Monday, July 27, 2009

Certify For Unemployment In Georgia

a stranglehold on U.S. Congress makes loose money for the opposition

a stranglehold on U.S. Congress makes money for the opposition loose

By JÜRGEN CAIN parison, 27 July 2009 - On Friday (July 24), exactly in front of the "global day of action against the government in Tehran," the U.S. Senate unanimously adopted the so-called "Victims of Iranian Censorship (VOICE) Act, (1) and expressly stated that his intent to further interference in the internal affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The law, for had the Senators John McCain, Joseph Lieberman, Ted Kaufman, Lindsey Graham and Robert Casey made strong, regulates the "Financing Activities" of the Iranian opposition "to combat the efforts of the Iranian government, radio, satellite - and to interfere in the Internet-based transfers. "

Tehran had during the weeks of unrest that the country's presidential elections on 12 June 2009 followed, capped all electronic communications and particularly British and U.S. media, such as the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and Voice of America "(VOA), because of" dramatization "of the events, interference in internal affairs and media coverage on the basis of" dubious sources such as Twitter and Facebook " strongly criticized. BBC had set up as eight months before the presidential election, a Persian-language station, where the program is to deal strictly with the elections, who acted after the election as a kind of headquarters for the rebels. And VOA, the U.S. budget diet, dealt mainly with the possibilities of "regime change" in Tehran. (2)

"Since this cruel regime is working to isolate the Iranian society, the law, by providing support for broadcasting and new Internet and communications technologies that help to open it," said Republican and co-founder of VOICE, John McCain , told AFP. (3) Accordingly, the U.S. government is now $ 30,000,000 in the Persian-language radio program "Radio Free Europe" will pump and $ 20 million in measures that Tehran's "efforts to block the Internet censor, or monitor," lock intended. In plain language this means that it will set up a fund "to support the development of technologies that empower the Iranian people to obtain access to information and exchange them. " The legislators also requested the U.S. State Department, "Information on Human Rights in Iran published. VOICE is providing $ 5,000,000 available.

nothing creative in the intelligence West: For decades, serving the U.S. intelligence agencies, also for reasons of economy, a kind of intelligence operation, which she calls "cloack and dagger" (dagger under his cloak), this is just the psychological warfare. The virtue of VOICE - translates the voice, a symbol with a penchant for Theatrical, but pure psychological warfare - has been loosened funds are therefore nothing but the financial basis for the continuation of the kind intelligence "war" against Iran, former President George W. Bush began in 2005 that Barack Obama is smiling more. Finally, even since then have half a billion dollars in the "regime change" in Tehran, stuffed, folded does nothing. Therefore, now nachgeschoben cash infusions in order to intensify the psychological warfare, commonly known as "black propaganda" referred to: That, it is at the intelligence school book, is something "that supposedly from dissident elements among the population of the enemy (the Iranians) is, but in fact is operated highly secret from the outside. Sometimes this is hate mongering spread by radio, sometimes through leaflets, camouflaged by newspapers, by forged letters, by anything you can conceive what a perverted brain only. (4)

Whenever be used in charge in Washington for "democracy, freedom, human rights, peace," it is serious, is usually followed by wars, civil wars, assassinations. It is likely that behind the act of government VOICE, the real goal of any "black propaganda", namely, the preparation the ground for covert operations in Iran, hidden: collaborators, assassins, saboteurs recruit provocateurs who use all the "categories of secret service agent" as invent rumors spread orally, intimidation, bribery, blackmail, sabotage in all areas, kidnapping, bombing, assassination who use attack from ambush, partisans and underground army. "They also include the clandestine smuggling of all required materials. Reproduction apparatus, radios, poison, explosives, incendiary devices, and smaller weapons for the gangs, guerrillas and paramilitary formations" (5) This requires spending money.

keep Apparently, the editor of the law created VOICE the rest of the world for quite stupid, they write it firmly in the text, the U.S. Congress respecting "the sovereignty, the proud history and rich culture of the Iranian people ... and do not mix (in the affairs of the country) a ". How seriously the peace-hating cohorts in Washington with the people of Iran really mean VOICE initiator John McCain, the elapsed presidential candidate, war drivers in terms of Iraq, who wanted to stay there for hundred years (6) show in January 2008 Length: As humming it at an event in South Carolina free of the soul away: "Bomb, ! Bomb, bomb Iran "(7)

Sources: 1
2 http://www.jungewelt .de/2009/07-11/085.php

3 4 S. Kent: Strategic Intelligence for American World Policy, Princeton, 1949, p. 21
5 See footnote 4 6

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