Friday, August 14, 2009

Free Fireplace Blue Prints

" invasion of Pakistan would be a error "

Junge Welt / 14.08.2009 / focus / Page 3

"invasion of Pakistan would be a great Error "

U.S. and NATO have lost the war in Afghanistan almost. The extension of the combat zone, the neighboring country is unacceptable. A conversation with Akram Zaki

Jürgen Cain Külbel

Akram Zaki was Foreign Minister of Pakistan and from 1997 to 2002 Member of the Senate in Islamabad. From 1954 on he was in the diplomatic service of his country operates, among others, he was ambassador to the United States, China and the Philippines

A U.S. defeat in Afghanistan would be a serious blow to Wa ington imperial ambitions. Deprive the United States in lieu of a military defeat, the destabilization of the nuclear power Pakistan to accept?

The U.S. lost the war in Afghanistan almost. While Barack Obama is working on the retreat from Iraq, he always sends more troops to Afghanistan and extended with the strategy "Af Pak" the campaign. When the U.S. lost in Vietnam at the time, they attacked Cambodia am Then they had to go in disgrace. If they repeat the same mistakes in our region, the result will be similar.

Two years ago you said that the U.S. want to destabilize Pakistan entislamisieren and denuklearisieren. Their government, a close ally of the USA, has a quite different position.

I'm still the same view. Pakistan and China should be divided, our country is to build "friendly" relations with India, and that India's conditions. The destabilization of Pakistan is the appropriate tool for achieving these goals. The U.S. built India into a strategic partner for its policies in the region against China, Pakistan and Iran. Global and regional hegemonic powers work together here.

out since April, the Pakistani army to intense pressure from Washington, a military offensive in the northwest of your country in order to eliminate the Taliban.

The military operation against the growing threat of terrorism had become inevitable. It had come almost to a major revolt resulting increased interference from outside.

from the outside?

The Afghan Taliban, mostly Pashtun, a resistance struggle against foreign occupation forces. They defend themselves against the United States and NATO as it did against the Soviets. The Pakistani Taliban, however, are a jumbled heap, consisting of religious extremists, some criminal elements and foreign agents from our neighbors and their powerful international allies supported, financed and armed.

Pakistan's ISI argued, the offensive of the U.S. Marines in the southern Afghan province of Helmand urging Taliban fighters into Pakistan's Balochistan, which leads to the destabilization there.

There is growing evidence that U.S. and NATO forces more and displace more Afghan resistance forces in Pakistan. Background: You want the lives of U.S. and NATO soldiers to rescue and hope that the Pakistani Army fought its enemies on Pakistani soil. This has serious consequences for our security and stability. My country is forced additional forces from the East-move to the western frontier in order to control the influx into our territories too.

controlled between 1996 and 2001, the Taliban with the support of the Government of Pakistan's neighbor Afghanistan.

Yes, the Taliban government in Afghanistan caused us any problems. They eliminated all the poppy cultivation there, restricted the drug trade is a very strong and controlled the spread of weapons, maintained law and order. After 9 September was dictator Pervez Musharraf, our President, under American pressure, a U-turn in the hope of being able to extend his reign unpopular with U.S. support. He profited personally, but the country suffers because he ordered from his own selfish reasons Pakistani interests to the interests of the empire. Middle class, civil society and the media raise their voices louder and louder, however, that foreign and domestic policy are determined to protect the vital national interests again.

Obama's War Expansion Strategy »Af Pak" seeks to isolate "Al Qaeda and smash and destroy their safe havens." Al Qaeda has a base in your country?

The Pakistan Government asked to provide reliable intelligence on hideouts of Al Qaeda, if present. There was nothing. Al-Qaida and Taliban were at the time created by the CIA in the fight against the Soviets, now the U.S. is their enemy.

there are U.S. combat units in Pakistan?

There are reports that the U.S. wanted to send some troops, but Pakistan had not agreed. A limited number of trainers, however, is on site.

a matter of time until U.S. troops invade your country?

repeated claims, Al-Qaeda leader including Osama bin Laden hiding in Pakistan, run the risk of violation of territorial integrity. Obama's approach suggests that the U.S. consider our territory as a war zone. An invasion of Pakistan would be a big mistake.

Where's Osama bin Laden?

As Osama bin Laden for the CIA against the Soviet Union was working, he was a real person of flesh and blood. After 11 September 2001, which was followed by the invasion of Afghanistan and a massive bombardment of that unfortunate country, it is a mystery. There are no reliable news of whether he is dead or alive. Most people believe he was dead, he is kept alive as a spirit, as a political instrument that can be used to justify future military adventures.

are worth U.S. missile attacks on Pakistani villages, not to an invasion?

The drone attacks, it is claimed shall do against al-Qaida, but most of the dead and injured civilians, especially women and children. The people of Pakistan feel these raids as aggression.

It is said that the Pakistani army was in control of the re gion regained the Swat valley after the Taliban were driven out. This would have taken over towns and villages - in violation of a peace agreement, which in turn allowed the introduction of Islamic law in the region.

The peace agreement was violated by all sides because each side had its own interpretation. The introduction of Islamic law was an old local demand. For this purpose there was in 1994 and 1999 agreements that were never implemented. This is also the reason why the extremists have been so popular. Some criminals and foreign agents and then heated up the turmoil created at the end of the really serious situation.

Obama makes non-military U.S. aid to Pakistan Value of 1.5 billion U.S. dollars a year depending on the government's efforts to combat Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters. Is not that blackmail?

It was an American war, and Pakistan has become a major victim. Pakistan has now to fight this scourge and is unhappy about the "support" to conditions. It will be held talks to counter that.

However, Pakistan now wants from the U.S. drones and other military equipment to expand the offensive against the Taliban can. How to win the public if it is bombed?

Yes, drones and other air attacks only lead to the loss of innocent life. This actually caused anger and anti-American sentiment as well as against the government in Islamabad. At the same time it produces sympathy and potential support for extremism.

The tribes in the semi-autonomous regions along the border with Afghanistan have united against the Pakistani government. If your country will soon be rocked by civil strife?

The areas of the so-called Federally Administered Tribal Areas, FATA short, and are difficult especially in North and South Waziristan to pacify. Foreign agents are quite active there. Military action might extend the conflict really. A nuclear-armed Al-Qaeda-God state of Pakistan will never exist.


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