced that it relates to a dispute in the value of 50,000 € and the defense of press freedom in the matter. The city of Duisburg sees the publication the documents could have a violation of copyright law. Bloggers, authors and journalists have been warned. This now threatens a penalty in the form of a fine of 250,000 €, failing that, a multi-year prison sentence. Xtranews have read the documents after a warning from the Internet. The city of Duisburg has previously obtained a preliminary injunction the district court in Cologne to the dissemination of the documents to stop.
said in a reply Xtranews the editorial, which was the editor of the Rheinische Post newspaper sent it in part: "The city of Duisburg has first tried to obtain an injunction in privacy protection - with the attempt to subsume these under the press law. Since this is apparently not succeeded, you have developed in a second step, a construct that a violation would be contradictory to the "copyright". "
Mayor Adolf Sauerland (55, CDU) three weeks demonstrated after the disaster at the Love Parade full and unlimited power. By all means, and the Life he liked, it assess human rights and press observers action against authors, journalists and bloggers who report to the publication of documents from the report on the events of the Love Parade disaster in Duisburg and unusual with the editorial and wanted to contribute journalistic resources to establish the circumstances leading to the deaths of 21 young people in Duisburg and more than 500 people, some seriously injured on 24 July 2010 resulted. Three weeks after the death of 21 young people in Duisburg, several authors, bloggers and journalists may be threatened even before the economic death, and in Duisburg, which means more precisely the economic existence of extermination, as in times of global economic crisis, editors, journalists , writers, bloggers and small publishers usually do not have 250,000 euros in cash in the postage-cash or accounts. "Is death in Duisburg at home?" Ask concerned people, the events in the City observed worldwide.
The authors of the newspaper ( ask, "Will Mayor Adolf Sauerland education or not," Is it seriously not for speculation of the TAZ, the mayor of Duisburg, the elucidation of the Love Parade disaster. Although the city of Duisburg, parts of the report on the website of the city have made public, but there are missing attachments to the report. The documents go by 300 pages of appendix to a report for detailed minutes of meetings, planning concepts and background reports. According to authors, bloggers and journalists see the city of Duisburg and the Mayor on the issue of jurisdiction ". Not always get along"
The city justified the ban on publication of Duisburg, according to media reports, including the following reasons: The documents do not contain blackened and equipment, personnel-related data. It could be about data protection and copyright protection, suspect other journalists and the media. The operator of Xtranews, Thomas Roden books, made a decision, other media reports, not just on the disclosure of the documents. We've had to make a balance between copyright protection laws and public education. In this test, are authors, journalists and bloggers have come to believe that the public have a right to seeing the documents.
also media reports that the controversial data come from a CD, which was allegedly leaked from the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia. After the announcement of the contents of the documents had a lot of new issues also arose in some Council members in the city of Duisburg, on the contents of the documents may not have had some knowledge. The documents and annexes to the report, which was commissioned by the city of Duisburg in order, have now spread worldwide, however, so that an implementation of the prohibition of the District Court and the city of publication almost in spite of threats of heavy financial penalties in the amount € 250,000 and an injunction of the District Court was no longer practicable.
Therefore, the city of Duisburg would now no longer legal action against the authors, journalists and bloggers which have in the events of the Love Parade in Duisburg also reported critical. ", Write more papers. Meanwhile, the documents were to be found in full at the online portal and Indymedia will also Wikileaks discussed a publication of the documents for the purposes of aid to education. It is hardly possible the documents from the Internet to disappear. The news portal "The West, meanwhile, reported:" The city of Duisburg and its Mayor Adolf Sauerland want to prevent the disclosure of administrative documents for the Love Parade planning the web of court "
The German Journalists Association (DJV, had just turned on". Instead of information blockade the city should create transparency " said DJV chairman Michael Konken Federal. The Journalists' Association is disappointed with the "restrictive information policy." The city should waive legal resources and maintain a cooperative press and public relations work. "This is it the journalists, but also the citizens guilty. Comprehensive information on the Duisburg Incidents is a core task of the media, "added the Federal DJV chairman Michael Konken in a statement on the Web site of the DJV.
A spokesman for the international media project of Human Rights Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters (, London, said "... with the threat of 250.000 € - penalties, regulatory funds or multi-year prison sentences to journalists, writers and bloggers and small media companies and publishers in Germany are in the deadly danger of the very real economic existence and destruction could be a deadly threat, especially for disabled journalists, authors, Bloggers, small media companies or publishers mean. "It is hoped that the restrictions of speech press and information freedom, as guaranteed by European, national and international laws and human rights to be running in Germany no further, because otherwise a free reporting, the highest bid of the press, the commitment to truth and to guarantee their right to public information, would not be possible in Germany.
Article 5 of the Basic Law, Germany
(1) Everyone has the right to his opinion by speech, writing and pictures to express themselves freely and to spread and to be made generally available Sources freely informed. Press freedom and freedom of reporting by radio and films are guaranteed. Censorship does not occur.
(2) These rights are subject to limitations in the provisions of general laws, legal provisions to protect young people and the right to personal honor.
(3) art and science, research and teaching are free. Freedom of teaching does not release from allegiance to the Constitution.
extract from the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany
extract from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, proclaimed by the United Nations in 1948: Article 19
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression: this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, through any media and regardless of frontiers, information and ideas, receive and disseminate
Article 18
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom to manifest religion or belief, alone or in community with others and in public or in private, teaching, practice, to worship and confess.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
If I Had Wheels, I Would Be A Wagon
disaster in Pakistan: "We need to quickly provide assistance to the people of Pakistan"
Disaster in Pakistan: "We need to quickly provide assistance to the people of Pakistan"
journalists appeal for peace in the world international community - Iftikhar Chaudri: "Wealthy countries should help prevent another disaster in Pakistan and NGO's, the distribution of relief supplies and donations monitor "
1,600 people killed by floods in Pakistan - 20 million people homeless - Risk of Disease - President of JIP asks to prevent another disaster in Pakistan
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
Berlin / Islamabad (Pakistan ). 18. August 2010. In an interview with The British broadcaster BBC, the president of the international organization "Journalists for International Peace (JIP)" Iftikhar Claudri, appeals to the international world community as soon as possible help for the flood-affected people in Pakistan to make.
"If there existed problems on individual persons or groups with respect to the credibility and transparency with the government in Pakistan should supervise wealthy countries, the international world community and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the distribution of aid and donor funds , an almost unimaginable scale disaster in modern history for the people to avoid in Pakistan. "said Iftikhar Claudri in Islamabad in Pakistan in an interview with BBC.
More than 20 million people are affected by the consequences of floods in Pakistan. The number of 1600 deaths had victims was compared with other major natural disasters "low", but the number of affected people in Pakistan "extremely high". According to the UN (United Nations), more than 1,600 people were killed and nearly 300,000 houses damaged or completely destroyed.
"If we do not act quickly enough to have much more people from the effects of pests, diseases and nutritional deficiency die in Pakistan." Warned Iftikhar Claudri.
The previously-provided benefits would meet the minimum requirements for an acute emergency in the next three months. The funds do not cover the cost of rebuilding the infrastructure destroyed by floods in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
International financial experts expect costs in the amount of 15 billion euros needed for the reconstruction of infrastructure in Pakistan.
At least 18 million hectares of crops were destroyed in Punjab. The region was regarded as the breadbasket of Pakistan, according to the United Nations. Fields in the floodplain of the North West were also devastated by the floods of the rivers that burst their banks are. After the flood had risen in Pakistan, prices for grain and food "explosive".
The president of a journalist for International Peace (JIP) was in favor, that "reliable contacts or with the help of NGOs (nongovernmental organizations), the distribution of relief supplies and donations for humanitarian aid for the people of Pakistan through the international world community can be monitored in order to speed up relief efforts for people in the flood-affected areas or to improve. "
The group of journalists to international peace operates in a Facebook group page at: The organization is on the web to find For telephone interviews is the president of the organization for journalists and international peace (JIP), Iftikhar Chaudri, in call 0092-321-9567531 in Islamabad in Pakistan to provide.
Many aid agencies trying to help people in Pakistan. A small selection of charities and their fundraising accounts:
account 97 0 97, BLZ 370 205 00
Bank of Social Economy,
Password: Pakistan and other crises
Caritas International
Donation Account 202, BLZ 660 205
Bank for Social Economy
Password: Pakistan
German Red Cross
4141 BLZ 370 205 00
Bank for Social Economy
Password: Pakistan.
IMAGE hilft eV "A Heart for Children"
067 67 67 BLZ 200 700 00
keyword: "Children of Pakistan"
Action Coalition is an alliance of Germany renowned German aid organizations. "Together we are helping the flood victims in Pakistan," the motto of the organization.
Donations: 102030 BLZ
37.0205 million social banking Cologne
donation hotline: 0900 55 10 20 30 (toll-free from the German fixed network)
asks the UN refugee assistance: "Help the flood victims in Pakistan":
UN Refugee
Donations 2000 8850
Sparkasse Köln-Bonn - BLZ 370 501 98
Keywords: Emergency Pakistan
donations online and more
Disaster in Pakistan: "We need to quickly provide assistance to the people of Pakistan"
journalists appeal for peace in the world international community - Iftikhar Chaudri: "Wealthy countries should help prevent another disaster in Pakistan and NGO's, the distribution of relief supplies and donations monitor "
1,600 people killed by floods in Pakistan - 20 million people homeless - Risk of Disease - President of JIP asks to prevent another disaster in Pakistan
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
Berlin / Islamabad (Pakistan ). 18. August 2010. In an interview with The British broadcaster BBC, the president of the international organization "Journalists for International Peace (JIP)" Iftikhar Claudri, appeals to the international world community as soon as possible help for the flood-affected people in Pakistan to make.
"If there existed problems on individual persons or groups with respect to the credibility and transparency with the government in Pakistan should supervise wealthy countries, the international world community and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the distribution of aid and donor funds , an almost unimaginable scale disaster in modern history for the people to avoid in Pakistan. "said Iftikhar Claudri in Islamabad in Pakistan in an interview with BBC.
More than 20 million people are affected by the consequences of floods in Pakistan. The number of 1600 deaths had victims was compared with other major natural disasters "low", but the number of affected people in Pakistan "extremely high". According to the UN (United Nations), more than 1,600 people were killed and nearly 300,000 houses damaged or completely destroyed.
"If we do not act quickly enough to have much more people from the effects of pests, diseases and nutritional deficiency die in Pakistan." Warned Iftikhar Claudri.
The previously-provided benefits would meet the minimum requirements for an acute emergency in the next three months. The funds do not cover the cost of rebuilding the infrastructure destroyed by floods in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
International financial experts expect costs in the amount of 15 billion euros needed for the reconstruction of infrastructure in Pakistan.
At least 18 million hectares of crops were destroyed in Punjab. The region was regarded as the breadbasket of Pakistan, according to the United Nations. Fields in the floodplain of the North West were also devastated by the floods of the rivers that burst their banks are. After the flood had risen in Pakistan, prices for grain and food "explosive".
The president of a journalist for International Peace (JIP) was in favor, that "reliable contacts or with the help of NGOs (nongovernmental organizations), the distribution of relief supplies and donations for humanitarian aid for the people of Pakistan through the international world community can be monitored in order to speed up relief efforts for people in the flood-affected areas or to improve. "
The group of journalists to international peace operates in a Facebook group page at: The organization is on the web to find For telephone interviews is the president of the organization for journalists and international peace (JIP), Iftikhar Chaudri, in call 0092-321-9567531 in Islamabad in Pakistan to provide.
Many aid agencies trying to help people in Pakistan. A small selection of charities and their fundraising accounts:
account 97 0 97, BLZ 370 205 00
Bank of Social Economy,
Password: Pakistan and other crises
Caritas International
Donation Account 202, BLZ 660 205
Bank for Social Economy
Password: Pakistan
German Red Cross
4141 BLZ 370 205 00
Bank for Social Economy
Password: Pakistan.
IMAGE hilft eV "A Heart for Children"
067 67 67 BLZ 200 700 00
keyword: "Children of Pakistan"
Action Coalition is an alliance of Germany renowned German aid organizations. "Together we are helping the flood victims in Pakistan," the motto of the organization.
Donations: 102030 BLZ
37.0205 million social banking Cologne
donation hotline: 0900 55 10 20 30 (toll-free from the German fixed network)
asks the UN refugee assistance: "Help the flood victims in Pakistan":
UN Refugee
Donations 2000 8850
Sparkasse Köln-Bonn - BLZ 370 501 98
Keywords: Emergency Pakistan
donations online and more
About A Week After Brazilian Wax Itches
flood disaster in Pakistan: World Bank provides 900 million U.S. dollars available
flood disaster in Pakistan:: Information at the World Bank provides 900 million U.S. dollars available
sharp criticism from Guido Westerwelle, Steffen Seibert - Caritas and Diakonia are disappointed about the Germans: "To little donations from Germany! "
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
New York / Berlin / Islamabad. 18. August 2010. After the flood disaster in Pakistan are around 20 million people in severe poverty, homeless and threatened by disease and famine. From Pakistan, the first dead children and women are reported to have starved. A spokeswoman said that the extent of the flood disaster in Pakistan is worse than the devastation caused by the tsunami in 2004. Nearly 1,600 people were killed in the aftermath of the floods in Pakistan.
The people of Pakistan are suffering under the worst hygienic conditions in heat during the day, imminent danger of disease and famine. Observers fear it could create new flooding in the crisis-torn Holy Islamic Republic of Pakistan in danger. Furthermore, many people are cut off from help. An ambassador from Pakistan said, "an area the size of England in consequence of the floods in Pakistan flooded."
Given the disastrous consequences of floods in Pakistan, the World Bank one million credit in the amount of 900 million U.S. dollars, corresponding to the equivalent of around EUR 702 million pledged. The Government of the Islamic Republic had previously asked for a loan in the amount of 900 million U.S. dollars. The World Bank would provide the money available as soon as possible. Other programs would be converted so.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon visited the Islamic Republic of Pakistan last weekend and is shocked. Million children and women are ill or homeless. Up to 723 000 houses were destroyed or damaged.
The European Commission President, José Manuel Durão Barroso, has proposed an international donors conference.
The UN deplores the situation of six million children who have lost in the past three weeks and her parents were still only 20 percent of the funds pledged. In the Islamic Republic had begun a race against death.
Aid agencies, MSF has set up first water-Wiederaufbreitungs plants in Pakistan. This allows at least a few people in the crisis regions are again supplied with clean water.
sharp criticism of the Germans practiced Foreign Minister and Vice-Chancellor Guido Westerwelle (FDP), the new government spokesman for the Chancellor Steffen Seibert (CDU), the Catholic aid agency Caritas and the Protestant relief organization Diakonia of the people in Germany. The Germans donate enough!
The daily reported in the online portal of the newspaper: "The Germans donate too little for Pakistan's flood victims, much less than after the earthquake in Haiti or after the tsunami says Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle (FDP), said government spokesman Steffen.. Seibert. Says the diaconate. Caritas says. . Says just about everyone who is somehow involved with it "
Many aid agencies trying to help people in Pakistan A small selection of gifts accounts.
account 97 0 97
BLZ 370 205 00
Bank of Social Economy,
Password: Pakistan and other crises
Caritas International
Donation Account 202,
BLZ 00th 660 205
Bank for Social Economy
Password: Pakistan;
German Red Cross
account 4141
BLZ 370 205 00
Bank Social Economy
IMAGE hilft eV "A Heart for Children "
067 67 67 BLZ 200 700 00
keyword:" Children of Pakistan "
Action Coalition is an alliance of Germany renowned German aid organizations. Together we help the victims of the floods in Pakistan, as the motto of the organization.
Donations: 102030
BLZ 37,020,500
Sozialbank Cologne
donation hotline: 0900 55 10 20 30 (toll free from the German fixed network)
asks the UN refugee assistance: "Help the flood victims in Pakistan":
UN Refugee
Donations 2000 8850
Sparkasse Köln-Bonn - BLZ 370 501 98
Keywords: Pakistan emergency
donations online and further information:
flood disaster in Pakistan:: Information at the World Bank provides 900 million U.S. dollars available
sharp criticism from Guido Westerwelle, Steffen Seibert - Caritas and Diakonia are disappointed about the Germans: "To little donations from Germany! "
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
New York / Berlin / Islamabad. 18. August 2010. After the flood disaster in Pakistan are around 20 million people in severe poverty, homeless and threatened by disease and famine. From Pakistan, the first dead children and women are reported to have starved. A spokeswoman said that the extent of the flood disaster in Pakistan is worse than the devastation caused by the tsunami in 2004. Nearly 1,600 people were killed in the aftermath of the floods in Pakistan.
The people of Pakistan are suffering under the worst hygienic conditions in heat during the day, imminent danger of disease and famine. Observers fear it could create new flooding in the crisis-torn Holy Islamic Republic of Pakistan in danger. Furthermore, many people are cut off from help. An ambassador from Pakistan said, "an area the size of England in consequence of the floods in Pakistan flooded."
Given the disastrous consequences of floods in Pakistan, the World Bank one million credit in the amount of 900 million U.S. dollars, corresponding to the equivalent of around EUR 702 million pledged. The Government of the Islamic Republic had previously asked for a loan in the amount of 900 million U.S. dollars. The World Bank would provide the money available as soon as possible. Other programs would be converted so.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon visited the Islamic Republic of Pakistan last weekend and is shocked. Million children and women are ill or homeless. Up to 723 000 houses were destroyed or damaged.
The European Commission President, José Manuel Durão Barroso, has proposed an international donors conference.
The UN deplores the situation of six million children who have lost in the past three weeks and her parents were still only 20 percent of the funds pledged. In the Islamic Republic had begun a race against death.
Aid agencies, MSF has set up first water-Wiederaufbreitungs plants in Pakistan. This allows at least a few people in the crisis regions are again supplied with clean water.
sharp criticism of the Germans practiced Foreign Minister and Vice-Chancellor Guido Westerwelle (FDP), the new government spokesman for the Chancellor Steffen Seibert (CDU), the Catholic aid agency Caritas and the Protestant relief organization Diakonia of the people in Germany. The Germans donate enough!
The daily reported in the online portal of the newspaper: "The Germans donate too little for Pakistan's flood victims, much less than after the earthquake in Haiti or after the tsunami says Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle (FDP), said government spokesman Steffen.. Seibert. Says the diaconate. Caritas says. . Says just about everyone who is somehow involved with it "
Many aid agencies trying to help people in Pakistan A small selection of gifts accounts.
account 97 0 97
BLZ 370 205 00
Bank of Social Economy,
Password: Pakistan and other crises
Caritas International
Donation Account 202,
BLZ 00th 660 205
Bank for Social Economy
Password: Pakistan;
German Red Cross
account 4141
BLZ 370 205 00
Bank Social Economy
IMAGE hilft eV "A Heart for Children "
067 67 67 BLZ 200 700 00
keyword:" Children of Pakistan "
Action Coalition is an alliance of Germany renowned German aid organizations. Together we help the victims of the floods in Pakistan, as the motto of the organization.
Donations: 102030
BLZ 37,020,500
Sozialbank Cologne
donation hotline: 0900 55 10 20 30 (toll free from the German fixed network)
asks the UN refugee assistance: "Help the flood victims in Pakistan":
UN Refugee
Donations 2000 8850
Sparkasse Köln-Bonn - BLZ 370 501 98
Keywords: Pakistan emergency
donations online and further information:
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
How Many Days Before Period Implantation Happens
Bruno Schillinger: Who helps a person in need?
Bruno Schillinger: Who helps a person in need?
ARGE again denied payments of unemployment benefits - very sick man in need requires urgent appeal - Schillinger: "The refusal of help, I feel as torture"
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
Freiburg / March. 11. August 2010. As early as 6 August Bruno Schillinger and his helper circuit is an urgent public appeal, asking for assistance to numerous agencies and also to local politicians and politician who dispatched. After Bruno Schillinger on a visit a few of the Working Weeks was broken, he has received a building ban in the local consortium (ARGE) in Freiburg, even as police recorded events on the ground have an emergency physician and provided to the seriously ill man in the consortium. Now Bruno Schillinger is again in need, without its specific needs aligned Nahung he needs because he suffers from diabetes mellitus and a severe allergy to light, like Hannelore Kohl, the wife of former Chancellor Helmut Kohl. The social struggle for social courts of Bruno Schillinger at the Working in Freiburg is conducted for five years.
Bruno Schillinger wanted to work, but he was not allowed. Now he is on the back payments of unemployment benefit II / Hartz 4 of the consortium in urgent need. On 6 August, Bruno Schillinger and asked his assistant circle in a public appeal for help. Photo: TV DigiSource Scotland
Bruno Schillinger and his assistant district several weeks ago have already lodged an application for payments of unemployment benefit II / Hartz 4 social payments from the previous year in April 2009 to November 2009. For unspecified reasons, the consortium refused to pay. The immediate and direct consequence: Bruno Schillinger was on the phone, the only communications medium that was him on the "outside world" still remained, he lacks the food and money to pain therapies to a specialist for severe disease and a broken rib to visit their family doctor. Even going to the consortium and the doctor could be connected to Bruno Schillinger with menacing and deadly dangers, because the light-allergy, he may only be in daylight and sunlight with the highest sun protection factors of sunscreen cream, or he is in the risk of suffering serious burns after only a few minutes the skin. The consortium and the local government authorities, the problems have long been known. The debilitating health problems and serious chronic diseases are the employees of the consortium and the authorities of the district in Freiburg, even well-known speziall come to the emergency doctor in the consortium had to Bruno Schillinger help .. For five years now, Bruno Schillinger a public dispute with the consortium on its Web site at www.kassensturz But the administration officials interested in the plight of the little man. Instead of paying the requested financial benefits accruing to the sick man by the laws and social laws in Germany, no doubt, tried the consortium and other authorities, to have twice forced the interdiction and forced psychiatrization Bruno Schillinger.
want the service, according to information from Bruno Schillinger and helper circle, take the way the administration officials and members of the consortium, by the refusal of payment of benefits and subsequent payment of claims from the year 2009 in the months of April to November, the chronic sick and disabled man, to have resulted in no fault of the man, as he informed, was in need. The absolute help-lessness, denial legally accruing to financial assistance (unemployment benefit II / Hartz) Bruno Schillinger feels as torture. It's like a reification, the infliction of pain and always a perfect agony at maintaining full awareness of the tortured man. According to international standard and definition corresponds to the torture and Bruno Schillinger finds it as torture. The complete loss of Dignity of man, the pain, the hardship, the reification help-lessness, denial of aid, although the preservation of human dignity even in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany is guaranteed.
The events recall the events of starvation of the learning-disabled 20-year André church in Speyer am Rhein, in early 2007, starved to death in Speyer am Rhein, because he and his mother did not receive social benefits. The young man was not then provide for the learning disabilities and depression to be able to submit applications to the consortium in Speyer am Rhein. The police and the ambulance service to the young man could only have died of starvation, extremely emaciated and dead in the apartment pose in Speyer am Rhein. The mother of the learning disabled young man could be saved in a hospital. The starvation a learning disabled young man in Germany was subject to a public debate in the German Bundestag.
When Bruno Schillinger in Freiburg in August of 2010, the situation is still different. He and his assistant district have made the necessary requests for additional payment, as they assure in writing several times and the problems existed solely because the consortium and other relevant municipal bodies the payment of social benefits refuse unspecified reasons.
This post and especially public assistance call in enforcement qualifying social demands would probably not have been written if the consortium and the local government officials in accordance with the laws and social laws in Germany, such as the Social Security Code, responsible had acted and would authorize the requested additional payment.
The need was in the run-preventable and is produced artificially by the refusal of a retrospective payment of social benefits from the year 2009. The strange events cost way too much social security tax and more money than if the additional payment of social benefits would be done quickly and promptly. Of course there is no sign in Freiburg citizen, otherwise some of the readers might to a poor Gotham Prank . Think
The local politicians and politicians of the parties in Freiburg are evidently at a loss and do not know might be how to react, so it works anyway, since Bruno Schillinger and his assistant district had won a number of politicians and politicians, but just of staff from municipal administration and the employment agency repeatedly infomierten writing about the plight and grievances.
The legal framework in Germany guarantee the welfare and support for chronically ill and disabled people are not only about the law on the regulation of unemployment benefits, social law-books, the Basic Law, but under the German criminal law. The Penal Code, Special Section (§ § 80-358), 28 Section - Common Hazardous offenses (§ § 306 - 323c), structure, section 323c, to render assistance is regulated, "Who in accidents or common danger or distress does not help, when required, and him the circumstances reasonably be expected to, especially without significant own risk and without violation of other important duties is possible, shall be punished with imprisonment up to one year or a fine. "
Bruno Schillinger wants no forced disenfranchisement, no forced psychiatrization and no court proceedings because of the possible failure to Help performance by members of the consortium, local administrative authorities or the Employment Agency in Nuremberg.
All the seriously ill man in need, without a proper will for diabetics appropriate food and with no financial resources, the additional payment to him under German law entitled social benefits, which means the unemployment benefit II, which he in 2009 from April to November in 2009 from unspecified reasons at that time not paid by the consortium. The very sick man, Bruno Schillinger is now looking for urgent help, and possibly the help of a lawyer who can help to ensure that the Working Group requested the payment of arrears for the months April to November 2009 as quickly as possible to pay instructs. Thus, the emergency situation of the man be stopped effectively by simple means. Perhaps even meet the letter of an attorney to Bruno Schillinger from a humiliating situation in the dispute over a simple additional payment to help from social services.
Bruno Schillinger asks who wants to help and may be asked to take contact directly with him. He is still on the phone at least receive calls. Bruno Schillinger (Bachstr. 79232 March 1st, Phone 0 76 65,930,450, email, bruno.schillinger @ or email For more and detailed information on the website of Bruno Schillinger at www.kassensturz- to find
and more detailed Information:
first Television & Radio Interview with Bruno Schillinger, Archive, Radio IBS Liberty TV, in 2009, second
More Website of Bruno Schillinger on Hartz 4,
third Review the situation of citizens newspaper Oldenburg Bruno Schillinger archive, July 2009, ... / bruno-shilling-a life-without-social-security-and-medical-supply
4th Social interview with Bruno Schillinger, MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, ... / Interview-Social-Bruno Schillinger-092
5th Left newspaper, do not Why Bruno Schillinger work? 5 years forced unemployment,
6th 5 years Hartz 4 - Blog,
7th Bruno Schillinger at You Tube,
8th Supoptimales, Dirk reason SPD district councilor offers talks,
9th Discussion and public debate on Bruno Schillinger and his father in EVS, unemployment Forum, Germany, . html
Bruno Schillinger: Who helps a person in need?
ARGE again denied payments of unemployment benefits - very sick man in need requires urgent appeal - Schillinger: "The refusal of help, I feel as torture"
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
Freiburg / March. 11. August 2010. As early as 6 August Bruno Schillinger and his helper circuit is an urgent public appeal, asking for assistance to numerous agencies and also to local politicians and politician who dispatched. After Bruno Schillinger on a visit a few of the Working Weeks was broken, he has received a building ban in the local consortium (ARGE) in Freiburg, even as police recorded events on the ground have an emergency physician and provided to the seriously ill man in the consortium. Now Bruno Schillinger is again in need, without its specific needs aligned Nahung he needs because he suffers from diabetes mellitus and a severe allergy to light, like Hannelore Kohl, the wife of former Chancellor Helmut Kohl. The social struggle for social courts of Bruno Schillinger at the Working in Freiburg is conducted for five years.

Bruno Schillinger wanted to work, but he was not allowed. Now he is on the back payments of unemployment benefit II / Hartz 4 of the consortium in urgent need. On 6 August, Bruno Schillinger and asked his assistant circle in a public appeal for help. Photo: TV DigiSource Scotland
Bruno Schillinger and his assistant district several weeks ago have already lodged an application for payments of unemployment benefit II / Hartz 4 social payments from the previous year in April 2009 to November 2009. For unspecified reasons, the consortium refused to pay. The immediate and direct consequence: Bruno Schillinger was on the phone, the only communications medium that was him on the "outside world" still remained, he lacks the food and money to pain therapies to a specialist for severe disease and a broken rib to visit their family doctor. Even going to the consortium and the doctor could be connected to Bruno Schillinger with menacing and deadly dangers, because the light-allergy, he may only be in daylight and sunlight with the highest sun protection factors of sunscreen cream, or he is in the risk of suffering serious burns after only a few minutes the skin. The consortium and the local government authorities, the problems have long been known. The debilitating health problems and serious chronic diseases are the employees of the consortium and the authorities of the district in Freiburg, even well-known speziall come to the emergency doctor in the consortium had to Bruno Schillinger help .. For five years now, Bruno Schillinger a public dispute with the consortium on its Web site at www.kassensturz But the administration officials interested in the plight of the little man. Instead of paying the requested financial benefits accruing to the sick man by the laws and social laws in Germany, no doubt, tried the consortium and other authorities, to have twice forced the interdiction and forced psychiatrization Bruno Schillinger.
want the service, according to information from Bruno Schillinger and helper circle, take the way the administration officials and members of the consortium, by the refusal of payment of benefits and subsequent payment of claims from the year 2009 in the months of April to November, the chronic sick and disabled man, to have resulted in no fault of the man, as he informed, was in need. The absolute help-lessness, denial legally accruing to financial assistance (unemployment benefit II / Hartz) Bruno Schillinger feels as torture. It's like a reification, the infliction of pain and always a perfect agony at maintaining full awareness of the tortured man. According to international standard and definition corresponds to the torture and Bruno Schillinger finds it as torture. The complete loss of Dignity of man, the pain, the hardship, the reification help-lessness, denial of aid, although the preservation of human dignity even in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany is guaranteed.
The events recall the events of starvation of the learning-disabled 20-year André church in Speyer am Rhein, in early 2007, starved to death in Speyer am Rhein, because he and his mother did not receive social benefits. The young man was not then provide for the learning disabilities and depression to be able to submit applications to the consortium in Speyer am Rhein. The police and the ambulance service to the young man could only have died of starvation, extremely emaciated and dead in the apartment pose in Speyer am Rhein. The mother of the learning disabled young man could be saved in a hospital. The starvation a learning disabled young man in Germany was subject to a public debate in the German Bundestag.
When Bruno Schillinger in Freiburg in August of 2010, the situation is still different. He and his assistant district have made the necessary requests for additional payment, as they assure in writing several times and the problems existed solely because the consortium and other relevant municipal bodies the payment of social benefits refuse unspecified reasons.
This post and especially public assistance call in enforcement qualifying social demands would probably not have been written if the consortium and the local government officials in accordance with the laws and social laws in Germany, such as the Social Security Code, responsible had acted and would authorize the requested additional payment.
The need was in the run-preventable and is produced artificially by the refusal of a retrospective payment of social benefits from the year 2009. The strange events cost way too much social security tax and more money than if the additional payment of social benefits would be done quickly and promptly. Of course there is no sign in Freiburg citizen, otherwise some of the readers might to a poor Gotham Prank . Think
The local politicians and politicians of the parties in Freiburg are evidently at a loss and do not know might be how to react, so it works anyway, since Bruno Schillinger and his assistant district had won a number of politicians and politicians, but just of staff from municipal administration and the employment agency repeatedly infomierten writing about the plight and grievances.
The legal framework in Germany guarantee the welfare and support for chronically ill and disabled people are not only about the law on the regulation of unemployment benefits, social law-books, the Basic Law, but under the German criminal law. The Penal Code, Special Section (§ § 80-358), 28 Section - Common Hazardous offenses (§ § 306 - 323c), structure, section 323c, to render assistance is regulated, "Who in accidents or common danger or distress does not help, when required, and him the circumstances reasonably be expected to, especially without significant own risk and without violation of other important duties is possible, shall be punished with imprisonment up to one year or a fine. "
Bruno Schillinger wants no forced disenfranchisement, no forced psychiatrization and no court proceedings because of the possible failure to Help performance by members of the consortium, local administrative authorities or the Employment Agency in Nuremberg.
All the seriously ill man in need, without a proper will for diabetics appropriate food and with no financial resources, the additional payment to him under German law entitled social benefits, which means the unemployment benefit II, which he in 2009 from April to November in 2009 from unspecified reasons at that time not paid by the consortium. The very sick man, Bruno Schillinger is now looking for urgent help, and possibly the help of a lawyer who can help to ensure that the Working Group requested the payment of arrears for the months April to November 2009 as quickly as possible to pay instructs. Thus, the emergency situation of the man be stopped effectively by simple means. Perhaps even meet the letter of an attorney to Bruno Schillinger from a humiliating situation in the dispute over a simple additional payment to help from social services.
Bruno Schillinger asks who wants to help and may be asked to take contact directly with him. He is still on the phone at least receive calls. Bruno Schillinger (Bachstr. 79232 March 1st, Phone 0 76 65,930,450, email, bruno.schillinger @ or email For more and detailed information on the website of Bruno Schillinger at www.kassensturz- to find
and more detailed Information:
first Television & Radio Interview with Bruno Schillinger, Archive, Radio IBS Liberty TV, in 2009, second
More Website of Bruno Schillinger on Hartz 4,
third Review the situation of citizens newspaper Oldenburg Bruno Schillinger archive, July 2009, ... / bruno-shilling-a life-without-social-security-and-medical-supply
4th Social interview with Bruno Schillinger, MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, ... / Interview-Social-Bruno Schillinger-092
5th Left newspaper, do not Why Bruno Schillinger work? 5 years forced unemployment,
6th 5 years Hartz 4 - Blog,
7th Bruno Schillinger at You Tube,
8th Supoptimales, Dirk reason SPD district councilor offers talks,
9th Discussion and public debate on Bruno Schillinger and his father in EVS, unemployment Forum, Germany, . html
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Card Game Similar To Frustration
Love Parade: The city allowed a funeral up to six weeks
Love Parade: The city allowed a funeral on up to six weeks
Public expressions of grief and condolence Tunnels are only to 4 September possible - commemorative event on 4 September
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot.
Duisburg. 11. August 2010. The city of Duisburg allowed the grieving people in the city after the disaster at the Love Parade which resulted after a stampede 21 people were killed and more than 500 people were injured, some seriously a sadness and condolences at the Karl-Lehr-road at the tunnel at where the accident happened, only to 4 September 2010. After six weeks you should be, the planners of the city, an end to the mourning of the people at the site of the accident.
health experts and psychologists know from experience in dealing with grieving people that do not particularly after severe traumatic stresses on the psyche and the soul of man the time of the funeral of people can be timed by Regulation. The grief of people, especially from people whose relatives were killed can take weeks to months, usually lasting even years. This includes the sometimes highly traumatized people who were seriously injured or had a near-death experience, which means people who escaped death in the disaster just barely. People at a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnosed often need years to tackle one or more traumatic crisis situations in life or to live long not be cured.
Nevertheless, the city of Duisburg the tunnel after six weeks open it to traffic. At the time of Karl-Lehr-tunnel is still closed to traffic.
The sea of messages, pictures, flowers, angel figurines, candles and other gifts of grief-speaks volumes for itself. Many people need a place to go to them and grieve together with other people, can also be related to the tunnel.
also know the planners of the city of Duisburg and it will now give an alternative place of grief and possible joint meeting for the affected, injured and traumatized people in Duisburg. In a glass cube, the size of a container, to the gifts of grief-grieving people are gathered. The grief-gifts-cube is, the plans are set up in the Inner Harbour next to the Culture and City Historical Museum. To this end, the Citizens' group memory "has decided. For the traffic of the tunnel is on 4 September is released. The official mourning period of six weeks, then be terminated.
looking for a place for a memorial site
The spokesman for the city of Duisburg, Frank Kopatscheck informed that the funeral-cube-gifts have transparent acrylic walls with a length of about 6.50 and a height and width of around 2.50 meters.
On 4 September there will be another commemorative event. After this commemorative event, people are asked to candles, to make angel figurines, plush animals, letters, sorrow loops and other funeral gifts-even in the glass cube. It is unclear, however, today the long run, be related to how long the cube next to the museum. The search for a suitable memorial place for the 21 people killed and more than 500 injured people after the Love Parade disaster is still ongoing.
Duisburg commemorates the victims of the Love Parade parties
After the commemorative event on 4 September is the Karl-Lehr-tunnel, a commemorative plaque installed. The size of the memorial plaque is at least 70 by 100 centimeters, said the city spokesman Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR). The text for the inscription reads: "Duisburg commemorates the victims of the Love Parade.
on the establishment of the planned memorial site the artists from Duisburg to be involved. No later than one year after the disaster on 24 July 2010 was to the memorial site can be opened. To find a suitable location for the memorial site, the initiative plans fundraising funeral march a public competitive tendering.
Love Parade: The city allowed a funeral on up to six weeks
Public expressions of grief and condolence Tunnels are only to 4 September possible - commemorative event on 4 September
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot.
Duisburg. 11. August 2010. The city of Duisburg allowed the grieving people in the city after the disaster at the Love Parade which resulted after a stampede 21 people were killed and more than 500 people were injured, some seriously a sadness and condolences at the Karl-Lehr-road at the tunnel at where the accident happened, only to 4 September 2010. After six weeks you should be, the planners of the city, an end to the mourning of the people at the site of the accident.
health experts and psychologists know from experience in dealing with grieving people that do not particularly after severe traumatic stresses on the psyche and the soul of man the time of the funeral of people can be timed by Regulation. The grief of people, especially from people whose relatives were killed can take weeks to months, usually lasting even years. This includes the sometimes highly traumatized people who were seriously injured or had a near-death experience, which means people who escaped death in the disaster just barely. People at a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnosed often need years to tackle one or more traumatic crisis situations in life or to live long not be cured.
Nevertheless, the city of Duisburg the tunnel after six weeks open it to traffic. At the time of Karl-Lehr-tunnel is still closed to traffic.
The sea of messages, pictures, flowers, angel figurines, candles and other gifts of grief-speaks volumes for itself. Many people need a place to go to them and grieve together with other people, can also be related to the tunnel.
also know the planners of the city of Duisburg and it will now give an alternative place of grief and possible joint meeting for the affected, injured and traumatized people in Duisburg. In a glass cube, the size of a container, to the gifts of grief-grieving people are gathered. The grief-gifts-cube is, the plans are set up in the Inner Harbour next to the Culture and City Historical Museum. To this end, the Citizens' group memory "has decided. For the traffic of the tunnel is on 4 September is released. The official mourning period of six weeks, then be terminated.
looking for a place for a memorial site
The spokesman for the city of Duisburg, Frank Kopatscheck informed that the funeral-cube-gifts have transparent acrylic walls with a length of about 6.50 and a height and width of around 2.50 meters.
On 4 September there will be another commemorative event. After this commemorative event, people are asked to candles, to make angel figurines, plush animals, letters, sorrow loops and other funeral gifts-even in the glass cube. It is unclear, however, today the long run, be related to how long the cube next to the museum. The search for a suitable memorial place for the 21 people killed and more than 500 injured people after the Love Parade disaster is still ongoing.
Duisburg commemorates the victims of the Love Parade parties
After the commemorative event on 4 September is the Karl-Lehr-tunnel, a commemorative plaque installed. The size of the memorial plaque is at least 70 by 100 centimeters, said the city spokesman Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR). The text for the inscription reads: "Duisburg commemorates the victims of the Love Parade.
on the establishment of the planned memorial site the artists from Duisburg to be involved. No later than one year after the disaster on 24 July 2010 was to the memorial site can be opened. To find a suitable location for the memorial site, the initiative plans fundraising funeral march a public competitive tendering.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
I Woke Up And My Knee Started Hurting
documentation: Love Parade - do the driving in the death
documentation: Love Parade - Drifting in the death of
Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
Duisburg. 9. August 2010. Two weeks and were on the second Saturday killed after the disaster of the Love Parade in Duisburg which resulted after a stampede 21 young people and more than 500 people were injured, some seriously, in a joint work of the international Jewish-Christian John Baptist Mission of Togo , international news and mission Magazines MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, the free Association and the international media project of Human Rights Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters of the first part of a multi-part documentary called "Love Parade - Drifting in the death" was published with 44 pages been.
The documentation in other parts of a documentary series will continue, especially so because the network of possible false decisions in the security concept in the run-up to the Love Parade in Duisburg, which may lead to disaster, yet can not be resolved clearly. The investigation teams of police officers from the police in Cologne as well as several prosecutors in Cologne and Duisburg take the time ongoing. On the weekend but further details were announced, showing that the Lord Mayor of Duisburg, Adolf Sauerland (CDU), but should have been informed prior to the Love Parade security concerns, but wanted the international Publishers Association of possible speculation for not participating much. Nevertheless, it is important to provide some critical questions, even if they are in the range of speculation, because the evidence was in the public by investigating authorities and courts have not yet presented. The publication of the second part of the documentary series is already planned for August 2010. In the first part of the documentation also developing a planned charity charity music CD and planned radio and television documentary is presented, with the families of the 21 people killed, more than 500 injured people and 493 000 people in the city Duisburg will be helped.
The documentation "MJB Mission magazine. Love Parade - Drifting in the death is an Internet-magazine-issue and as a PDF magazine edition appeared with the ISSN number 1999-8414 and charged. Reason: As many of the people killed, more students were and many of the friends are students who typically have little financial resources, says the money, the access should be possible also allows for the less economically well-off people. Therefore, the publication of the 44seitigen documentation for an international Creative Commons Share Alike was released free of charge.
media data to document:
Title: Love Parade - Drifting in the death
magazine: MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414
Pages: 44 pages, A4
Edition: 1 Edition, July / August 2010
Format: A4, PDF, Internet, first part of a documentary series
Author: Andreas Klamm - Sabaot, French-German journalist, radio journalist, writer, author of 9 published books, radio and television Producer
Publisher: John Baptist Mission of Togo,, Liberty and Peace NOW, MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414
ISSN: 1999-8414
Price: free, creative commons, license, share alike, international
Available at: / music-aid duisburg.htm , , .
on the website in the coming days to an online press conference with further background information on the planned production of a radio and television documentary and a charity charity Music - CD invited.
There are still musicians, artists, singers, choirs, music publishers and publishers from all over Germany looking to the project are willing to support that the families of the 21 people killed, the more to help people and injured over 500 people in the city of Duisburg, by the way next to the donation, which is certainly a good help to participate in an active help in the production of a charity documentary and music CD.
Further information can also and the international Jewish-Christian John Baptist Mission of Togo (John the Baptist Mission of Togo), an international mission for social development including by email: be requested and are also found online at .
documentation: Love Parade - Drifting in the death of
Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
Duisburg. 9. August 2010. Two weeks and were on the second Saturday killed after the disaster of the Love Parade in Duisburg which resulted after a stampede 21 young people and more than 500 people were injured, some seriously, in a joint work of the international Jewish-Christian John Baptist Mission of Togo , international news and mission Magazines MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, the free Association and the international media project of Human Rights Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters of the first part of a multi-part documentary called "Love Parade - Drifting in the death" was published with 44 pages been.
The documentation in other parts of a documentary series will continue, especially so because the network of possible false decisions in the security concept in the run-up to the Love Parade in Duisburg, which may lead to disaster, yet can not be resolved clearly. The investigation teams of police officers from the police in Cologne as well as several prosecutors in Cologne and Duisburg take the time ongoing. On the weekend but further details were announced, showing that the Lord Mayor of Duisburg, Adolf Sauerland (CDU), but should have been informed prior to the Love Parade security concerns, but wanted the international Publishers Association of possible speculation for not participating much. Nevertheless, it is important to provide some critical questions, even if they are in the range of speculation, because the evidence was in the public by investigating authorities and courts have not yet presented. The publication of the second part of the documentary series is already planned for August 2010. In the first part of the documentation also developing a planned charity charity music CD and planned radio and television documentary is presented, with the families of the 21 people killed, more than 500 injured people and 493 000 people in the city Duisburg will be helped.
The documentation "MJB Mission magazine. Love Parade - Drifting in the death is an Internet-magazine-issue and as a PDF magazine edition appeared with the ISSN number 1999-8414 and charged. Reason: As many of the people killed, more students were and many of the friends are students who typically have little financial resources, says the money, the access should be possible also allows for the less economically well-off people. Therefore, the publication of the 44seitigen documentation for an international Creative Commons Share Alike was released free of charge.
media data to document:
Title: Love Parade - Drifting in the death
magazine: MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414
Pages: 44 pages, A4
Edition: 1 Edition, July / August 2010
Format: A4, PDF, Internet, first part of a documentary series
Author: Andreas Klamm - Sabaot, French-German journalist, radio journalist, writer, author of 9 published books, radio and television Producer
Publisher: John Baptist Mission of Togo,, Liberty and Peace NOW, MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414
ISSN: 1999-8414
Price: free, creative commons, license, share alike, international
Available at: / music-aid duisburg.htm , , .
on the website in the coming days to an online press conference with further background information on the planned production of a radio and television documentary and a charity charity Music - CD invited.
There are still musicians, artists, singers, choirs, music publishers and publishers from all over Germany looking to the project are willing to support that the families of the 21 people killed, the more to help people and injured over 500 people in the city of Duisburg, by the way next to the donation, which is certainly a good help to participate in an active help in the production of a charity documentary and music CD.
Further information can also and the international Jewish-Christian John Baptist Mission of Togo (John the Baptist Mission of Togo), an international mission for social development including by email: be requested and are also found online at .
Saturday, August 7, 2010
How To View Ip Camera On Tv
flood alert in eastern Saxony
flood alert in eastern Saxony
have floods Germany reached - 3 people killed in Germany - more people in Poland and the Czech victims of the floods - people set up a phone - High-level alarm in the Saxon Switzerland and Görlitz
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
Chemnitz. 8. August 2010. In parts of East Saxony, Goerlitz, and the Saxon Switzerland is high-level alarm. For people living along the river Neisse a citizen phone was set up. The citizen's phone is available for telephone 035 88 2859 41 and phone 03 588 28 59 40th
The daily show and other media report on three people killed in Germany. Three retirees, a married couple the age of 72 to 74, and another resident at the age of 63 years apparently tried in the basement of a Mehrfamlienhauses bring a washing machine safe. Apparently surprised by the waters of the flood and the residents expressed a door in the basement of the house. The fire department was able to recover the three people in Neukirchen near Chemnitz just dead. In the Czech Republic and Poland according to information from the fire killed three other people. Total may have been killed in the aftermath of the flood-tide up to eight people. The capital city of Warsaw in Poland was flooded after heavy rain in part.
Minister Mark Ulbig (CDU Saxony) wanted to take a picture of the situation in the disaster area. In the Program "Daily Themes" said the interior ministers of a "very serious situation." His journey could not continue with the interior minister because of the water masses in the wake of the flood. The people should pay to the instructions of emergency personnel must be followed. The situation remains tense on the Neisse River, especially after Poland were Radomjejize a dam wall to the pressure of the flood has not held up and was broken.
In Görlitz disaster alert was declared. Part of Zittau and Ostritz were evacuated. A retirement home, where many people, residents and nurses were trapped for several hours could, in the evening with a large contingent of police, fire and Workers of the Technical Relief (THW) to be evacuated.
Minister Mark Ulbig warns people that they may still should set "to worse in the region." An eyewitness reported that he was in a pharmacy, was caught after returning from the flood and could not return to his house. With a level of over seven meters could be a historical peak achieved by the new high-water floods in Poland and Germany.
is partially failed power supply and in some places, the supply of the power is switched off as a precaution. The houses were evacuated as far as possible. In part, more than 800 people were evacuated tube boats. A spokesman for the Interior of Saxony advised people if need be higher floors of houses to use in order to temporarily escape to safety.
In Brandenburg also prepare people for an impending flood. Will initially contain the security level applies second In Dresden, the level should stand at the same be now risen to four meters. The level could reach a level of up to six meters on the evening of next Monday, warned the authorities. A new century will flood in the Elbe River city of Dresden is not expected, however.
flood alert in eastern Saxony
have floods Germany reached - 3 people killed in Germany - more people in Poland and the Czech victims of the floods - people set up a phone - High-level alarm in the Saxon Switzerland and Görlitz
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
Chemnitz. 8. August 2010. In parts of East Saxony, Goerlitz, and the Saxon Switzerland is high-level alarm. For people living along the river Neisse a citizen phone was set up. The citizen's phone is available for telephone 035 88 2859 41 and phone 03 588 28 59 40th
The daily show and other media report on three people killed in Germany. Three retirees, a married couple the age of 72 to 74, and another resident at the age of 63 years apparently tried in the basement of a Mehrfamlienhauses bring a washing machine safe. Apparently surprised by the waters of the flood and the residents expressed a door in the basement of the house. The fire department was able to recover the three people in Neukirchen near Chemnitz just dead. In the Czech Republic and Poland according to information from the fire killed three other people. Total may have been killed in the aftermath of the flood-tide up to eight people. The capital city of Warsaw in Poland was flooded after heavy rain in part.
Minister Mark Ulbig (CDU Saxony) wanted to take a picture of the situation in the disaster area. In the Program "Daily Themes" said the interior ministers of a "very serious situation." His journey could not continue with the interior minister because of the water masses in the wake of the flood. The people should pay to the instructions of emergency personnel must be followed. The situation remains tense on the Neisse River, especially after Poland were Radomjejize a dam wall to the pressure of the flood has not held up and was broken.
In Görlitz disaster alert was declared. Part of Zittau and Ostritz were evacuated. A retirement home, where many people, residents and nurses were trapped for several hours could, in the evening with a large contingent of police, fire and Workers of the Technical Relief (THW) to be evacuated.
Minister Mark Ulbig warns people that they may still should set "to worse in the region." An eyewitness reported that he was in a pharmacy, was caught after returning from the flood and could not return to his house. With a level of over seven meters could be a historical peak achieved by the new high-water floods in Poland and Germany.
is partially failed power supply and in some places, the supply of the power is switched off as a precaution. The houses were evacuated as far as possible. In part, more than 800 people were evacuated tube boats. A spokesman for the Interior of Saxony advised people if need be higher floors of houses to use in order to temporarily escape to safety.
In Brandenburg also prepare people for an impending flood. Will initially contain the security level applies second In Dresden, the level should stand at the same be now risen to four meters. The level could reach a level of up to six meters on the evening of next Monday, warned the authorities. A new century will flood in the Elbe River city of Dresden is not expected, however.
Chestsitting And Bouncing
Love Parade victims and family members act together
Love Parade victims and family members do together act
father a 16 year student recommended for injured people and affected family members: Solidarity action - "Together we are strong" - possibly a long court processes and investigations
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
Duisburg. 5. August 2010. After the Love Parade in Duisburg at the catastrophe which resulted in 24th July 2010, 21 young people were killed and more than 500 people were seriously injured, Jürgen Hagemann and his wife initiated the action of solidarity action by relatives and concerned people who have come to grief at the disaster or even worse, lost loved ones have.
The couple are parents of a 16 year old daughter, who was injured at the Love Parade. The 16 year old student had to spend a week in hospital. In Germany, the legislator may not, as in the United States of America, the possibility of a class action, but his father believes, nevertheless, help that a collection process and joint action for the legitimate interests of the members concerned and affected people may claims for damages and compensation for pain and suffering in the complex proceedings before the German courts to enforce and to call for.
be developed or a out of court settlement or a comparison. The disasters the flight crashes at Ramstein and the train disaster in Eschede have not shown that the survivors and people affected often in several years of judicial processes to the compensation but also to the recovery of costs for physicians, hospitals, emergency services and port-treatments complaints need to find at least some law and justice in Germany after disasters. At least 15 to 20 participants are needed for a collective process. Could find the father now, but he is continuing to seek further injured and affected people who want to help together to demand damage compensation and damages, claims and maintain.
Former Federal Interior Minister Gerhart Baum and lawyer from the law firm Baum, Reiter & colleagues, in a press release (as reported) his support for the bereaved and stricken people said yes. The lawyer is a fully professional in the complex field of the representation of victims after disasters and major loss events. He sat down already for the interests of Ramstein victims and the victims of the Concorde plane crash one. A collection method provides the ability to stress, risks and costs of action for several shoulders to distribute, even if all the affected people individually and separately to sue for their rights and claims in the courts. According
Gerhart Baum, lawyer of the investigations to clarify the liability issues and related to intervention by the liability insurance from its experience gained will last for years. The lawyer advises interested parties to unite for the establishment and enforcement of claims of compensation. With the collective, it was possible the necessary pressure on the leaders and possibly the investigation authorities to maintain. Together it is possible to achieve more.
The victim should urgently sign a detailed memory protocol, should be included in the important details about what time at what point of these events have been had and note the names of any witnesses. It is also important accurate documentation in reports, medical reports, results and photos of the injuries suffered, pain, distress.
for physical and psychological damage and impairment of all physician should be concerned and affected people can also give medical certificates. More specifically, should be even a day or book a kind of sickness, health and healing protocol cause. An event log or diary can also help to demonstrate late sequelae.
For the relatives of the 21 people killed these logs are just as important as in the course of grief, shock, and forget the history of the events often fade, accurate and important details in judicial processes then often can not be described by relatives.
The survivors should also incurred costs such as transfer of deceased persons, funeral or income-loss record. The documentation should be initiated early as possible, so that loss of relevant evidence and details are not lost or forgotten.
detailed information on the initiative of a collective process of interested and affected people of the Love Parade disaster in the Internet at to find.
more detailed instructions and information:
first Federal Interior Minister Gerhart Baum retired,
second - Blog,
Love Parade victims and family members do together act
father a 16 year student recommended for injured people and affected family members: Solidarity action - "Together we are strong" - possibly a long court processes and investigations
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
Duisburg. 5. August 2010. After the Love Parade in Duisburg at the catastrophe which resulted in 24th July 2010, 21 young people were killed and more than 500 people were seriously injured, Jürgen Hagemann and his wife initiated the action of solidarity action by relatives and concerned people who have come to grief at the disaster or even worse, lost loved ones have.
The couple are parents of a 16 year old daughter, who was injured at the Love Parade. The 16 year old student had to spend a week in hospital. In Germany, the legislator may not, as in the United States of America, the possibility of a class action, but his father believes, nevertheless, help that a collection process and joint action for the legitimate interests of the members concerned and affected people may claims for damages and compensation for pain and suffering in the complex proceedings before the German courts to enforce and to call for.
be developed or a out of court settlement or a comparison. The disasters the flight crashes at Ramstein and the train disaster in Eschede have not shown that the survivors and people affected often in several years of judicial processes to the compensation but also to the recovery of costs for physicians, hospitals, emergency services and port-treatments complaints need to find at least some law and justice in Germany after disasters. At least 15 to 20 participants are needed for a collective process. Could find the father now, but he is continuing to seek further injured and affected people who want to help together to demand damage compensation and damages, claims and maintain.
Former Federal Interior Minister Gerhart Baum and lawyer from the law firm Baum, Reiter & colleagues, in a press release (as reported) his support for the bereaved and stricken people said yes. The lawyer is a fully professional in the complex field of the representation of victims after disasters and major loss events. He sat down already for the interests of Ramstein victims and the victims of the Concorde plane crash one. A collection method provides the ability to stress, risks and costs of action for several shoulders to distribute, even if all the affected people individually and separately to sue for their rights and claims in the courts. According
Gerhart Baum, lawyer of the investigations to clarify the liability issues and related to intervention by the liability insurance from its experience gained will last for years. The lawyer advises interested parties to unite for the establishment and enforcement of claims of compensation. With the collective, it was possible the necessary pressure on the leaders and possibly the investigation authorities to maintain. Together it is possible to achieve more.
The victim should urgently sign a detailed memory protocol, should be included in the important details about what time at what point of these events have been had and note the names of any witnesses. It is also important accurate documentation in reports, medical reports, results and photos of the injuries suffered, pain, distress.
for physical and psychological damage and impairment of all physician should be concerned and affected people can also give medical certificates. More specifically, should be even a day or book a kind of sickness, health and healing protocol cause. An event log or diary can also help to demonstrate late sequelae.
For the relatives of the 21 people killed these logs are just as important as in the course of grief, shock, and forget the history of the events often fade, accurate and important details in judicial processes then often can not be described by relatives.
The survivors should also incurred costs such as transfer of deceased persons, funeral or income-loss record. The documentation should be initiated early as possible, so that loss of relevant evidence and details are not lost or forgotten.
detailed information on the initiative of a collective process of interested and affected people of the Love Parade disaster in the Internet at to find.
more detailed instructions and information:
first Federal Interior Minister Gerhart Baum retired,
second - Blog,
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Elizabeth Bathory Prayer
server down the John Baptist Mission of Togo
server down the John Baptist Mission of Togo
London / New York / Berlin. 5. August 2010 (and). For reasons not yet known is the main server of the international Jewish-Christian John Baptist Mission of Togo (John the Baptist Mission of Togo), representation in Germany, representing the UK, for social mission Development failed again during the day and night.
people who want to participate in the music charity project to help the relatives of the 21 people killed and more than 500 injured people in the wake of the Love Parade disaster in Duisburg are requested to the addresses: www.regionalhilfe. de , , or alternatively to the address avoid.
Detailed information about the proposed project, the production of a charity music CD are at and to find / mjbnews .
The cause of the repeated failure of the server for several days is not known.
Unfortunately, the online bible editions are not available.
Not An alternative site on the Internet was published therefore . There, the online Bible in four languages are available.
server down the John Baptist Mission of Togo
London / New York / Berlin. 5. August 2010 (and). For reasons not yet known is the main server of the international Jewish-Christian John Baptist Mission of Togo (John the Baptist Mission of Togo), representation in Germany, representing the UK, for social mission Development failed again during the day and night.
people who want to participate in the music charity project to help the relatives of the 21 people killed and more than 500 injured people in the wake of the Love Parade disaster in Duisburg are requested to the addresses: www.regionalhilfe. de , , or alternatively to the address avoid.
Detailed information about the proposed project, the production of a charity music CD are at and to find / mjbnews .
The cause of the repeated failure of the server for several days is not known.
Unfortunately, the online bible editions are not available.
Not An alternative site on the Internet was published therefore . There, the online Bible in four languages are available.
Interview Questions Equity Dealer Job
We provide assistance for Love Parade victims
We provide help for victims of Love Parade
entrepreneur Sergio Pino, "We want to help non-bureaucratic and not wait until managers are held accountable" - joint stock company from Dusseldorf plans to help Victims of the Love Parade
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
Duisburg. 4. August 2010. Sergio Pino is board chairman of state-WGF AG, which stands for the Westphalian property and finance-Verwaltungs-AG in Dusseldorf. The disaster of the Love Parade on Saturday 24 July 2010, as a consequence, 21 people were killed and more than 500 people were injured moves, including the Executive Chairman of the corporation to act. He wants the affected, especially young people, red tape with the newly established relief funds, we help provide assistance eV.
Sergio Pino said: "We are shocked about what happened here in our immediate neighborhood is. And we do not stand by and wait until those responsible are held accountable for this tragedy to justice. Rather, we agree with our staff and our entire Board that here soon - and especially red tape -. Must be helped "
The victims now need urgent help. Sergio Pino and have therefore decided more committed people to quickly make money available and to call for further donations, the company said in a notice to the press. The victims of the Love Parade disaster in Duisburg and their families should be helped quickly. The effects relate in particular many young people, "for Part hardship cases, where no two social network does not have insurance or pay. "Therefore, we have provided the relief fund of 30,000 € as a baseline and set up a donations account.
account for donations to victims of the Love Parade 2010 24 07 10 400
German bank sort code 350 700 30
lawyer Ferdinand Dahl's Dusseldorf from the fiduciary oversight for the relief fund has taken over. The lawyer should provide a short-term distribution of the donation money without deduction of any costs of administration. A press spokesman for the company confirmed on request of our editorial, that only seven people in terms of help to have the new auxiliary fund e. V. We help provide requested. We help people also viewed as victims, witnesses of the events in Duisburg were "victims - those are not the only family members of people killed and injured people, but also the volunteers, the horrible pictures, which provided them with have now have to process. ".
The AXA insurance group and the Lopavent GmbH, organizers of the Love Parade with director Rainer Schaller, have on 29 July 2010 an emergency fund for the victims of the Love Parade set. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia provides financial assistance in an emergency relief fund for the relatives of the 21 people killed and injured more than 500 people since 3 August 2010 (as reported). is
Another new and possible assistance from the offer now the Executive Chairman of the WGF AG in Dusseldorf, Sergio Pino, based private relief funds, we ready to provide assistance eV.
contact for information on the initiative of the company and the auxiliary fund, we provide assistance eV, Dr. Heinrich is Raatschen, (Phone 0211 68777-168, we assist eV, Vogel path 111, 40470 Dusseldorf, email: sara. The chair for the auxiliary fund has taken over the Executive Chairman of the WGF AG, Sergio Pino, the office of the second Chairman the Raffaele Lino and the office of treasurer Paul Zimmer true.
The company, the WGF Westphalian estate and financial Management Inc. describes itself as a real estate trading and investment company based in Dusseldorf. The company was founded in 2003. The WGF Financial Group has consolidated across nearly 100 employees. Its core business is the Germany-wide acquisition of property, the value and optimize the profitable sale of portfolio. With their mortgage bonds, the WGF AG German market leader
information on the new private aid funds, we provide aid association shall be made on the web at www.we-to-find
details and further information:
first € 1 million, instant-aid fund of the AXA insurance and the Lopavent GmbH (Berlin), since 29 July 2010,
second € 1 million, relief fund of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, since 3 August 2010,
third We assist e. V., the initiative of the Executive Chairman of the WGF AG, Dusseldorf, Sergio Pino, Dusseldorf afford, fourth
Information and press release WGF AG, [tt_news] = 1768 & cHash = da3672735fc6bf52ed7f4b4a06e4343e
We provide help for victims of Love Parade
entrepreneur Sergio Pino, "We want to help non-bureaucratic and not wait until managers are held accountable" - joint stock company from Dusseldorf plans to help Victims of the Love Parade
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
Duisburg. 4. August 2010. Sergio Pino is board chairman of state-WGF AG, which stands for the Westphalian property and finance-Verwaltungs-AG in Dusseldorf. The disaster of the Love Parade on Saturday 24 July 2010, as a consequence, 21 people were killed and more than 500 people were injured moves, including the Executive Chairman of the corporation to act. He wants the affected, especially young people, red tape with the newly established relief funds, we help provide assistance eV.
Sergio Pino said: "We are shocked about what happened here in our immediate neighborhood is. And we do not stand by and wait until those responsible are held accountable for this tragedy to justice. Rather, we agree with our staff and our entire Board that here soon - and especially red tape -. Must be helped "
The victims now need urgent help. Sergio Pino and have therefore decided more committed people to quickly make money available and to call for further donations, the company said in a notice to the press. The victims of the Love Parade disaster in Duisburg and their families should be helped quickly. The effects relate in particular many young people, "for Part hardship cases, where no two social network does not have insurance or pay. "Therefore, we have provided the relief fund of 30,000 € as a baseline and set up a donations account.
account for donations to victims of the Love Parade 2010 24 07 10 400
German bank sort code 350 700 30
lawyer Ferdinand Dahl's Dusseldorf from the fiduciary oversight for the relief fund has taken over. The lawyer should provide a short-term distribution of the donation money without deduction of any costs of administration. A press spokesman for the company confirmed on request of our editorial, that only seven people in terms of help to have the new auxiliary fund e. V. We help provide requested. We help people also viewed as victims, witnesses of the events in Duisburg were "victims - those are not the only family members of people killed and injured people, but also the volunteers, the horrible pictures, which provided them with have now have to process. ".
The AXA insurance group and the Lopavent GmbH, organizers of the Love Parade with director Rainer Schaller, have on 29 July 2010 an emergency fund for the victims of the Love Parade set. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia provides financial assistance in an emergency relief fund for the relatives of the 21 people killed and injured more than 500 people since 3 August 2010 (as reported). is
Another new and possible assistance from the offer now the Executive Chairman of the WGF AG in Dusseldorf, Sergio Pino, based private relief funds, we ready to provide assistance eV.
contact for information on the initiative of the company and the auxiliary fund, we provide assistance eV, Dr. Heinrich is Raatschen, (Phone 0211 68777-168, we assist eV, Vogel path 111, 40470 Dusseldorf, email: sara. The chair for the auxiliary fund has taken over the Executive Chairman of the WGF AG, Sergio Pino, the office of the second Chairman the Raffaele Lino and the office of treasurer Paul Zimmer true.
The company, the WGF Westphalian estate and financial Management Inc. describes itself as a real estate trading and investment company based in Dusseldorf. The company was founded in 2003. The WGF Financial Group has consolidated across nearly 100 employees. Its core business is the Germany-wide acquisition of property, the value and optimize the profitable sale of portfolio. With their mortgage bonds, the WGF AG German market leader
information on the new private aid funds, we provide aid association shall be made on the web at www.we-to-find
details and further information:
first € 1 million, instant-aid fund of the AXA insurance and the Lopavent GmbH (Berlin), since 29 July 2010,
second € 1 million, relief fund of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, since 3 August 2010,
third We assist e. V., the initiative of the Executive Chairman of the WGF AG, Dusseldorf, Sergio Pino, Dusseldorf afford, fourth
Information and press release WGF AG, [tt_news] = 1768 & cHash = da3672735fc6bf52ed7f4b4a06e4343e
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
How To Make A Draft Excluder Blog
help the state government for the victims of the Love Parade disaster
help the state government for the victims of the Love Parade disaster
victim support can apply to the state government - the diocese and DRC directed donation accounts for the Love Parade victim a - Two emergency aid fund first aid
afford By Andreas Klamm
Duisburg / Dusseldorf. 3. August 2010. Nine days after the disaster at the Love Parade which resulted in 21 people were killed and more than 500 people were injured, some seriously is, now the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia, the sum of one million € as an initial emergency assistance to the victims of the Love Parade ready reports The news portal "The West". With the money from the emergency relief fund should the worst affected, damaged or injured people to help in the wake of the Love Parade disaster.
The memorial and funeral service on Saturday, said the prime minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Hannelore Kraft (49, SPD): "in the face of death is hard to find words.". The lives of young people has been cruelly and abruptly terminated. These young people had been taken from their "hopes and dreams of their future plans, family and friends circles. They had their whole future ahead of him. ". A lot of people living empfänden yet the impotence, "because they have not been able to help.". Many people are traumatized in the face of terrible memories. Shaken were also millions of people who have become witnesses of the disaster through the media. "You all, and not least to ourselves we owe it to clear up what happened and completely incomprehensible. The man, his welfare and safety must again be the most important guideline for our actions, above all other motives. "Added Hannah force. The Prime Minister thanked the emergency services and all those people who have made selfless "silent support". Hannelore Kraft promised to the families and injured people also: "You are not alone!" and promised a fast, non-bureaucratic and human assistance.
relatives and members of the 21 people killed and injured people in the aftermath of the disaster of the Love Parade in Duisburg (July 24, 2010) can apply for emergency financial help from the state budget of the country.
The request for informal assistance can be sent to the State Accident Insurance Company of North Rhine-Westphalia, (Department 6, St. Francis Str 146, 40470 Dusseldorf). The State Chancellery informed that immediately on requests decisions.
Wolfgang Riotte will function as an ombudsman for the authorities provide
Former State Secretary of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia, Wolfgang Riotte wants the victims in the mediation help in dealing with the authorities. He wants the aggrieved and injured people in dealing with the German authorities, insurance companies and other agencies are helping the side. want to take
Psychological help the country
people psychological help can now also a special phone number in case nrw direct phone call 0211 837 1848 to get help.
assistance to victims of the AXA insurance group
The AXA insurance group and the Organizer Lopavent GmbH and its managing director, Rainer Schaller, have on 30 July 2010 (as reported), an emergency fund of one million € for aggrieved and injured people at the Love Parade-established disaster. The AXA insurance group asks members and injured a loss now reported. The address of the insurance is: AXA Versicherung AG, Head Office, for third party liability claims, key word "emergency Love Parade", 51 171 Cologne.
More information is also available in the free labor for community media and aid projects ( -of-love parade-disaster to find). There
donation accounts for assistance for Love Parade victims
Meanwhile, two furnished donation accounts for the financial support of the damaged and people injured as a result of the disaster at the Love Parade in Duisburg:
DRC account 200 - 204 204
Sparkasse Duisburg
Bank code: 350 500 00
know word: Love Parade
Bank in the diocese FOOD
account 14 400
bank code 360 602 95
know word: sacrifice Love Parade
The donations directly benefit the victims of the Love Parade disaster.
International Mission plans charity charity CD
The international Jewish-Christian John Baptist Mission of Togo (John the Baptist Mission of Togo), representation for Germany and dealer for the UK wants the victims, injured relatives and injured people with the production of a charity music CD as charities and charity Action help and invites all singers, singers, musicians, musicians, choirs, gospel choirs, music groups and music publishers to generous support from the non-commercial project with the injured man, injured people and also the 493 000 people in intended to help the city of Duisburg with music and a charity CD. The project, a spokesman for the Mission to London, could also provide an active service may be traumatized people of the help for victims of the Love Parade in Duisburg, which could also be an aid to address the perceived helplessness and powerlessness to traumatized people in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany.
The production of a charity music CD also let the acts of assistance to the victims of the Love Parade, and for people who want to help you. The contact receiving the John Baptist Mission of Togo is by email (John Baptist Mission of Togo, PO Box 11 13, D 67 137 Neuhofen, Germany, phone 06 236 416 802, mobile phone 0178 817 2114) possible. The plan is also a documentary on television about the project a charity music CD with music to help people in need "information on the planned project are using the Internet to read from and www.regionalhilfe. de.
help the state government for the victims of the Love Parade disaster
victim support can apply to the state government - the diocese and DRC directed donation accounts for the Love Parade victim a - Two emergency aid fund first aid
afford By Andreas Klamm
Duisburg / Dusseldorf. 3. August 2010. Nine days after the disaster at the Love Parade which resulted in 21 people were killed and more than 500 people were injured, some seriously is, now the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia, the sum of one million € as an initial emergency assistance to the victims of the Love Parade ready reports The news portal "The West". With the money from the emergency relief fund should the worst affected, damaged or injured people to help in the wake of the Love Parade disaster.
The memorial and funeral service on Saturday, said the prime minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Hannelore Kraft (49, SPD): "in the face of death is hard to find words.". The lives of young people has been cruelly and abruptly terminated. These young people had been taken from their "hopes and dreams of their future plans, family and friends circles. They had their whole future ahead of him. ". A lot of people living empfänden yet the impotence, "because they have not been able to help.". Many people are traumatized in the face of terrible memories. Shaken were also millions of people who have become witnesses of the disaster through the media. "You all, and not least to ourselves we owe it to clear up what happened and completely incomprehensible. The man, his welfare and safety must again be the most important guideline for our actions, above all other motives. "Added Hannah force. The Prime Minister thanked the emergency services and all those people who have made selfless "silent support". Hannelore Kraft promised to the families and injured people also: "You are not alone!" and promised a fast, non-bureaucratic and human assistance.
relatives and members of the 21 people killed and injured people in the aftermath of the disaster of the Love Parade in Duisburg (July 24, 2010) can apply for emergency financial help from the state budget of the country.
The request for informal assistance can be sent to the State Accident Insurance Company of North Rhine-Westphalia, (Department 6, St. Francis Str 146, 40470 Dusseldorf). The State Chancellery informed that immediately on requests decisions.
Wolfgang Riotte will function as an ombudsman for the authorities provide
Former State Secretary of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia, Wolfgang Riotte wants the victims in the mediation help in dealing with the authorities. He wants the aggrieved and injured people in dealing with the German authorities, insurance companies and other agencies are helping the side. want to take
Psychological help the country
people psychological help can now also a special phone number in case nrw direct phone call 0211 837 1848 to get help.
assistance to victims of the AXA insurance group
The AXA insurance group and the Organizer Lopavent GmbH and its managing director, Rainer Schaller, have on 30 July 2010 (as reported), an emergency fund of one million € for aggrieved and injured people at the Love Parade-established disaster. The AXA insurance group asks members and injured a loss now reported. The address of the insurance is: AXA Versicherung AG, Head Office, for third party liability claims, key word "emergency Love Parade", 51 171 Cologne.
More information is also available in the free labor for community media and aid projects ( -of-love parade-disaster to find). There
donation accounts for assistance for Love Parade victims
Meanwhile, two furnished donation accounts for the financial support of the damaged and people injured as a result of the disaster at the Love Parade in Duisburg:
DRC account 200 - 204 204
Sparkasse Duisburg
Bank code: 350 500 00
know word: Love Parade
Bank in the diocese FOOD
account 14 400
bank code 360 602 95
know word: sacrifice Love Parade
The donations directly benefit the victims of the Love Parade disaster.
International Mission plans charity charity CD
The international Jewish-Christian John Baptist Mission of Togo (John the Baptist Mission of Togo), representation for Germany and dealer for the UK wants the victims, injured relatives and injured people with the production of a charity music CD as charities and charity Action help and invites all singers, singers, musicians, musicians, choirs, gospel choirs, music groups and music publishers to generous support from the non-commercial project with the injured man, injured people and also the 493 000 people in intended to help the city of Duisburg with music and a charity CD. The project, a spokesman for the Mission to London, could also provide an active service may be traumatized people of the help for victims of the Love Parade in Duisburg, which could also be an aid to address the perceived helplessness and powerlessness to traumatized people in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany.
The production of a charity music CD also let the acts of assistance to the victims of the Love Parade, and for people who want to help you. The contact receiving the John Baptist Mission of Togo is by email (John Baptist Mission of Togo, PO Box 11 13, D 67 137 Neuhofen, Germany, phone 06 236 416 802, mobile phone 0178 817 2114) possible. The plan is also a documentary on television about the project a charity music CD with music to help people in need "information on the planned project are using the Internet to read from and www.regionalhilfe. de.
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floods in Pakistan: Urgent Donations for flood victims in Pakistan needs
floods in Pakistan: Urgently needed donations for the flood victims in Pakistan - The UN refugee aid is 50,000 euros for emergency aid
Berlin. 3. August 2010. (Red / and). Pakistan is currently experiencing the worst flood in its history. The situation is highly dramatic. Over a million people are homeless, according to government data, including thousands of refugees from Afghanistan. The UN Refugee Agency is therefore € 50,000 for emergency assistance. UNHCR is to provide assistance on site by 250,000 victims of the tsunami.
has distributed the total UN refugee agency (UNHCR), 10,000 tents and other relief supplies such as blankets, jerry cans, kitchen sets and plastic sheeting in the affected region. Further 20,000 tents are being brought from the camps in northwest Pakistan.
The rains last week have destroyed houses, roads and bridges. More than 1.5 million people left homeless by flash floods and floods. Most of the flood victims in public buildings or schools seen. Among them are thousands of Afghan refugees living in Pakistan for decades, as well as IDPs in the Swat Valley in the north of the country. You have now lost for the second time in a very short time the roof over your head.
"The survivors are still in danger. They have little protection and need our help, "said UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres. "The Pakistani population has more than a million Afghan refugees received generous. Now it's show time for the international community, the same solidarity. "
" The challenge is huge, "said UNHCR's representative Mengesha Kebede in the capital Islamabad. "UNHCR was one of the first organizations that helped in this rapidly developing humanitarian crisis in the provinces of Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa."
August is monsoon season in Pakistan. For the next few weeks, more rains are predicted. Help is urgently needed, said the Office of the United Nations.
asks the UN refugee assistance: "Help the flood victims in Pakistan":
UN Refugee
Donations 2000 8850
Sparkasse Cologne / Bonn - BLZ 370 501 98
Keywords: Emergency Pakistan
Donations online and further information:
floods in Pakistan: Urgently needed donations for the flood victims in Pakistan - The UN refugee aid is 50,000 euros for emergency aid
Berlin. 3. August 2010. (Red / and). Pakistan is currently experiencing the worst flood in its history. The situation is highly dramatic. Over a million people are homeless, according to government data, including thousands of refugees from Afghanistan. The UN Refugee Agency is therefore € 50,000 for emergency assistance. UNHCR is to provide assistance on site by 250,000 victims of the tsunami.
has distributed the total UN refugee agency (UNHCR), 10,000 tents and other relief supplies such as blankets, jerry cans, kitchen sets and plastic sheeting in the affected region. Further 20,000 tents are being brought from the camps in northwest Pakistan.
The rains last week have destroyed houses, roads and bridges. More than 1.5 million people left homeless by flash floods and floods. Most of the flood victims in public buildings or schools seen. Among them are thousands of Afghan refugees living in Pakistan for decades, as well as IDPs in the Swat Valley in the north of the country. You have now lost for the second time in a very short time the roof over your head.
"The survivors are still in danger. They have little protection and need our help, "said UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres. "The Pakistani population has more than a million Afghan refugees received generous. Now it's show time for the international community, the same solidarity. "
" The challenge is huge, "said UNHCR's representative Mengesha Kebede in the capital Islamabad. "UNHCR was one of the first organizations that helped in this rapidly developing humanitarian crisis in the provinces of Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa."
August is monsoon season in Pakistan. For the next few weeks, more rains are predicted. Help is urgently needed, said the Office of the United Nations.
asks the UN refugee assistance: "Help the flood victims in Pakistan":
UN Refugee
Donations 2000 8850
Sparkasse Cologne / Bonn - BLZ 370 501 98
Keywords: Emergency Pakistan
Donations online and further information:
Monday, August 2, 2010
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Love Parade: Was the cause of the disaster, possible through a series of human errors and weaknesses?
Love Parade: Was the cause of the disaster, possible through a series of human errors and weaknesses?
causes research - hypothesis and the attempt of a possible description of causal factors that may have led to the disaster at the Love Parade 2010 in Duisburg - concept of a charity music CD planned
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
Duisburg. 31. July 2010. After the disaster in the wake of a mass panic are sadness, anger, despair and grief at the loss of the lives of 21 young people (18 to 38 years) in words hard to describe large. More than 500 people were injured, some seriously, and a far larger number of people were traumatized by the events. After such a calamity and a disaster it is human to ask the question: Who is to blame for this catastrophe? But maybe the question should also be placed in a broader perspective: What are the causal and triggering factors that could lead to disaster?
As I have already suffered several severe traumas in my life and because of my reports to the Heysel disaster in Brussels - Stadium when crushed in 1985 at least 39 people and more than 454 people were injured, some seriously, I have a French-German journalist, radio journalist, radio, TV and media producer (since 1984), as a certified Nurses (secondary second profession since 1993) and as a paramedic something strong effort to to research events of the disaster in Duisburg.
in the results of my research I have come to the first impression is that there could be not only a responsible person and not just a small group of possible causative and triggering factors for the catastrophe of a mass panic with the dire consequences at the Love Parade in Duisburg. be involved here, the following groups could take co-responsibility and as a part of the causative and contributing factors and groups could be direct or participate indirectly:
1) Federal police - Justification: The officials and officials of the Federal Police have although its specific and long-term experience, the signs of development a possibility of mass panic, despite the use of helicopters and experienced officials to be recognized in time. Compare reports in the daily newspaper Junge Welt.
2) North Rhine-Westphalia - Justification: The state of North Rhine-Westphalia was aware of the cancellation of the Love Parade in the city of Bochum. In the view of the infrastructure, are the cities of Bochum and Duisburg in proportion to the size only. Nevertheless, concerns were in relation to the security of a big event like the Love Parade in Duisburg may not be clearly articulated to the public or not perceived. This might have been possible by the Ministry of Interior before the implementation of the Love Parade.
3) operators, Lopavent GmbH, represented by its managing director Rainer Schaller - Reason: Possible misconceptions in the security concept, possible planning errors and mis-estimation of visitor numbers.
4) city of Duisburg as a planning authority - Reason: Possible misconceptions regarding the security concept, error in the test and in finding suitable alternatives to the planned event's concept, outstanding commitments, the facilitation of conditions for the implementation of the Love Parade. Perhaps the basic principles of physics were ignored, not recognized or not recognized early. Compare reports to
5) Lord Mayor Adolf Sauerland and the competent department heads, order department heads - reasoning: Maybe political 'sub-pressurization, pressurized feel alleged pressure to succeed, error in examination and approval procedures for granting licenses the implementation of the Love Parade
6) MEDIA (radio, television, online and print) - Reason: Possible media sub-pressurization of all parties see, here are the reports and reactions to the cancellation of Love Parade, the mayor of Bochum, Dr. Ottilie Scholz, in 2009.
7) people in North Rhine-Westphalia and party to Ruhr 2010. - Justification: Maybe too high expectation position on the success of the Love Parade 2010 in Duisburg and possibly unintended sub-pressurization of all concerned, economic troubles in the region and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the fear of an Image and prestige loss.
8) and female visitors. Conjecture - reasoning: The great anticipation after a year of the Love Parade, the hot temperatures, long-standing and waiting times may have led a few visitors and visitors to push her. This is NOT meant to express the 21 people killed, but so far not known visitors and visitors who do not favorable due to the external factors that could not have the patience that they otherwise would have a more favorable overall framework conditions can have.
9) folder - Reason: Possibly too short preparation for a major event like the Love Parade, possibly in the face of enormous pressure load the compression is not expected high visitor-mass, possibly developing acute hazards not found in time and later started using.
This hypothesis does explicitly NOT qualify for the accuracy or completeness of all these hypotheses. - Therefore, this work is a hypothesis and not a thesis. The possible participants and possible causal and triggering factors are a hypothesis and not a thesis, I still can not show the evidence to prove or completely. In order to show any scientific proof would have to be proved or provable hypotheses are under test conditions or by further testing. To the physical demonstrate effects of wave motion and dynamics of human masses would be a scientific experiment in the experiment possible. The list of possible causative and triggering factors does not a claim to completeness. It is possible that there could be other causative and triggering factors involved and responsible groups that should be considered as causative and triggering factors for the disaster at the Love Parade 2010 in Duisburg.
overcoming trauma, grief work and opportunity of using
In the wake of the disaster in a stampede killed 21 young people. According to current scientific Cognitive status and human imagination, it is no longer possible, the young man back to life in this world to get. Depending on the idea of faith and power of faith, it is conceivable that the young people will continue to live in another world. This is a question of belief and faith.
scientifically provable methods can I have this idea of faith and strength of faith is not known. There remains only the hope and faith as a comfort for people who believe such things. Faith is certainly also given as a grace from God the Lord and thus to be regarded as a gift.
chances of assistance
We as concerned and not affected people's sympathy and in the mourning of friends, relatives, parents and the people that loved ones have lost one in the human imagination almost unimaginable catastrophe, taking a share in the grief of trying to help afford to make immediate aid possible, give comfort, compassion and help and live charity and solidarity. It was fast, humane and non-bureaucratic in providing assistance to prevent further damage, such as severe economic and financial needs of the affected and any injured people and avoid them. 'm From my personal experience I, unfortunately, very sure that people take many years to process their traumas.
opportunities for more than 500 injured people
The more than 500 injured people are alive, thank God. Here, nurses, doctors, doctors, and another large number of therapists and also specifically address the treatment of severe physical and psychological trauma-trained therapists, which means specialists to help pastors, priests and psychologists as well and as far as possible, so that any potential late follow-up damage is so low as possible, just kind of conceivable and possibly a complete cure can be achieved. Here, the power of faith and the power of love a chance to be a possible helper for healing after severe trauma, stressful experiences, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual art
Possible ways of conflict processing in the Christian model: Error and forgiveness
People of faith in the Christian faith know the story. The following story is from the Gospel of John, 8th Chapters narrated in the Holy Scriptures, known as the Bible: "Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came to him, and he sat down and taught them. But the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman, taken in adultery, and set her in the middle dar. and said unto him, Master, this woman was caught in the act in adultery. Moses in the law commanded us to stone such: what do you say? This they said, tempting him, that they might accuse him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote with his finger on the ground. When they stopped
now to ask him, he straightened up and said to them: Who is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. As they heard this, they went out (transferred from their conscience), one after the other, by the elders to the least, and Jesus was left alone and the woman standing in the middle. Jesus straightened up, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? Has no one condemned you? And they said, Lord, nobody. Jesus said: I condemn thee not go, and sin no more "
This history and tradition more than 2000 years makes us and our consciences well clear and reminds us that we think as human beings because in this world is not a single man who is without sin or error. How many people would act today if the events of would happen then in the present gathering of people in a city in North Rhine-Westphalia?
Another story from the Bible even offers a further possibility of a possible healing and guidance for conduct in relation to the disaster in Duisburg. Many Christians and people of faith know the prayer known as the "Our Father". Even people of other faiths who are not familiar with the prayer in the Christian faith in the world as the "Our Father" is known. The tradition is found in Matthew's Gospel, Chapter 6, verses 9 to 15. It is written:
"Therefore you shall therefore pray: Our Father in heaven! Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as in Himmel.Unser daily bread give us today. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will forgive you too, where you not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your not forgive. "
forgiveness can be an opportunity and be the valve to pent-up aggression, anger, resentment and despair of a valve and skip to heal deep wounds. The 21 young people who were killed, unfortunately, not again be brought to life by human hands. Clearly shows the claim for assistance, compensation and care of bereaved people, their relatives in the aftermath of the disaster at the Love Parade in Duisburg were killed. From this, and the financial and economic entitlement to compensation and at least economic power derived, which also applies to the large number of injured people. doing, for the LOVE persists
guilty instead possible or co-responsible human being and also as a trigger -
instead blame causal factors involved, which could lead to this disaster to inflict additional damage of any kind, it could be the bond of love that goes beyond death and is stronger than death, to make possible TO DO GOOD AND TO BE MADE. It is not possible, so think I fight the evil with evil, and it is not possible this happen with even more suffering and more suffering in the GOOD to convert. If something bad has happened and no doubt about that, then we should as individuals in the population of all the people GBGEN SOMETHING GOOD CHANCE TO ADMIT. If we try the happened suffering of many people with good works to overcome then maybe there is a chance for a cure. The Love Parade, at least the part of LOVE was in Duisburg can not possibly end with death. The parade, which has declared the manager of the organizer, the Lopavent GmbH in Berlin, Rainer Schaller already, there will be no more in this form. The parade is "dead" with the horrific death of 21 young people. But love still exists. So does the LOVE may be possible that could be produced in Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia and with the help of people in Germany with volunteer artists, musicians, artists and supporters of a charity music CD, which dedicated life, suffering, comfort, grace, healing, love, hope and optimism: with 24 music tracks the subject. I believe the music should represent a diversity of life in German, English, English, Italian, Chinese and other languages from the pop, rock, funk, techno, RnB, soul, gospel and classical music. On 27 July 2010, the international Jewish Christiche John Baptist Mission of Togo (John the Baptist Mission of Togo) wrote to the government leader and prime minister sent Hannelore Kraft (SPD) with the request for assistance and support. Just three days later was also President Christian Wulff asked a project to support a charity music CD and other charitable activities.
The charity CD under the guidance set "A tape of love" should be produced as a non-commercial music project with the participation of musicians and artists from Germany and the world in Duisburg and in trade for a price of 9, - € will be available. As a basis for calculation, that per sold CD 4, - € suffice for the production and distribution costs and 5, - € per CD sold as a direct aid to the financial support for the relatives of the 21 people killed and the more than 500 injured people and possibly other affected people who were traumatized in the wake of the disaster at the Love Parade in Duisburg, 2010, will be used to help people. The means of music production for a charity music CD or as a charity CD, people involved, all in voluntary work, with no commercial interests and out of love, which means by the MOTIVATION LOVE, at the possible multi-national, multi-cultural and international music project from Duisburg in Germany for grieving people to participate in the world and act. If successful this project was to music, this would be also an outward sign and signal to the people of Germany and the world that not to the death as an endpoint in Duisburg see, but that the bond of love is stronger than death. The concept for a planned charity music CD is not yet fully developed and there will be further informed when new parts are developed concept. May Gd give us the grace of the Lord comfort, healing and love rich.
If it can be announced with such a charity music CD the message possible solidarity, healing, forgiveness, peace and love in large parts of the world, could to a lot of anger, sorrow, pain and despair and hope and confidence and love of Duisburg are sent all over the world, after the difficult days of events the 24th July 2010. The international Jewish-Christian John Baptist Mission of Togo, representing Germany, and dealer for the UK asks sincerely all the musicians, all artists, publishers, music publishers, other decision-makers and people that the project of a charitable want to support music CD and can be contacted in the sense of a BAND FOR PEACE AND LOVE.
John Baptist Mission of Togo
agency for Germany
project bond of love
Postfach 11 13 67 137 D
Germany Tel 06 236 416 802
Mobile Tel 0178 817 2114
Love Parade: Was the cause of the disaster, possible through a series of human errors and weaknesses?
causes research - hypothesis and the attempt of a possible description of causal factors that may have led to the disaster at the Love Parade 2010 in Duisburg - concept of a charity music CD planned
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
Duisburg. 31. July 2010. After the disaster in the wake of a mass panic are sadness, anger, despair and grief at the loss of the lives of 21 young people (18 to 38 years) in words hard to describe large. More than 500 people were injured, some seriously, and a far larger number of people were traumatized by the events. After such a calamity and a disaster it is human to ask the question: Who is to blame for this catastrophe? But maybe the question should also be placed in a broader perspective: What are the causal and triggering factors that could lead to disaster?
As I have already suffered several severe traumas in my life and because of my reports to the Heysel disaster in Brussels - Stadium when crushed in 1985 at least 39 people and more than 454 people were injured, some seriously, I have a French-German journalist, radio journalist, radio, TV and media producer (since 1984), as a certified Nurses (secondary second profession since 1993) and as a paramedic something strong effort to to research events of the disaster in Duisburg.
in the results of my research I have come to the first impression is that there could be not only a responsible person and not just a small group of possible causative and triggering factors for the catastrophe of a mass panic with the dire consequences at the Love Parade in Duisburg. be involved here, the following groups could take co-responsibility and as a part of the causative and contributing factors and groups could be direct or participate indirectly:
1) Federal police - Justification: The officials and officials of the Federal Police have although its specific and long-term experience, the signs of development a possibility of mass panic, despite the use of helicopters and experienced officials to be recognized in time. Compare reports in the daily newspaper Junge Welt.
2) North Rhine-Westphalia - Justification: The state of North Rhine-Westphalia was aware of the cancellation of the Love Parade in the city of Bochum. In the view of the infrastructure, are the cities of Bochum and Duisburg in proportion to the size only. Nevertheless, concerns were in relation to the security of a big event like the Love Parade in Duisburg may not be clearly articulated to the public or not perceived. This might have been possible by the Ministry of Interior before the implementation of the Love Parade.
3) operators, Lopavent GmbH, represented by its managing director Rainer Schaller - Reason: Possible misconceptions in the security concept, possible planning errors and mis-estimation of visitor numbers.
4) city of Duisburg as a planning authority - Reason: Possible misconceptions regarding the security concept, error in the test and in finding suitable alternatives to the planned event's concept, outstanding commitments, the facilitation of conditions for the implementation of the Love Parade. Perhaps the basic principles of physics were ignored, not recognized or not recognized early. Compare reports to
5) Lord Mayor Adolf Sauerland and the competent department heads, order department heads - reasoning: Maybe political 'sub-pressurization, pressurized feel alleged pressure to succeed, error in examination and approval procedures for granting licenses the implementation of the Love Parade
6) MEDIA (radio, television, online and print) - Reason: Possible media sub-pressurization of all parties see, here are the reports and reactions to the cancellation of Love Parade, the mayor of Bochum, Dr. Ottilie Scholz, in 2009.
7) people in North Rhine-Westphalia and party to Ruhr 2010. - Justification: Maybe too high expectation position on the success of the Love Parade 2010 in Duisburg and possibly unintended sub-pressurization of all concerned, economic troubles in the region and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the fear of an Image and prestige loss.
8) and female visitors. Conjecture - reasoning: The great anticipation after a year of the Love Parade, the hot temperatures, long-standing and waiting times may have led a few visitors and visitors to push her. This is NOT meant to express the 21 people killed, but so far not known visitors and visitors who do not favorable due to the external factors that could not have the patience that they otherwise would have a more favorable overall framework conditions can have.
9) folder - Reason: Possibly too short preparation for a major event like the Love Parade, possibly in the face of enormous pressure load the compression is not expected high visitor-mass, possibly developing acute hazards not found in time and later started using.
This hypothesis does explicitly NOT qualify for the accuracy or completeness of all these hypotheses. - Therefore, this work is a hypothesis and not a thesis. The possible participants and possible causal and triggering factors are a hypothesis and not a thesis, I still can not show the evidence to prove or completely. In order to show any scientific proof would have to be proved or provable hypotheses are under test conditions or by further testing. To the physical demonstrate effects of wave motion and dynamics of human masses would be a scientific experiment in the experiment possible. The list of possible causative and triggering factors does not a claim to completeness. It is possible that there could be other causative and triggering factors involved and responsible groups that should be considered as causative and triggering factors for the disaster at the Love Parade 2010 in Duisburg.
overcoming trauma, grief work and opportunity of using
In the wake of the disaster in a stampede killed 21 young people. According to current scientific Cognitive status and human imagination, it is no longer possible, the young man back to life in this world to get. Depending on the idea of faith and power of faith, it is conceivable that the young people will continue to live in another world. This is a question of belief and faith.
scientifically provable methods can I have this idea of faith and strength of faith is not known. There remains only the hope and faith as a comfort for people who believe such things. Faith is certainly also given as a grace from God the Lord and thus to be regarded as a gift.
chances of assistance
We as concerned and not affected people's sympathy and in the mourning of friends, relatives, parents and the people that loved ones have lost one in the human imagination almost unimaginable catastrophe, taking a share in the grief of trying to help afford to make immediate aid possible, give comfort, compassion and help and live charity and solidarity. It was fast, humane and non-bureaucratic in providing assistance to prevent further damage, such as severe economic and financial needs of the affected and any injured people and avoid them. 'm From my personal experience I, unfortunately, very sure that people take many years to process their traumas.
opportunities for more than 500 injured people
The more than 500 injured people are alive, thank God. Here, nurses, doctors, doctors, and another large number of therapists and also specifically address the treatment of severe physical and psychological trauma-trained therapists, which means specialists to help pastors, priests and psychologists as well and as far as possible, so that any potential late follow-up damage is so low as possible, just kind of conceivable and possibly a complete cure can be achieved. Here, the power of faith and the power of love a chance to be a possible helper for healing after severe trauma, stressful experiences, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual art
Possible ways of conflict processing in the Christian model: Error and forgiveness
People of faith in the Christian faith know the story. The following story is from the Gospel of John, 8th Chapters narrated in the Holy Scriptures, known as the Bible: "Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came to him, and he sat down and taught them. But the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman, taken in adultery, and set her in the middle dar. and said unto him, Master, this woman was caught in the act in adultery. Moses in the law commanded us to stone such: what do you say? This they said, tempting him, that they might accuse him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote with his finger on the ground. When they stopped
now to ask him, he straightened up and said to them: Who is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. As they heard this, they went out (transferred from their conscience), one after the other, by the elders to the least, and Jesus was left alone and the woman standing in the middle. Jesus straightened up, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? Has no one condemned you? And they said, Lord, nobody. Jesus said: I condemn thee not go, and sin no more "
This history and tradition more than 2000 years makes us and our consciences well clear and reminds us that we think as human beings because in this world is not a single man who is without sin or error. How many people would act today if the events of would happen then in the present gathering of people in a city in North Rhine-Westphalia?
Another story from the Bible even offers a further possibility of a possible healing and guidance for conduct in relation to the disaster in Duisburg. Many Christians and people of faith know the prayer known as the "Our Father". Even people of other faiths who are not familiar with the prayer in the Christian faith in the world as the "Our Father" is known. The tradition is found in Matthew's Gospel, Chapter 6, verses 9 to 15. It is written:
"Therefore you shall therefore pray: Our Father in heaven! Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as in Himmel.Unser daily bread give us today. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will forgive you too, where you not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your not forgive. "
forgiveness can be an opportunity and be the valve to pent-up aggression, anger, resentment and despair of a valve and skip to heal deep wounds. The 21 young people who were killed, unfortunately, not again be brought to life by human hands. Clearly shows the claim for assistance, compensation and care of bereaved people, their relatives in the aftermath of the disaster at the Love Parade in Duisburg were killed. From this, and the financial and economic entitlement to compensation and at least economic power derived, which also applies to the large number of injured people. doing, for the LOVE persists
guilty instead possible or co-responsible human being and also as a trigger -
instead blame causal factors involved, which could lead to this disaster to inflict additional damage of any kind, it could be the bond of love that goes beyond death and is stronger than death, to make possible TO DO GOOD AND TO BE MADE. It is not possible, so think I fight the evil with evil, and it is not possible this happen with even more suffering and more suffering in the GOOD to convert. If something bad has happened and no doubt about that, then we should as individuals in the population of all the people GBGEN SOMETHING GOOD CHANCE TO ADMIT. If we try the happened suffering of many people with good works to overcome then maybe there is a chance for a cure. The Love Parade, at least the part of LOVE was in Duisburg can not possibly end with death. The parade, which has declared the manager of the organizer, the Lopavent GmbH in Berlin, Rainer Schaller already, there will be no more in this form. The parade is "dead" with the horrific death of 21 young people. But love still exists. So does the LOVE may be possible that could be produced in Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia and with the help of people in Germany with volunteer artists, musicians, artists and supporters of a charity music CD, which dedicated life, suffering, comfort, grace, healing, love, hope and optimism: with 24 music tracks the subject. I believe the music should represent a diversity of life in German, English, English, Italian, Chinese and other languages from the pop, rock, funk, techno, RnB, soul, gospel and classical music. On 27 July 2010, the international Jewish Christiche John Baptist Mission of Togo (John the Baptist Mission of Togo) wrote to the government leader and prime minister sent Hannelore Kraft (SPD) with the request for assistance and support. Just three days later was also President Christian Wulff asked a project to support a charity music CD and other charitable activities.
The charity CD under the guidance set "A tape of love" should be produced as a non-commercial music project with the participation of musicians and artists from Germany and the world in Duisburg and in trade for a price of 9, - € will be available. As a basis for calculation, that per sold CD 4, - € suffice for the production and distribution costs and 5, - € per CD sold as a direct aid to the financial support for the relatives of the 21 people killed and the more than 500 injured people and possibly other affected people who were traumatized in the wake of the disaster at the Love Parade in Duisburg, 2010, will be used to help people. The means of music production for a charity music CD or as a charity CD, people involved, all in voluntary work, with no commercial interests and out of love, which means by the MOTIVATION LOVE, at the possible multi-national, multi-cultural and international music project from Duisburg in Germany for grieving people to participate in the world and act. If successful this project was to music, this would be also an outward sign and signal to the people of Germany and the world that not to the death as an endpoint in Duisburg see, but that the bond of love is stronger than death. The concept for a planned charity music CD is not yet fully developed and there will be further informed when new parts are developed concept. May Gd give us the grace of the Lord comfort, healing and love rich.
If it can be announced with such a charity music CD the message possible solidarity, healing, forgiveness, peace and love in large parts of the world, could to a lot of anger, sorrow, pain and despair and hope and confidence and love of Duisburg are sent all over the world, after the difficult days of events the 24th July 2010. The international Jewish-Christian John Baptist Mission of Togo, representing Germany, and dealer for the UK asks sincerely all the musicians, all artists, publishers, music publishers, other decision-makers and people that the project of a charitable want to support music CD and can be contacted in the sense of a BAND FOR PEACE AND LOVE.
John Baptist Mission of Togo
agency for Germany
project bond of love
Postfach 11 13 67 137 D
Germany Tel 06 236 416 802
Mobile Tel 0178 817 2114
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Rotronic Logistics12.02.1086
Love is stronger than death: commemorative service in Duisburg
Love is stronger than death: commemorative service in Duisburg
Ecumenical funeral and memorial service at the Salvator Church and MSV-Football Stadium - Prime Minister Hannelore Kraft promises fast and relatives non-bureaucratic help: "You are not alone!"
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot.
Duisburg. 1. August 2010. A week after one of the worst disasters in the history of North Rhine-Westphalia and in the post-war history of the city of Duisburg on Saturday (July 31, 2010) nearly 550 people came together in the Salvator Church in Duisburg to hold a funeral and memorial service for the 21 slain young people (18 to 38), for the more than 500 injured people and the large number of traumatized people, including even use private forces and helpers on Saturday a week ago after the accident, people were trying to revive. At the ecumenical funeral and memorial service were relatives of the killed and injured people and high state and government guests, as Prime Minister Hannelore Kraft (SPD, North Rhine-Westphalia), Federal President Dr. Christian Wulff, Bundestag President Dr . Norbert Lammert (CDU), Sigmar Gabriel (SPD), Federal Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor Dr. Guido Westerwelle (FDP) and Jürgen Trittin (Alliance 90/The Greens). The city of Duisburg was represented by the city director Dr. Peter Greulich.
A week ago, in the series were a mass panic at the techno music festival Love Parade in Duisburg killed 21 people and injured more than 500 people. At least 25 people are sometimes with serious injuries or in hospitals. have spoken before the start of the memorial and funeral-worship is the Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel already with some relatives of people killed.
same time as the main worship in the Salvator Church many other services were held in other churches, communities and with several hundred participants in the football stadium of the MSV Duisburg. The stadium was a big black wooden cross to set fire to see the 21 candles in memory of the killed people were.
The condolence books, candles and floral decorations from the tunnel where the disaster occurred, were brought to the Saviour's Church of rescue teams. In the Saviour's Church, just 21 candles were lit in memory of the killed people. The funeral and memorial service was organized ecumenical. The Essen Bishop Dr. Franz-Josef Overbeck (Catholic) and the president of the Evangelical Church in Rhineland, Nikolaus Schneider launched the service in the church.
The governmental head of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and Prime Minister Hannelore Kraft (SPD) held at the end of the meeting in the church a moving funeral speech in which those relatives of people killed and injured people has promised: "You are not alone ". It should be made immediate aid and it should do everything possible to make an explanation of the events that could lead to this severe disaster possible. In and after her speech was also the top politician and Prime Minister Hanna force their Mourning and the tears do not hide. The politician had to cry, perhaps with the reminder that her son was at the Love Parade, but thank God, was allowed to survive. Hannelore Kraft also said "in the face of death is hard to find words.". The lives of young people has been cruelly and abruptly terminated. These young people had been taken from their "hopes and dreams of their future plans, family and friends circles. They had their whole future ahead of him. ". A lot of people living empfänden now the impotence, "because they do not have help.". Many people are traumatized in the face of terrible memories. Shaken were also millions of people who have become witnesses of the disaster through the media. "You all, and not least to ourselves we owe it to clear up what happened and completely incomprehensible. The man, his welfare and safety must again be the most important guideline for our actions, above all other motives. "Added Hannah force. The Prime Minister thanked the emergency services and all those people who have made selfless "silent support".
Church President Nicholas Schneider said in his sermon: "The Love Parade became a dance of death, dear brethren. Into the midst of exuberant joy in a celebration of life, the Death showed us all his terrible face. Grief and despair, helplessness and anger keep us trapped like chains. Horrific images occupy our thoughts and feelings: Young people who are fighting desperately for their lives, give bewildered people of their sadness and rage, unfiltered expression; shook helpers, police officers who themselves need help and encouragement, but also adults who petrified push responsibility away from you.
We all struggle to maintain composure and looking for solace, for understanding and comprehension. Our confidence in God's justice and love is showing cracks. "God has forgotten to be gracious, his mercy in anger or closed?" (Ps. 77, 10). Why did 21 young people die so suddenly, but only wanted to express their joy of life, why did God allow it? And what God requires accountability from those who bear responsibility for the accident? The Love Parade became a dance of death. But our faith in God and our courage we will not disclose why, dear brethren. We argue: Stronger than death is love! The rule is: Stronger than death is love from us humans to each other.
Death can not extinguish our love for the people we have lost. But our love finding new ways and new forms. Flowers and candles are included. We can not our deceased more physically feel. We can not laugh and cry together with them and argue and reconcile us. But we carry in our hearts and in our thoughts. Our tears and our grief is a bond of love that connects us with our dead. Our bands love to break the power of death: to listen, to embrace the comforting words, emergency care and the care of rescue workers, and the spontaneous help of strangers. This remains valid. And: Stronger than Death is God's love!
Our faith in God is no insurance against experiences of suffering and death. But we can trust God's love-full presence at all our ways is promised. Our faith in God saved us with pain and tears, not even doubt. But our faith gives us the assurance that God sympathizes our pain and is one of our tears. God's justice is reflected in the life of the people is not that good but good things happen to people. Our faith in God gives us no clear answers to our questions about the "why". But our faith trusts that God's justice that we are witnessing only incomplete and inconsistent in his future kingdom finally be perfect and all people will see and experience.
for A and for all and in a man all the people God has revealed to us through Jesus Christ, our terrible experience with death, even our own death is not the last word about us and our lives. Jesus' cross and his resurrection promise: The life that God gives us is stronger than death. Our death on earth is also the open door to a new life in God's kingdom. Therefore, we can also say: Our dead are not dead Dance of the Dead converts into a large hard indestructible life.
also remains valid. Depend upon it, even today. Here in Duisburg and everywhere apply the promise of the Psalmist: "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and helps those that a contrite spirit. "(Ps. 34, 19) have. , Amen. "
The Catholic Bishop Dr. Franz-Josef Overbeck reminded the people about it:" God is love, "the bishop added: The love remains. "It remains, they are also connects people to each other and with God over death."
to the people in mourning not only people who are born in the Christian faith are. For lunch and dinner were held several funeral marches and rally. The grieving people were 21 black balloons for the people killed and a number of white balloons into the sky as a symbol to rise for the injured people.
The Protestant and Catholic church continue to provide for traumatized people around the Clock on the phone help. The telephone numbers of telephone counseling, day and night can be reached as follows: Telephone 0800 111 0111 or telephone 0800 111 0 222nd
The city of Duisburg and the police also have special phone number set up to reach are looking for people who need help.
hotline for traumatized participants, police Duisburg, Tel 0201 82 98 091
hotline for relatives of victims, police Duisburg, Tel 0203 94 000
Hotline for emergency services and other operational staff: Tel 0203 578 90 108
email: Betreungsangebot .
Love is stronger than death: commemorative service in Duisburg
Ecumenical funeral and memorial service at the Salvator Church and MSV-Football Stadium - Prime Minister Hannelore Kraft promises fast and relatives non-bureaucratic help: "You are not alone!"
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot.
Duisburg. 1. August 2010. A week after one of the worst disasters in the history of North Rhine-Westphalia and in the post-war history of the city of Duisburg on Saturday (July 31, 2010) nearly 550 people came together in the Salvator Church in Duisburg to hold a funeral and memorial service for the 21 slain young people (18 to 38), for the more than 500 injured people and the large number of traumatized people, including even use private forces and helpers on Saturday a week ago after the accident, people were trying to revive. At the ecumenical funeral and memorial service were relatives of the killed and injured people and high state and government guests, as Prime Minister Hannelore Kraft (SPD, North Rhine-Westphalia), Federal President Dr. Christian Wulff, Bundestag President Dr . Norbert Lammert (CDU), Sigmar Gabriel (SPD), Federal Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor Dr. Guido Westerwelle (FDP) and Jürgen Trittin (Alliance 90/The Greens). The city of Duisburg was represented by the city director Dr. Peter Greulich.
A week ago, in the series were a mass panic at the techno music festival Love Parade in Duisburg killed 21 people and injured more than 500 people. At least 25 people are sometimes with serious injuries or in hospitals. have spoken before the start of the memorial and funeral-worship is the Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel already with some relatives of people killed.
same time as the main worship in the Salvator Church many other services were held in other churches, communities and with several hundred participants in the football stadium of the MSV Duisburg. The stadium was a big black wooden cross to set fire to see the 21 candles in memory of the killed people were.
The condolence books, candles and floral decorations from the tunnel where the disaster occurred, were brought to the Saviour's Church of rescue teams. In the Saviour's Church, just 21 candles were lit in memory of the killed people. The funeral and memorial service was organized ecumenical. The Essen Bishop Dr. Franz-Josef Overbeck (Catholic) and the president of the Evangelical Church in Rhineland, Nikolaus Schneider launched the service in the church.
The governmental head of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and Prime Minister Hannelore Kraft (SPD) held at the end of the meeting in the church a moving funeral speech in which those relatives of people killed and injured people has promised: "You are not alone ". It should be made immediate aid and it should do everything possible to make an explanation of the events that could lead to this severe disaster possible. In and after her speech was also the top politician and Prime Minister Hanna force their Mourning and the tears do not hide. The politician had to cry, perhaps with the reminder that her son was at the Love Parade, but thank God, was allowed to survive. Hannelore Kraft also said "in the face of death is hard to find words.". The lives of young people has been cruelly and abruptly terminated. These young people had been taken from their "hopes and dreams of their future plans, family and friends circles. They had their whole future ahead of him. ". A lot of people living empfänden now the impotence, "because they do not have help.". Many people are traumatized in the face of terrible memories. Shaken were also millions of people who have become witnesses of the disaster through the media. "You all, and not least to ourselves we owe it to clear up what happened and completely incomprehensible. The man, his welfare and safety must again be the most important guideline for our actions, above all other motives. "Added Hannah force. The Prime Minister thanked the emergency services and all those people who have made selfless "silent support".
Church President Nicholas Schneider said in his sermon: "The Love Parade became a dance of death, dear brethren. Into the midst of exuberant joy in a celebration of life, the Death showed us all his terrible face. Grief and despair, helplessness and anger keep us trapped like chains. Horrific images occupy our thoughts and feelings: Young people who are fighting desperately for their lives, give bewildered people of their sadness and rage, unfiltered expression; shook helpers, police officers who themselves need help and encouragement, but also adults who petrified push responsibility away from you.
We all struggle to maintain composure and looking for solace, for understanding and comprehension. Our confidence in God's justice and love is showing cracks. "God has forgotten to be gracious, his mercy in anger or closed?" (Ps. 77, 10). Why did 21 young people die so suddenly, but only wanted to express their joy of life, why did God allow it? And what God requires accountability from those who bear responsibility for the accident? The Love Parade became a dance of death. But our faith in God and our courage we will not disclose why, dear brethren. We argue: Stronger than death is love! The rule is: Stronger than death is love from us humans to each other.
Death can not extinguish our love for the people we have lost. But our love finding new ways and new forms. Flowers and candles are included. We can not our deceased more physically feel. We can not laugh and cry together with them and argue and reconcile us. But we carry in our hearts and in our thoughts. Our tears and our grief is a bond of love that connects us with our dead. Our bands love to break the power of death: to listen, to embrace the comforting words, emergency care and the care of rescue workers, and the spontaneous help of strangers. This remains valid. And: Stronger than Death is God's love!
Our faith in God is no insurance against experiences of suffering and death. But we can trust God's love-full presence at all our ways is promised. Our faith in God saved us with pain and tears, not even doubt. But our faith gives us the assurance that God sympathizes our pain and is one of our tears. God's justice is reflected in the life of the people is not that good but good things happen to people. Our faith in God gives us no clear answers to our questions about the "why". But our faith trusts that God's justice that we are witnessing only incomplete and inconsistent in his future kingdom finally be perfect and all people will see and experience.
for A and for all and in a man all the people God has revealed to us through Jesus Christ, our terrible experience with death, even our own death is not the last word about us and our lives. Jesus' cross and his resurrection promise: The life that God gives us is stronger than death. Our death on earth is also the open door to a new life in God's kingdom. Therefore, we can also say: Our dead are not dead Dance of the Dead converts into a large hard indestructible life.
also remains valid. Depend upon it, even today. Here in Duisburg and everywhere apply the promise of the Psalmist: "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and helps those that a contrite spirit. "(Ps. 34, 19) have. , Amen. "
The Catholic Bishop Dr. Franz-Josef Overbeck reminded the people about it:" God is love, "the bishop added: The love remains. "It remains, they are also connects people to each other and with God over death."
to the people in mourning not only people who are born in the Christian faith are. For lunch and dinner were held several funeral marches and rally. The grieving people were 21 black balloons for the people killed and a number of white balloons into the sky as a symbol to rise for the injured people.
The Protestant and Catholic church continue to provide for traumatized people around the Clock on the phone help. The telephone numbers of telephone counseling, day and night can be reached as follows: Telephone 0800 111 0111 or telephone 0800 111 0 222nd
The city of Duisburg and the police also have special phone number set up to reach are looking for people who need help.
hotline for traumatized participants, police Duisburg, Tel 0201 82 98 091
hotline for relatives of victims, police Duisburg, Tel 0203 94 000
Hotline for emergency services and other operational staff: Tel 0203 578 90 108
email: Betreungsangebot .
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