Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Blog Cruising In Toilets

"blow up". If you can get the holograms?

am now also be "investigative blogger" now, who would have thought that, and did a little research on the issue of the holograms obtainable. I share the best of our knowledge and belief, which I found out, and I note that, as so often is the case of open questions.
a removal of large components I could (see below) - already present and whether hologram producers and glassmakers the ultimate experts in dealing with a restistenten adhesive can question it - technically complicated and probably expensive.
Technical obtainable of the holograms never stood in the center of the arguments of critics of the approach of the museum management. to insist that it was simply not technically possible, was and still is an exculpatory argument. Who on the issue of technical (in) solubility insists saves all museological, showing political and historiographical issues.
very handy for the defense, but - to block policy hardly suited to the further discussion on the handling of the museum with his 'technical memory' issue and the future of the 'living memory' of its exhibition production and - as the information shown below.

about his comment one of the posts to the Jewish Museum of Vienna, I have come in contact with Irmfried Wöber. Mr. Weber has in Lower Austria, a company that produces holograms and he was once involved in the production of holograms for the Jewish Museum. Based on plans by Martin Bauer and Kohl Felicitas Heimann Jelinek were made by him the photographs (a technically and logistically complex procedure) that have been 'transformed' in a non-existent company in Munich (Holovision) in holograms. The hologram films were brought to Vienna and here between the glass plates (because of the favorable light refraction was not safety glass and plexiglass cheaper used) tires.
In a mail he wrote: "The original installation was made by a construction crew, the two glass plates are not glued together, only the holographic film for reasons of stability There was no bonding in the aluminum profiles..."
is Talking clear that Mr. assesses Wöber this particular manufacture and installation of the holograms as an installation as the world's first: An ensemble of free-standing holograms, from which one could move and those who interacted with each other and with the viewer, and to develop to their effect, a highly sophisticated lighting system required. Why are these holograms under holographers known worldwide and have been and - because of its technical peculiarities and uniqueness - was attended by many specialists.
The second set of holograms mentioned, Mr. Wöber was in the course of production produced in Munich - as so-called 'test exposures'. Quality of course much worse than the unique originals.
Since the poor condition of the holograms was even mentioned several times as a justification for their removal, I ask Mr Wöber general information regarding the durability of holograms. Holograms, when they were carefully manufactured, had a very long shelf life. Only if, there is not similar to the development of a film, worked carefully it could come to darken. Mr. Wöber leads to an argument from the 60's coming, the oldest existing holograms, which are still intact. We agree (we both have the holograms relative terms just before their removal) that we had not noticed any deterioration of the impact and function of the holograms.
Mr. Wöber mentioned in conversation that he was not now in the matter in question contacted vomMuseum and that was his knowledge to not happen with former employees of the aforementioned (now defunct) Munich-based company.
writes in his conclusion, Mr. Woeber mail dated 22/02/2011: "There are no photo sequences more and, above all, the master holograms (enlarging the final size) could not be found. I mean, that this installation is lost for good in this quality. Too bad. Should be fully documented in a story. A milestone in the history of holography does not exist anymore. . It is like crying "
Since Mr. Wöber in the assembly of the holograms in the room was not there, I turn my phone to the company Briza, which has generally been called beautiful more often she was in charge of the dismantling of display cases in the museum and was. - apparently spontaneously - called in when the difficulty of hologram removal became apparent Mr. Briza stresses that it is not that type of glass. could cut and that was probably the gland (the holograms from the ground) already solved, but the glue was not workable.
contradicts the part of the memory of Mr. Wöber: "Even Rudi de Jongh (one of the production of holograms parties GF) is, in my opinion a detachable removing the original installation was made by a construction crew, the two glass plates are not glued to each other.. (...) No bond has been made in the aluminum profiles. The aluminum profiles have been bolted to the floor by anchors. That means you could disassemble the entire unit and then split according to a workshop. Laser, water jet and similar technical devices. "
Mr. Briza however, says (in a phone call from 02.23.2011) that the holograms were from floor already solved, but the components were not separable from each other because of the bond. Why are the heavy, hand not transportable and large parts were that they had not through the house to carry away. He emphasized again, the glasses could have been with any technique from-can cut or.
The museum was interested in the damage-free removal of holograms and their conservation but it is the impracticability have been found during the disassembly.
the published Letter from his company, he called an opinion, this was not an opinion, he is not entitled to.

Wöber and I thank Mr. Brizuela for their information.


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