Monday, February 28, 2011

Kate's Playground Candy Cane Stripes

entrance into the war (Entrée 17)

Harden Plastilina Clay

"example and guideline. Peter Noever is art

I already do not pay attention again. Also I'm still led by the media is misleading (eg, here from the standard ) against Peter Noever will be reimbursed by the Board Starfanzeige to check for significant financial transactions on their legality, because I realize that I aufgessessen a campaign am on me in the fall Markus Mittringer and a previously unknown lady I happily with her initiative (here Website Pro Peter Noever ) stop. Startled, I read that the "local Mitelmaß may not dominate," and I therefore immediately an innocent white web page to write down what I "implies life's work (...) and thus to attitude, the art as an essential building our future" by Petzer Noevers anything to say. But the best is already said long ago, for example, that he was "a role model and barrier 'was (Klaus Albrecht Schroeder), or that" ES outrage "is" THAT MAN PETER NOEV criminalized BY YOU CAN APPLY TO THE PROSECUTOR. MAN SHOULD WITH HIM DIRECTLY TO ADDRESS TO THE FACTS ON THE GROUND TO GO. " Yes, I agree Oswald Oberhuber like to capitalize and his experience in dealing with dishes that do not go with the facts on the ground. And of course, agree I Daniel Spoerri wholeheartedly to: "Hopefully you'll have many more birthdays to celebrate with your mother." Stuff like that can only happen in this country, where the "local mediocrity" prevails. "If you had in Italy," leaves us Ursula Krinzinger know, "the birthday celebration designed for your mother in a private museum in the country, where" La Mamma "means everything and so much, is they would have admired it and celebrated, it should be nothing happened and you would be able to continue there, of course your valuable work. "

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Theres A Hole By Tonsilles


Up the closing date, which coincides with the date of the event that a new center provides Tirol, I will be glad to conjecture what it might be there. (To be continued).

How Long After Stopping Losec Did Acid Normalise

Am Spiess (texts in the museum 185)

Wordings For Fashion Shows

Jewish Museum: Who is allowed to speak who does not.

almost entirely on a "personal question" pointedly responded that ORF Mittagsjournal from 23/02/2011 to the events at the Jewish Museum.
Dorothee Frank spoke in a comparison with other media reports, most substantive contribution to different positions. Suddenly seems indisputable that we must strive to Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek on to maintain the museum.
come, however, in the three and a half minute review Ariel Muzikant, president of the Jewish community to speak, the head of the Vienna Holding, Peter Hanks and the director of the museum, Danielle Spera, but not the affected, who has appeared so seamless forbidden to speak, that you also against the ORF no personal opinion was granted. can

The contribution here be read and nachgehört.

Nadine Jansen-old Slippers

"ICG supervisory board members worried Holding Vienna familiar"

Jewish Museum: Jewish Community supervisory councils concerned, trust Vienna Holding

(Current Information of the Jewish community on its website )

concern on the part of the ICG supervisory boards, but the backing of the Vienna Holding experiences the director of the Jewish Museum Vienna, Danielle Spera, in the Cause of the rebuilding destroyed holograms. Vienna Holding CEO Peter Hanke called today, Wednesday, in a press release, a return to "objectivity" in the discussion. The supervisory boards of the Jewish Community (IKG) had in a statement after the board meeting on Monday "strongly" expressed their concern about the future of the house. The museum should be "serious problems" should head curator Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek due to the emotionally charged situation to the holograms, the museum abandoned. Heimann-Jelinek, whose idea the holograms were originally, had not been informed of the destruction and then had the photos of the ruins without consultation published by the Directorate. You must now reckon with service-legal consequences. "Then lose the museum has a unique half-woman," said Ariel Muzicant today "Ö1" -. Mittagsjournal Both Hanks and Spera stressed however that it would hold with the curator talks on the future of the holograms, the scenes of everyday Jewish life. , would represent the conversion concept, according been broken down and stored to be. In the Vienna Holding is convinced that that director Spera has examined carefully all the degradation variants and eventually - after all attempts had failed to reduce the installation without damaging them - only to the complete demolition of the holograms have remained as an alternative is ". Spera, who is, since summer 2010 at the top of the house enjoy, so "full confidence". It was a fact "that this installation was at the end of life ', the distance was in the master plan" agreed by all. "

White Balance For Halogen Lights

reviseted pests and beneficials (texts in the museum 184)

How To Remove Streak Marks On A Tv Screen

Recently I sat with Beat Gugger, who worked as a curator at the upcoming exhibition at the South Tyrol Archaeological Museum. He told me stories about stories from his research, why has the Iceman ever found, how it first for a skiing accident, held that there are theories for violent death. Then interviews with reincarnations of Ötzi, of fallow archives of research in genealogical theories of the security measures in Austria and Italöien at the "transfer" of the "mummy" to Bolzano ...
Yes, these stories had me from the outset in the "Fund" and the response that it triggered, fascinated by this not to taming Phantsamen, in the age-old desire for knowledge about the origin and around the "father" showed wishful fantasies of a collective, even a national "We", is served at the Iceman. And above all, Phantsamen of survival, the immortality of the enrollment in the seemingly interminable Memorial Museum of Science and ...

now seems to have decided the museum, to emancipate themselves from the rationalizing access to the Museum of Science and interpretations a bit. From 1 March, then opened the exhibition, under entitled Life Science Fiction Reality - Iceman 20 - make mythologies about Ötzi the topic.

precisely the right time comes because a recent reconstruction, the opposite to me yesterday when reading the morning paper ..., no, can not laugh Ötzi. As he looked more like a crumpled Hartz IV - receiver head of neglected hygiene. Comb but it must have had already, for where else the cleanest solid Links crest? And the suspicious gaze? Does the museum staff, right?

(pictured above.?? Section of the invitation - Ötzi as revenant ghost in carnival mood before unveiling - photo below: The latest reconstruction of Ötzi, as currently by virtually all media moves).
to this post Ötzi must not die. "

Skin Soreness With No Rash

The Iceman "idea shadow" of history. The foreign press to the Jewish Museum Vienna

Paul Jandl there appears Peter Noevers mother love more interesting than the Jewish Museum. Who is ready for the museum in World Online 02/26/2011 Although written humorously but not very profound. is "The time of monumental ruler of Vienna's museums: with Michael Frank, who in the Süddeutsche (25/02/2011) is equal employs only Peter Nover," Brave but high-handed ", he seems to agree on the diagnosis of a tendency over.. " In Jandl is as follows: "In the City where museum directors have so far been happy to comedians and character actors, you get used to slow to the profession of discreetly in the background works fine arts worker. "
If you are looking in the major German newspapers articles about the events surrounding the Jewish Museum, is the most elaborate into the current TIME (24/02/2011 issue, the article seems not to be online) use.
Joachim Riedl finds that here, in the interests of a new pipeline to stamp his mark on a museum, has gone too far. It can not be something do what damages the identity of the house unrecoverable. "This is exactly what happened in the case of the Jewish Museum of City of Vienna. "Riedl honors in detail the complex function of the" idea shadows, "as he calls the holograms. What the museum director but here was to start, he calls a" deconstruction "with the" sledgehammer to save. "Seems nothing more. It is true that the option of a new (permanent) exhibition to Judaism between "historical perspective" of a part or accessory compatible Society "remains open. But the gap that was caused by the destruction of the holograms could not be closed. "If the pieces have been swept away long ago, remains in the now deconstructed museum is a virtual mess."
The Swiss Jewish weekly "Tachles" brings (02/25/2011, links here ) the events in Vienna on its front page and Valerie Wendeburg summarizes the Ereignnise together objectively and clearly, not without wondering about the reaction of the Musuemsleitung after the eruption of criticism. Similar to Joachim Riedl, it seems the adoption of the "recent successful concept" as a final estimate.
in "building" (as of 25/02/2011), another Jewish monthly magazine, Yves Kugelmann is titled "Viennese crystal nights and days," the question "What do Silvio Berlusconi, lic. Iur. Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and Danielle Spera common? ". His response works better for themselves under this link.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bosch Exxcel Dishwasher Hard Reset

Objectively (texts in the museum 183)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Blog Cruising In Toilets

"blow up". If you can get the holograms?

am now also be "investigative blogger" now, who would have thought that, and did a little research on the issue of the holograms obtainable. I share the best of our knowledge and belief, which I found out, and I note that, as so often is the case of open questions.
a removal of large components I could (see below) - already present and whether hologram producers and glassmakers the ultimate experts in dealing with a restistenten adhesive can question it - technically complicated and probably expensive.
Technical obtainable of the holograms never stood in the center of the arguments of critics of the approach of the museum management. to insist that it was simply not technically possible, was and still is an exculpatory argument. Who on the issue of technical (in) solubility insists saves all museological, showing political and historiographical issues.
very handy for the defense, but - to block policy hardly suited to the further discussion on the handling of the museum with his 'technical memory' issue and the future of the 'living memory' of its exhibition production and - as the information shown below.

about his comment one of the posts to the Jewish Museum of Vienna, I have come in contact with Irmfried Wöber. Mr. Weber has in Lower Austria, a company that produces holograms and he was once involved in the production of holograms for the Jewish Museum. Based on plans by Martin Bauer and Kohl Felicitas Heimann Jelinek were made by him the photographs (a technically and logistically complex procedure) that have been 'transformed' in a non-existent company in Munich (Holovision) in holograms. The hologram films were brought to Vienna and here between the glass plates (because of the favorable light refraction was not safety glass and plexiglass cheaper used) tires.
In a mail he wrote: "The original installation was made by a construction crew, the two glass plates are not glued together, only the holographic film for reasons of stability There was no bonding in the aluminum profiles..."
is Talking clear that Mr. assesses Wöber this particular manufacture and installation of the holograms as an installation as the world's first: An ensemble of free-standing holograms, from which one could move and those who interacted with each other and with the viewer, and to develop to their effect, a highly sophisticated lighting system required. Why are these holograms under holographers known worldwide and have been and - because of its technical peculiarities and uniqueness - was attended by many specialists.
The second set of holograms mentioned, Mr. Wöber was in the course of production produced in Munich - as so-called 'test exposures'. Quality of course much worse than the unique originals.
Since the poor condition of the holograms was even mentioned several times as a justification for their removal, I ask Mr Wöber general information regarding the durability of holograms. Holograms, when they were carefully manufactured, had a very long shelf life. Only if, there is not similar to the development of a film, worked carefully it could come to darken. Mr. Wöber leads to an argument from the 60's coming, the oldest existing holograms, which are still intact. We agree (we both have the holograms relative terms just before their removal) that we had not noticed any deterioration of the impact and function of the holograms.
Mr. Wöber mentioned in conversation that he was not now in the matter in question contacted vomMuseum and that was his knowledge to not happen with former employees of the aforementioned (now defunct) Munich-based company.
writes in his conclusion, Mr. Woeber mail dated 22/02/2011: "There are no photo sequences more and, above all, the master holograms (enlarging the final size) could not be found. I mean, that this installation is lost for good in this quality. Too bad. Should be fully documented in a story. A milestone in the history of holography does not exist anymore. . It is like crying "
Since Mr. Wöber in the assembly of the holograms in the room was not there, I turn my phone to the company Briza, which has generally been called beautiful more often she was in charge of the dismantling of display cases in the museum and was. - apparently spontaneously - called in when the difficulty of hologram removal became apparent Mr. Briza stresses that it is not that type of glass. could cut and that was probably the gland (the holograms from the ground) already solved, but the glue was not workable.
contradicts the part of the memory of Mr. Wöber: "Even Rudi de Jongh (one of the production of holograms parties GF) is, in my opinion a detachable removing the original installation was made by a construction crew, the two glass plates are not glued to each other.. (...) No bond has been made in the aluminum profiles. The aluminum profiles have been bolted to the floor by anchors. That means you could disassemble the entire unit and then split according to a workshop. Laser, water jet and similar technical devices. "
Mr. Briza however, says (in a phone call from 02.23.2011) that the holograms were from floor already solved, but the components were not separable from each other because of the bond. Why are the heavy, hand not transportable and large parts were that they had not through the house to carry away. He emphasized again, the glasses could have been with any technique from-can cut or.
The museum was interested in the damage-free removal of holograms and their conservation but it is the impracticability have been found during the disassembly.
the published Letter from his company, he called an opinion, this was not an opinion, he is not entitled to.

Wöber and I thank Mr. Brizuela for their information.

What Shaped Eyes Does Adriana Lima Have

A museum director resigns: Peter Noever

.... a kind of free spirit Anarcho
with generational and gender-related
penchant for rhetoric ...

The press release Peter Noevers in the text:

"In the course of events in the MAK around the birthday of my mother are about providing the facilities or accumulated overtime incurred additional expenses that were paid by the MAK. I have notified the chairman of the board and myself at the same time required to cover the entire resulting amount.

In this connection I have made mistakes, for which I am solely responsible. I would have retrospectively the events - even if it benefited the museum - have to assign privacy. I regret this error and the fact that these events took place over years to come. In order to further damage to the MAC by the public discussion of this matter and to hold bring the matter by my side in the sense of complete cleansing without prejudice to the acquired by me office quickly and completely to finish up, I have informed the board of trustees and the responsible federal minister today that I immediately from my position as Managing Director (Director ) resign from the MAK.

I would like to thank this opportunity to all, especially the dedicated staff of the House, who have supported my artistic path through the many years and supported and helped build the MAC in its present meaning. At the same time I am asking all of these employees, friends and supporters of the House to apologize for the problems that caused my conduct in the matter of the events surrounding the birthday of my mother and your understanding for my step. "


complements the daily Die Presse ( here is the link ) the message the resignation, among other things with the message: "The culture minister's resignation was accepted." And in "... an opinion by Claudia Schmied" which highlights that "the request of the Ministry of Culture of the special auditor had taken place. This would have 'helped', 'misappropriation of the managing director Peter Noever rapidly identify and uncompromising '. By the Board of Trustees will legal complaint "


" My point to him, but Mr. Noever, a little earthy matter, you can not find this a bit problematic, " - (After) worth reading to current events.?. A 'tribute to his lifetime' by Nina Schedlmayer in artmagazine

Or. "Now the style-conscious Noever is certainly not right, probably more of a free spirit Anarcho with generational and gender-related tendency to rhetoric, succeeds in its changing cultural and political counterparts to long for the wild, impetuous artists produce. " Again artmagazine , but this time Martin Fritz.

Period May Have Been Implantation Bleeding No Cm

priced out? (Texts in the museum 182)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

M Jak Milosc Odcinek798 Online

Study: Whiteboard & Mathematics

The Study of an IGS in Rheinhessen shows good results!
The 3-hour workshop is specifically aimed at the 6th Mathematik-Lehrer/-innen and 7 Classes.
focus of practical work is geometry! The workshop includes
Maren Risch teaching examples from the project "myMobile" and an introduction to the panel software ActiveInspire.
further 90 minutes, offer the chance to work for their own instructional planning at the whiteboard and do. Learning together and try out creative ideas for whiteboard use in Mathemathikunterricht. In particular, the angle measure on its own (mobile) Pictures presents itself as a viable and motivating dar.
For example, a holiday snap from the Leaning Tower of Pisa measured (35Grad inclination) and the way to Deer Park station in Karlsruhe is calculated per word problems (turn at the castle in a 60 degree angle)! The
Mathemathik-Lehrer/innen with fun, creativity and expertise here!
This positive mood is carried safely in the classroom!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Implantation Bleeding Twins More Bleeding

Anti-Israeli Turkish film hits German screens

Anti-Israeli Turkish film hits German screens

Tue Feb 1, 2011 11:48PM
Stefan Herrmann, Press TV, Berlin
The Turkish Film 'The Valley of Wolves - Palestine' has opened in Germany amid a fierce debate about whether or not the film is anti-Semitic.

The German Movie Control Association first banned the film, but later gave it an adult rating because of what it called its 'constant violence and propagandistic tendencies'.

Detailed knowledge of political connections was necessary to properly understand the violence shown, the Film board judged.

The film focuses on a Turkish commando team, which travels to Israel to hunt down and eliminate an evil Israeli commander, responsible for the attack on the Freedom Flotilla in May last year.

Nine Turkish activists had died on the ship Mavi Marmara, which had set out to bring relief supplies to the blockaded Gaza Strip. The incident has strained relations between Turkey and Israel.

Politicians from all parties called the film tasteless, anti-Semitic and blamed it for glorifying violence. The film was supposed to open on Holocaust Remembrance Day in Germany but was delayed, because it did not receive a rating in time.

The producers of the film believe it is providing a voice for innocent people in their struggle against the Zionist regime. 'The Valley of Wolves - Palestine' was one of the most expensive Turkish films ever. In Germany, which has a large Turkish population, it is being screened in 79 cinemas across the country, 70.000 people watched it on the opening weekend alone.

'The Valley of Wolves - Palestine' is a war movie and unlike many other films it desn't have a clear black and white message. The controversy surrounding the film is most likely to boost ticket sales, while criticism of Israeli policy remains a very sensitive issue in Germany.

Advantage Disadvantage Cooling Water

all questions open

Young World / 24.01.2011 / international / Page 6

all questions open

UN Special Tribunal for Lebanon to investigate the Hariri murder will indict high-ranking Iranians, Syrians and Lebanese. Important signs ignored

By Jürgen Cain Külbel

Six years after the deadly bomb assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, the prosecution has the UN Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) filed charges. This happened exactly one week ago on 17 January. From Leidschendam-Voorburg near The Hague also rumored that chief prosecutor Daniel Bellemare, a Canadian lawyer, substantial evidence was submitted. Examining magistrate Daniel Fransen will decide in ten weeks whether sufficient evidence exists to open up the process. The names on the indictment list remained secret in order not further to inflame the situation in Lebanon, it said.

Lebanese media reported the other hand, that the indictment by the U.S. State Department previously in France's President Nicolas Sarkozy, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and to Saad Hariri, son of 14 February 2005 assassinated Lebanese afterglow, had been surrendered. In addition, the U.S. neoconservative John Bolton, under President George W. Bush's ambassador to the UN, at the end of December 2010, the pan-Arab daily newspaper Al-Hayat had told, "that Syrian officials and prominent members of the Hezbollah of the crime" are accused. U.S. news portal, according to Newsmax, the STL will the supreme spiritual leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, the Al-Quds Brigade as part of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Hezbollah in Lebanon Indeed accuse.

Al-Quds chief Kassem Suleymani should therefore order the murder to the military commander of Hezbollah, Imad Mugniyeh have plotted, which was 2008 by the Israeli secret service Mossad in Damascus killed by car bomb. Mugniyeh including brother Mustapha Badr Al-Dine had the "hit team formed" for the assassination. "The Iranians saw Hariri as an agent of Saudi Arabia. His murder would pave the way for the Hezbollah (political) takeover of Lebanon. "Even Syria's" President Bashar Al-Assad and his brother in law Assef Shavkat, chief of the secret service, played a key role in the murder. "

The STL, however, can important traces ignored. On 15 January 2010, two days before Belle Mares indictment beamed Beirut television station New TV recording of a conversation between Saad Hariri, the "false witnesses" Zouheir Al-Siddiq, a former Syrian intelligence agent, as well as Gerhard Lehmann, the German chief inspector of the Federal Criminal Police Office, and the Lebanese intelligence chief Wissam Al-Hassan made, which took place probably in 2005 in Marbella. Siddiq stated that the whole truth "about the background of the attempt to know. He said the investigation report of the UN investigators must include the names of nine Syrians and four Lebanese, since the order for the assassination of Hariri by Al-Assad and Lebanese President Emile Lahoud had been given.

On the basis of "statements" of this "star witness" arrests of the Berlin Public Prosecutor Detlev Mehlis, who at the time headed the murder investigation on behalf of the United Nations, four heads of Lebanese intelligence and simmer for nearly four years behind bars. Siddiq statements proved in retrospect, however, purchased as "Mehlis lost his UN job. Siddiq was arrested even though based on an international arrest warrant in France, but he managed to escape to the strangely United Arab Emirates. At a later press conference, he claimed he would have received for that purpose by Sarkozy a fake Czech passport.

The ex-general of the Lebanese security service Al Sayyed, a former detainees, accused the STL to have worked with "false testimony". The prosecution refused, however, investigation files to be returned to him. At a hearing before the STL 14 In January he told the German Ekkehard Withopf representing STL chief prosecutor Daniel Bellemare, Sayyed accusations unfounded. In addition, should the document on the protection of witnesses in those sensitive terrorism investigation remain secret. Sayyed compared to JW: "The conspiracy to false evidence is proof of the politicization of international justice at the time, as Detlev Mehlis, head of the UN investigation. This will be the STL further discredit. "

After Mehlis'" witnesses conspiracy, "the open and its" perpetrators, the Lebanese generals who were to be released from prison in April 2009, the mirror ensured that the resulting vacuum was filled investigation. On 25 May 2009 claimed its author Erich Follath in the article "The second circle of hell," Hariri was murdered by Hezbollah. Papers of the International Investigation Commission and comprehensive analysis of a network of mobile phones in near crime scene would suggest this.

Apart from having a number of Israeli agents were at the time placed in the center of the Lebanese telecom and could also make technical manipulation, seems the STL, the participation of Wissam Al-Hassan on the mobile phone conversations not to be interested. The head of internal security of Lebanon, who introduced the rest of the "star witness" Siddiq at Lehmann and Mehlis, was at the time of the murder of Rafik Hariri's security chief. Shortly before the assassination of the former president, he quickly apologized and took time out from guarding his boss. Otherwise he would have probably killed as well.

The STL can unaudited many other tracks: So was, for example, the Israeli agent Jarjous Ghassan Al-Jid a day before the assassination in the St. Georges Yacht Club, the future Crime scene. The former colonel in the Lebanese army since the 90 years working for the Israeli secret service piloted from 2004 Israeli commandos in Lebanon. In December 2004 he was involved in Beirut in the deadly car bomb assassination of the Hezbollah official Ghalib Awali, after which the Israeli murderers smuggled out of the country. Al-Jid was 2009, the flight from Lebanon, in turn, had issued the French Embassy for a visa quickly.