Tuesday, December 29, 2009

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Persian for German soldiers

young world 29.12.2009 / domestic / Page 4

Persian Apparently for German soldiers

Bundeswehr mission to armed conflict against Iran planned

Jürgen Cain Külbel

Berlin war government allows its soldiers long the Persian language cramming. In 61seitigen »Persian Dictionary for the Bundeswehr, reprint: May 2008," the young world exists ... [More ]

Monday, December 28, 2009

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" Operation Ajax 2 "and the CIA

"Operation Ajax 2" and the CIA

The failure of the "green" Counter-revolution against the Islamic Republic of Iran

contribution of Jürgen Cain Külbel in "BACKGROUND. The news magazine", 4th Quarter 2009, p. 49-54.

Buy it at newsstands or order single issue.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

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Because Alsatian Blog censorship

2222 ""> Jürgen Cain Külbel

wrote @ October 20, 2009 at 20:16

(Sun posted twice, please delete one)

Alsatian scolds, but not pinched parison, as even yesterday I offered Dr. strangely, in his Berlin Wochenshow to lead a discussion with Michael Vogt. Finally, turning in my text all to the Lord and not people's initiative without a people for Alsatian.

Here the mail:

From: Juergen [mailto: juergen_cain_kuelbel@t-online.de]
Sent: Monday, 19 October 2009 21:43

To: 'drseltsam@drseltsam.net'

Subject: The new cross-front: right and "left" shoulder to shoulder I gladly would like to draw attention to my recent article: The new cross-front: right and left "Shoulder to Shoulder short, Jürgen Elsässer's popular initiative

http://www.hintergrund.de/20091016513/politik/inland/die-neue-querfront-rechts-und-" left "in-schulterschluss.html

has responded Elsässer:


Külbel back: Comment 32:

http://www.mein- should parteibuch.com/blog/2009/10/17/wahrheitsbewegungs-querfrontler-und-ihre-unterstuetzer-enttarnt / # comment-231 377

argue better Külbel. /. Vogt

Best Jürgen Cain Külbel 2222 ""> Jürgen Cain Külbel

wrote @ October 20, 2009 at 20:29


Ehrlich Elsässer, what am I supposed to Discuss them publicly? I have never tried to follow your brainwaves in terms people's initiative. My opponent is

Vogt, a right-winger, who is your partner.

Do you want to defend in this debate about Vita and life work of Vogt right? ridiculous.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

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The new cross-front: law and" large left "shoulder to shoulder

The new cross-front: right and "left" shoulder to shoulder

By JÜRGEN CAIN parison, hintergrund.de 16 October 2009

is "not immediately clear what political or social groups, forces or variables certain proposals, measures, etc. represent, you should always ask: who benefits "(Vladimir Ilyich Lenin)

Quod est demonstrandum

No" reckless mistake ": Journalist and zigzag curves ideologist Jürgen Elsässer his publisher, the "left" Kai Homilius, thus the "people's initiative to finance capital" along with the book and DVD series COMPACT have docked hard right. Michael Friedrich Vogt is the lucky one. Alsatian publisher, Kai Homilius those who left in 2007 in the weekly newspaper Junge Freiheit "in order to market the books authors want to his left "ads", had become the rebellious writers to sleep shortly afterwards again by a "careless mistake," said, is the owner of that domain popular initiative. [1] Homilius it can take no more time, cut Alsatian twist to the right the Court: "When last fall dark clouds in the sky had opened the world economy, put Jürgen Elsässer first comprehensive and brilliant analysis prior to the disaster. At the same time he made practical suggestions about which way the crisis was to go to Germany. He was notorious for it, and insulted. Meanwhile, many of his predictions have arrived, and he is now in Kai Homilius Publisher COMPACT out the series. This could further contacts were made including film makers, who sought a publisher, where you see the most exciting and most interesting and most controversial interviews and documentaries on DVD or make an audio book. Two interesting links as I find that the publishing program on the one hand to qualify and broaden the other hand, makes sense. The courage to make the next 15 years. You called Kai Homilius. "[2]

COMPACT on the right track

One of seeking filmmaker Michael Friedrich Vogt, born in 1953, historians, Germanic, Political scientist. To get straight to the point: The - The titles seem almost endless -, media and communications scholar, university professor, a TV journalist, author of numerous documentaries on political and historical topics for German TV, former chief press officer at major corporations in the defense and chemical industries, ex-speaker of the entire pharmaceutical industry place in Germany, former CEO of a publishing house of the Federal Ministry for Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture, Ex-Charge of the complete marketing of German agricultural products of the food industry in Germany, had the end of 2007 its Department of Public Relations and Communication Management at the University of Leipzig. And because of massive allegations in the extreme right to be as solid acting. But that does not matter, you indicated Publishers Homilius right of the Leipzig group has apparently abused a good chance of a long-standing cooperation with the "left" Ex-Berliner Verlag Homilius Kai, who took time in between 14542 Werder lodging.

Homilius found his partner in the publishing label of Elbingen that is from someone named Günter Saur set afloat. The site of the house autoerotisiert: "We must proud to present our first own DVDs on various topics. In collaboration with Kai Homilius Verlag, Berlin, we have the possibility - so far - six interviews with top-class counterparts are published on topics hidden their explosive nature and true background in the mainstream media almost entirely, or even concealed deliberately. "[3] proudly presents Jürgen Elsässer in his blog the series" COMPACT "as a" monthly publication of the PEOPLE'S INITIATIVE. [4] "Voila," said the energetic, "people will make the COMPACT Courage - if you, the readers, we give it the financial finn (sic) means. In other words, Subscribe now! Jürgen Elsässer, editor. With the number of Alsatians will therefore give its people's initiative whistle and coal [5]. The bright red "COMPACT" logo there are now no longer on the books of Homilius publisher, but they also emblazoned on the DVDs of the thyroid publisher. With titles like "Peter Feist - Attack of the locusts. People's initiative against financial capital "," Andreas von Bülow - The lies of 9 / 11 "," Tobias Pflüger - militarization of the EU "," Frieder Wagner - war crimes uranium ammunition was "opens the series. The authors were all from the "well-known Internet TV journalist Michael Vogt" exclusive interview, which is obviously fast, but resides in Elbingen just around the corner of the plate publisher.

Foundation continental Europe
Multiberufler As Vogt are used to insert setbacks. But flew only a few months ago, the Swedish Foundation continent of Europe "(TCE) somehow apart, because of disharmony among other things in" major European race "and strong near-NPD. The "race-biological ideologue and long-time partisan of the National Front," the Frenchman Pierre Vial, zealous protagonist of the "New Right" in the tradition of modern fascists Alain de Benoist, sat on the board of such a force. Similarly, one "filmmaker Vogt" from the beginning to the governing body of the Foundation, as I assured the journalist Anders Dalsbro personally. [6] The dubious Device had the Jönköping businessman Patrik Brinkmann, mid-forties, genealogists, tax evaders, in June 2004 together with his wife Svetlana launched, recorded from the start 'Patrik Brinkmann, Dr. Gert Sudholt, Prof. Michael Vogt, Bengt Hemmingsson for the Board ( "Styrelse"). To "research" it was initially, "then took to the Foundation on tour. Brinkmann recorded some gentlemen in Board of Trustees or his organization, whose political positioning within the extreme right is hard to miss "[7] Soon, it ruled the Germans. Dalsbro and colleague Daniel Poohl by the Swedish magazine Expo identified the leaders will: These were in addition to Professor Vogt of the aforementioned far-right publisher Gert Sudholt from Inning am Ammersee, the historian, Rudolf Hess admirers and members of the NPD Group, Saxony, Olaf Rose, the ex-teacher, ex-NPD now DVU officer Andreas Molau and the Kassel Pierre Krebs, head of the Thule-Seminar ". . Even the Russian Vyacheslav Djaschitschew, former adviser to Mikhail Gorbachev and later author of the "National-Zeitung" of the DVU chief Gerhard Frey, was one of the illustrious group [8] Great were the masters before, a "First European journalist Congress" wanted they hold for the French Holocaust denier Bruno Gollnisch, a leading official National Front and chairman of the law the Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty (ITS) in the European Parliament, had agreed to participate. In the view they wanted the 2009 European elections, the "European network of rights" and so on. [9]

copulation outside the law

On 26 September 2007, the name Michael Friedrich Vogt appeared in a "press statement of a meeting organized by the IS on. "He had attended the previous day in an event of far-right group, Identity, Tradition and Sovereignty '(ITS) of the European Parliament took place, there to read. Had invited the Austrian Freedom Party MEP and veteran Andreas Mölzer. In the EU Parliament, he is the only Freedom Party representatives, but after the 2009 election to a few German colleagues to strengthen the Group, that is his plan ... In addition to Michael Vogt on the list of the 20 participants, the names of the NPD leadership, including Lower Saxony's leading candidate Andreas Molau ... "Der Spiegel quoted on 12 November 2007. [10]

The NPD was represented on the right summit in Strasbourg by Molau, the party chairman Udo Voigt and Messrs. Holger Apfel, Udo Pastörs and Friedrich-Werner Graf von der Schulenburg. The DVU traveled the boss Gerhard Frey . Sen and jun Gerhard Frey., Bruno Wetzel and Liane Hesse on. The REP represented the party's chairman Rolf Schmid and John Gardener, the choice group "Pro Cologne" Pro NRW "Messrs Markus Beisicht and Markus Wiener. Profiled members of the extreme right, such as Harald Neubauer, publisher and owner of the magazine "the nation and Europe as well as chairman of the Society for Free Journalism," also gave the honor. The ITS Group, however, by Jean-Marie Le Pen, the leader of the French National Front, by Frank Vanhecke, chairman of the Belgian "Vlaams Belang", and the Chairman of the Italian neo-fascist "Movimento Sociale Fiamma Tricolore ", Luca Romagnoli, represented [11]

" Vogt denies any involvement: "I can not understand why my name appears there, I was on this day is definitely not in France, I have asked why now, that my name is cleared, "he said (then) on request by SPIEGEL ONLINE. Multiple event contributions are quite different. So remember the deputy Republican leader John Gardener, "I was shocked at people like Udo Voigt, Holger make apple from the NPD. With which we want to do nothing. Since I was pleased to see Professor Michael Vogt, who I know for a long time. " Even Rolf Schmid, national chairman of Republicans said, SPIEGEL ONLINE, he had Michael Vogt on 25 September in Strasbourg to take:. Yes, he was there, we have even spoken to each other '"[12] A confusion seems impossible," because the rep-Vogt officials know for quite some time. Schmid and Vogt were in their student days in the 1970s, officials in the German fraternity. "[13] In addition, NPD spokesman Klaus Beier to the Frankfurter Rundschau declared that Vogt had signed. [14] Vogt vergeheimniste late as June 2009: "I dive for about an hour on a web press statement a meeting hosted by the ITS Meeting on. This press release I've never signed my name was there wrong, a mistake and was immediately pointed out when I deleted. That was all, but never took note of was, but always the fact was stressed that I had signed this press release, what is wrong. "[15] The questions of whether Werwigk, gardeners have now lied, acted he legally against them was how he managed to wangle the deletion within an hour, since he was not even in France and could hardly know what was happening there in any meeting that there was a written statement from someone at all, he was the author of this article not . Answer His Leipzig Students took the excuse him from that time anyway, because they had their teachers long after spying and other brown debris, which is discussed in the episode, the day dragged on. The Institute of Communication and Media Studies at the University of Leipzig decided on 22 because of its . November 2007 to end the cooperation with Vogt: After reviewing the evidence was such a professor is no longer tenable [16] The ITS Group, the unity among the divided German right-wing cause was broke, now as well, although because of racist abuse .

towards Strasbourg, Strasbourg ago ...

... Then you see the same in the villa of the right-wing strongly permeated fraternity "Danubia" in Munich's noble Bogenhausen quarter, the lecture during the summer semester 2009: "Neo-Nazi speakers, anti-Semitism, historical revisionism and a strong close to the protagonists of the right terror of the 1960s South Tyrol: So will present the program of the Munich fraternity Danubia "[17]

The list of speakers in recent years, among Alain de Benoist, the spiritual father of the" new accountability "in France, the Freedom Party politician Andreas Mölzer which to Strasbourg. had loaded, or Horst Mahler. [18] And the REP-Chairman Rolf Schmid, the bailiff saw in Strasbourg, "was part of, fraternities Community ', a tight right to the Munich-based cartel Danubia. [19]. "Fraternity brother" Professor Michael Friedrich Vogt held in mid-February 2005 in the "Danubia" that he is also a member for decades, will talk about his Hess film [20] His membership on the filmmaker said in 2009: "While the German fraternities in the 19 century were the pioneers of political democracy, civil liberties and the German unit ... they are in Germany as a reactionary, right or extreme right. For the Danubia, the Germans in the Fraternity a special role as the intellectual vanguard, plays true in a special way. That the Danubia different people from all political camps both a political home and an intellectual platform for the dispute offered, offering, is considered to already be suspicious. This fraternity has remained true to himself since 1848, its principles (which can be said of our politicians for their political activity in only a few exceptions) -. And so I am happy to become a young student fraternity members in Danubia and remained until today [21 ]

Speaking of intellectual spearhead: "Visitors do in the villa of the Danubia Hitler, Mein Kampf 'and indicated . Swastikas have seen "[22] the intellectual platform should suffice: the beginning of 2001 granted to the fraternity of the neo-Nazi record Christoph Schulte shelter: He had beaten the Greeks with other Artemios T., and seriously injured. "There could Schulte said in the so-called" corpse cellar - own connection to the drunk tank for alcohol corpses - to stay. The next day he fled to the Netherlands. Schulte was caught weeks later, in Munich, he is on trial for attempted murder. "[23]

members of the" Danubia "but also built the right-wing newspaper Junge Freiheit with, was an editor of the REP party newspaper "The Republican" and editor of "Nation & Europa". [24] The old boys' chairman of the fraternity, Hans-Ulrich Kopp, born 1962, former deputy editor of the boys freedom is, for example, since 1983 Member of the "Witikobund eV", which belongs to the far right of the Sudeten Germans, the seven founding members career in including Dr. rer; made the Nazi party and SS had. pol Walter cup since 1931, Nazi party member, former Head of the NSDAP Gauorgans "Die Zeit". [25] "The Danube, the ultras are undercutting the often conservative connections. The Established in 1848 Danubia is at the far right of the more than 3000 German corporations. As the first and only Bavarian CSU fraternity got it from Interior Minister Guenther Beckstein, the beginning of September the dubious title, unconstitutional organization "- even retroactively to 1 January 2001 ", Der Spiegel wrote in October 2001. The decree, however, was reversed. [26]

kiss the hand, my Hess

The Leipzig students discovered other strange activities of the faculty Vogt. He had with 2004 together with the current employees of the Saxon NPD parliamentary group and colleagues on the Board of the Foundation continental Europe, "Dr. Olaf Rose, a film about Rudolf Hess produced, in which its his time flying to England to be sold as a" peace mission "of the Third Reich: Hitler would have an immediate withdrawal of occupation troops from France , Belgium, Holland, Denmark and Norway, reparation of the damage, restoration of a sovereign Polish state and the general disarmament and destruction of weapons in the attack had meaning. Vogt and Rose were based on the book "The Hitler-Hess Deception" of dubious English author Martin Allen, whose ostensibly historical publications since Years are known for being largely based on forged documents.

appeared in German translation in Allen's concoction Druffel-Verlag, under the title of the n-tv-show: "Churchill's peace trap". Druffel-Verlag? The one that Gert Sudholt, with Professor Vogt since 2004 also on the board of the Swedish "Continent Europe Foundation" sits. Sudholt is not only owner of the publishing company mountain to the watchman, Vowinckel and very well Druffel-Verlag belong - the last was founded in 1952 by the Deputy Nazi Reich press chief Helmut sinner man, the foster father Sudholt, -, but was from 1988 to 1990 second Chairman of the Rudolf-Hess-Gesellschaft. "[27] Sudholt, who in 1992 held office for denying the Holocaust to a prison sentence of six months and in 1999 was sentenced to a suspended sentence of four months, also deputy chairman of the Society for Free Journalism "(GRP). This, founded in 1960 by former members of the NSDAP and the SS, according to estimates by the Federal Office for Constitutional Protection, the largest right-wing cultural association in Germany and is close to the NPD. [28] 1973 took Sudholt the Presidency, since 2005, NPD husband and Strasbourg Visitors Andreas Molau chairman. Board activities had, in 1991, Vogts co-author, Dr. Olaf Rose holding. That has to be memorized everything: It's enough to know the following parable: Board of the Swedish "Continent Europe Foundation" = "Society for free journalism." The themes of the society should know however, that "questioning of the gassing of millions of Jews, denial or relativism of war guilt in Germany, the" foreigner question ", the" freedom of speech for national journalism "[29] In lecture there well-known guests such as Günter Deckert. , Pierre Krebs, Andreas Mölzer, exactly: the one who had been invited to Strasbourg. The "Erich-Hutten-medal gives the troupe also: SS officer and war criminal Erich Priebke received them.

"The fact that there is so many thoughts (whether the particulars), is understandable, is not it," was Vogt asked: "I have the 'Secret Files Hess' and the two n-tv-abstracts with Olaf Rose 2004 rotated. Since he was neither the Board, Society for Free Journalism 'yet, Parliamentary Advisor' of the Saxon state parliament NPD Group, which he was 2007th Actually, should be enough in itself, since I was surely not be asked of precognitive ability to know something that did not even Olaf Rose 2004 and only about two years later entered. The claiming of a "self-worry-' is anything but fair, because no one can expect from me that I had 2004 can know what would happen in 2007. "[30]

" The Internet auctioneer eBay is' brought the Hess-video by the legendary needy people but above all it has now arrived where it always belonged: with the, German Book Service 'of the DVU-chief (and Strasbourg-visitor), Gerhard Frey, it is classified as "truly sensational documentary' offered for sale. In the National-Zeitung of 24 September 2004 Frey was a quarter-page article ("How Rudolf Hess wanted to save the peace ') for the brown Devotional video advertising. "[31] Another Vogt-Rose-film" Death by hanging "about the Nuremberg trial of Nazi war criminals was the main focus of a right-wing major event, and on 8 October 2006 in Munich Eden Hotel Wolff took place. There was organized by the "cultural policy research group in Munich" and "Munich Civic Association e. V.", at its events and membership meetings always known Munich old and neo-Nazis, such as the "Silent Help" activist and Himmler's daughter, Gudrun Burwitz, actively took part, a historical revisionist program with the publisher Gerd Sudholt, Danubia-member Michael Vogt and NPD's top official Olaf Rose hung up. Sudholt, who for the occasion, a special edition of "German History" under the title "Death by hanging - The Nuremberg Trials 1945/46 - rightly or revenge," was published, said the "Foreword" to the film. The ham is against the "Nuremberg Trials" as an "instrument of the victors" hounded and insulted rants about the "massive violation of European law principles and procedural tricks. Sudholt called in the special edition by the trials of the Nazi leadership "show trials", instigated, it was "the account of the Allies" was that the procedures the "German people held on the ground politically, economically blackmailed and broken his spiritual backbone" will. "Shadows of Nuremberg will be removed only when the radicals repaid Allied historiography and free research is possible." Sudholt will therefore develop a "storm German self-liberation", because "while in Germany, a country without real sovereignty, and under the sword of the still-existing enemy state clauses, is a normalization of the situation probably only possible if the inflammatory and bustle of established re-education and re-educated diehards, should cease. " [32]

Alsatian past ward: secret.TV

logical consequence, that Jürgen Elsässer, founder of the popular initiative, were interviewed in secret.TV - Germany's first television station for Border Studies, Spiritual and background policy "- shows up. Michael Vogt end of 2007 there had taken the "political" section. In 2009 he heard from Alsace 60 long minutes of "national initiative against financial capital." [33] The station is owned by the secret.TV is secret.tv GmbH & Co. KG 74 579 Fichtenau, but the domain on the known conspiracy theorists and mystics January Udo Holey alias Jan van Helsing pending. Sees the program as a response to "lack of freedom of speech in Germany ... refers to which they may seize and ban his Holocaust-denying books". [34] The Federal Office for Protection of the Constitution wrote, in November 2005 in the brochure "form of argument in the right-wing anti-Semitism" in section "3.2. Right-wing extremist Age ":" A remarkable in many ways a special case, the right-wing New Age dar. Building on the esoteric theories often inherent penchant for conspiratorial thinking right-wing extremists are increasingly using the opportunity to be to infiltrate non-political esoteric scene anti-Semitic and revisionist ideas. Had the leading role it is still best known mystics and right-wing extremist in January Udo Holey, who published under the pseudonym Jan van Helsing. His early nineties, in two volumes published book 'Secret Societies and their power in the twentieth century' had a circulation of about 100,000 copies. A steadily increasing number of right-wing extremist influence books flooded since the esoteric market. The contents resemble each other frequently until marginal differences. In most cases, is a global conspiracy - identified as Jewish origin - Illuminati to the detriment of the world and in particular Germany propagated. This was both for both world wars, and for the total control of the political and social life, establishing the "one-world government" responsible. Apparently this is to use the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion' is an indispensable basis of argumentation of the authors that they - give a nearly continuous as evidence - provided in various forms and with various origin myths. Even the well known fact that it is the 'protocols' are counterfeit, does not lead to a failure to use the 'evidence'. In the right-wing New Age are set pieces different anti-Semitic stereotypes apply. Besides those already mentioned in the broader sense revisionist assertions appear again and again, references to the religious connotations prejudice of the Jews as 'Children of Satan' on. A potential hazard to the free democratic basic order follows from the fact that the readership of esoteric works of a hitherto largely apolitical, often highly educated formally scene with right-wing ideology comes into contact. Perspective, this could lead to the creation of a climate of opinion in which anti-Semitic sentiments sometimes also on the right-wing extremist scene also greater acceptance. "[35]

"Professor" without chair

Alsace and Homilius have the affair with "Professor Michael Friedrich Vogt" the bridges to the left - yes, who or what is it? - Demolished behind. Interesting to see what the authors of the Kai Homilius publisher will tell the new boyfriend, and whether they would join in this path. Two journalists have pulled the emergency brake: Knut Mellenthin had a deal with Jürgen Elsässer, in the series COMPACT the book - to bring out "Obama hopes and disappointments." "It is correct that this agreement ... I have been terminated, as Jürgen Elsässer tried, as the series Voice for its "people's initiative to present and this combined with unskilled attacks against two left-leaning daily newspapers, I work for many years, young world, and New Germany." [36]

The Swiss historian and peace researcher Daniele Ganser did this with him made Interview remove the NATO secret armies of the homepage of the secret.TV. "I have been unfortunately little research, each time, who is the journalist who does the interview," regrets Ganser, who is also a widespread ban on interviews as a DVD about the shield Publisher . procured Ganser, scientific in his speeches, interviews and books, tolerance and respect among religious groups Calls distanced themselves from any extremism that divide society and therefore weakening, "radicals from the right and left, from the Nazi party until the RAF, have called in the German history in unconditional struggle against their opponents. The Nazis set up their hatred against the Jews, the RAF against the police, now often vilified Muslims. To this I would counter with my Peace Research "[37]

One has to be said yet. Alsatian cowardice is its people's initiative to continue to camouflage as a leftist. He splits again, like in the early '90s, when he helped the ideological hochzupäppeln boils Anti-German? To access the above-braided Quote to come back: Dear Lenin, let the gentle reader who was interested journalist, the politically interested, the person prefer to form an opinion: Cui bono? QED.

[1] "reckless mistake"; http://www.america21.de/nachrichten/inhalt/2007/nov/homilius-verlag/
[2] program book fall / winter 2009 of the Kai Homilius publisher; http://www.kai-homilius-verlag.de/katalog/pdf/katalog200902_web.pdf
[3] Homepage Shield Verlag; http://shop.schildverlag.de/home.htm
[4] http://juergenelsaesser.wordpress.com/2009/06/09/compact-monatspublikation-aus-der-volksinitiative/
[5] http://juergenelsaesser.wordpress.com/compact-die-buchreihe/
[6] Continent Europe Foundation; http://web.archive.org/web/20041117063349/http:/www .kontinent-europa-stiftelsen.org/styrelse_sv.htm
[7] Rechte Schweden-Stiftung unter deutscher Führung; http://www.redok.de/content/view/750/40/
[8] Dalsbro , Poohl: Swedish Economic Crimes treatment behind right-wing foundation; http://expo.se/www/download/Expo_2-07_Kontinent_Europa.pdf

[9] "Continent Europe Foundation"; Versammlung mit Hinder Nissen; http://npd-blog .info/2008/08/13/2029 /
[10], honorary professor at right-wing suspicion;. http://www.spiegel.de/unispiegel/studium/0, 1518,516859,00 html

[11] right-wing summit in Strasbourg http:// www.redok.de/content/view/826/36/
[12] see 9 [13] Law professor shown the door; http://www.redok.de/content/view/904/36 /
[14] http://dokmz.wordpress.com/2007/11/14/uni-leipzig-honorarprofessor-unter-rechtsextremismus-verdacht/

[15] The controversial personalities: Interview with Prof. Dr. Michael Vogt;
http://spreegurke.twoday.net/stories/5808838/ [16] see 12
[17] fraternity Danubia invites anti-Semites and historical revisionists, http://www.aida-archiv.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1575:burs
[18] list of speakers Danubia; http://www.danubia-muenchen.de/archiv.php
[19] "Honor, Freedom, Fatherland"; http://wissen.spiegel.de/wissen/dokument/ ? dokument.html id = 20424044 & top = SPIEGEL

[20] Hess paused filmmakers as a professor;
[21] 14 See [22] see 18
[23] see 18 [24] degrees of radicalization fraternities; http://www.antifa-freiburg.de/spip.php?page=antifa&id_article=193&design=3

eV [25] Witikobund; http://de. wikipedia.org / wiki / Witikobund
[26] see 20 [27] right-wing extremists publishers in key positions; http://www.redok.de/content/view/978/36/
[28] Constitutional Protection Report 2006; http://www.verfassungsschutz.de/download/de/publikationen/verfassungsschutzbericht/ vsbericht_2006/vsbericht_2006.pdf

[29] Society for Free Journalism; http://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php ? & title = Gesellschaft_für_Freie_Publizistik cite_note printable = yes #-0
[30] see 14 [31] Brown merchandising; http://www.heise.de/tp/r4/artikel/18/18429/1.html
[32] revisionist event in Munich hotel for Sunday 8. October 2006 planned; http://www.aida-archiv.de/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=562&Itemid=154
[33] People's initiative against financial capital, http:/ / www.secret.tv/artikel5027095/Volksinitiative_gegen_das_Finanzkapital

[34] Secret-TV; http://esowatch.com/index.php?title=Secret-TV [35] Federal Office for the Protection of argument in the right-wing extremist Antisemitism, Current developments;

[36] Personal communication by Knut Mellenthin

Monday, September 28, 2009

Hantia Hernia Sergury

On behalf of the CIA

Young World / 28.09.2009 / international / Page 6

On behalf of the CIA

U.S. intelligence hires Iranians against the government in Tehran to work

Jürgen Cain Külbel

Iranians that in Dubai, the capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the U.S. consulate because a visa to audition, "supervised by Iranian specialists and Farsi-speaking people who work for the CIA or other U.S. agencies, interrogated and - in some cases - recruited for spying of their own government." That now the Los Angeles Times reported, citing the recently published book in the U.S. "City of Gold Dubai and the Dream of Capitalism."

Jim Krane, author of the book and Exkorrespondent the news agency Associated Press (AP) and Exberater Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, reports high-level CIA-makers have repeatedly in the past successfully against plans by the U.S. State Department, the Consulate of "budgetary reasons" to conclude, intervened. Finally, the CIA, the consulate was still less than 200 kilometers away, from Iran, "a gold mine for human intelligence (HUMINT)," the acquisition of information by human sources from the land of the Persians.

HUMINT in Dubai consulate was practiced successfully for decades by "grilling Iranian (visa) applicants." Krane said the Los Angeles Times, "Iranians with military or government background were asked to come again and again, agents harassed them," to collect, and more in-depth information. "The Conclusion that the U.S. is able to collect important information about Iran, without an embassy there and have to do it easily from Dubai to be. "

early October 2006, installed the CIA agent Jillian Burns, the conservative Turkish daily Yeni Safak, also a so-called "Iran Regional Presence Office" in the consulate, to get from there, "with a handful of employees Iran better" observers. Burns crew is from the newspaper for the bloody mass protests, the Iranian presidential elections on 12 June 2009 followed, made responsible, "It is alleged that the (projected) of the counter-revolution to the year 2006 declining. We have not forgotten that former U.S. President George W. Bush $ 400 million for the overthrow of the regime in Iran Reserved. Jillian Burns, sent to Dubai as Director of the observation post of the U.S. State Department for Iran, was probably that man who stood behind this job.

Burns, since 1993 in the U.S. State Department, is a specialist in regime change in Tehran, at least since 2003, will lecture on "What can international actors do to promote democratic change in Iran," and relies in the practical implementation in the other to the exile Zia Atabay-Iranians. The smart Exsänger, once touted as Iran's Tom Jones is the founder of the National Iranian TV in Los Angeles and works in the United States successfully for years to rival Iranian exile groups - which range from monarchists to the People's Mujahedeen, student organizations, to Tudeh Communists - in a front against the mullahs and "for the" democratization of Iran together. Burns focused primarily on the apparently from October 2006 to the presidential elections in Iran 12th June 2009.

The CIA agent Jillian Burns left on 4 August 2009 base of operations in Dubai. The regime change in Tehran at the time was apparently already failed as. In the later from the West as "show trials" denigrated charges against those responsible for the weeks of unrest Iranian relations with the CIA and Burns were unmasked. Reza Rafiyi-Forooshani, said a twelve defendants in August 2009, "I have been working for two years the secret of Emirates Dirhams 5000 and received a monthly basis. " Jil lian Burns, whose office he was also with information, he described "as his" leader.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fotos De Minores Gays

hard liquor

young world / 23.09.2009 / international / Page 7

hard liquor

U.S. research project published study to review the situation in Iran. Strong values to President Ahmadinejad

Jürgen Cain Külbel

At the annual military parade in Teheran has warned the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad residents against attacks on his country. He called in a Speech on Tuesday, the occupying powers in Iran's neighboring countries of Iraq and Afghanistan to withdraw its troops. "I advise you to return to your own countries and to use the high military spending in order to solve the problems of your people," he said. The people in Iraq and Afghanistan stood the foreign troops in their country hostile to, and it was "impossible that foreign troops permanent bases were talking in the region.

survey by telephone

Earlier, a study published at the weekend, attested on the mood in Iran, the president surprisingly good values. been created was the Work of World Public Opinion (WPO), a project of the internationally prestigious Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) of the U.S. University of Maryland. And concludes that 81 percent of Iranians say Ahmadinejad confidence and support the work of key state institutions.

The survey was between 27 August and 10 been September of Farsi speaking countries conducted by pollsters from telephone interviews. Accordingly, 55 percent of respondents stated that they voted in the presidential elections to Ahmadinejad. 14 percent would have given her voice, expressed the Mir-Hossein Mousavi, the main challenger to Ahmadinejad. Asked Who in the event of a new edition would give the election the trust decided, 49 percent for Ahmadinejad and eight percent for Moussaoui. The question of the credibility of the disputed election results of 12 62 percent responded in June by saying they had "much trust in its accuracy. Officially, then Ahmadinejad 62.6 percent of all votes received.

skepticism about Obama

The survey of U.S. university also reflects the widespread skepticism about the general Washington's intentions in the region: 57 percent of Iranians strongly believe that "the Americans to impose their culture of Muslim society" want, like many feel that the purpose of the United States only "to maintain control over the oil reserves of the Middle East," and "the weakening and splitting of the Islamic world." Six out of ten Iranians were thus "in general" no confidence that President Barack Obama the right thing "in the affairs of this world tackles." convince
The Obama's speeches in Cairo and Istanbul, in which he pointed out ways to align his country with the Muslim world, six of ten Iranians at all: Obama has "no" respect for Islam. "While the majority of Iranians is ready anyway, with Obama shops to make them trust him very little, "said Steven Kull, director of WPO. However, 63 percent wanted the Iranians to resume diplomatic relations with the U.S., twenty percent "favor a sustainable full, unconditional negotiations" between Tehran and Washington.

Full Report


questionnaire evaluations

Monday, September 21, 2009

Los Angeles Public Crusing Spots

Young World / 09.21.2009 / international / Page 7

A letter to Ban

murder of Hariri: Syria wrote to UN Secretary-General and threatens public prosecutor Mehlis and his Exassistenten Lehmann action

Jürgen Cain Külbel


Friday, August 14, 2009

Free Fireplace Blue Prints

" invasion of Pakistan would be a error "

Junge Welt / 14.08.2009 / focus / Page 3

"invasion of Pakistan would be a great Error "

U.S. and NATO have lost the war in Afghanistan almost. The extension of the combat zone, the neighboring country is unacceptable. A conversation with Akram Zaki

Jürgen Cain Külbel

Akram Zaki was Foreign Minister of Pakistan and from 1997 to 2002 Member of the Senate in Islamabad. From 1954 on he was in the diplomatic service of his country operates, among others, he was ambassador to the United States, China and the Philippines

A U.S. defeat in Afghanistan would be a serious blow to Wa ington imperial ambitions. Deprive the United States in lieu of a military defeat, the destabilization of the nuclear power Pakistan to accept?

The U.S. lost the war in Afghanistan almost. While Barack Obama is working on the retreat from Iraq, he always sends more troops to Afghanistan and extended with the strategy "Af Pak" the campaign. When the U.S. lost in Vietnam at the time, they attacked Cambodia am Then they had to go in disgrace. If they repeat the same mistakes in our region, the result will be similar.

Two years ago you said that the U.S. want to destabilize Pakistan entislamisieren and denuklearisieren. Their government, a close ally of the USA, has a quite different position.

I'm still the same view. Pakistan and China should be divided, our country is to build "friendly" relations with India, and that India's conditions. The destabilization of Pakistan is the appropriate tool for achieving these goals. The U.S. built India into a strategic partner for its policies in the region against China, Pakistan and Iran. Global and regional hegemonic powers work together here.

out since April, the Pakistani army to intense pressure from Washington, a military offensive in the northwest of your country in order to eliminate the Taliban.

The military operation against the growing threat of terrorism had become inevitable. It had come almost to a major revolt resulting increased interference from outside.

from the outside?

The Afghan Taliban, mostly Pashtun, a resistance struggle against foreign occupation forces. They defend themselves against the United States and NATO as it did against the Soviets. The Pakistani Taliban, however, are a jumbled heap, consisting of religious extremists, some criminal elements and foreign agents from our neighbors and their powerful international allies supported, financed and armed.

Pakistan's ISI argued, the offensive of the U.S. Marines in the southern Afghan province of Helmand urging Taliban fighters into Pakistan's Balochistan, which leads to the destabilization there.

There is growing evidence that U.S. and NATO forces more and displace more Afghan resistance forces in Pakistan. Background: You want the lives of U.S. and NATO soldiers to rescue and hope that the Pakistani Army fought its enemies on Pakistani soil. This has serious consequences for our security and stability. My country is forced additional forces from the East-move to the western frontier in order to control the influx into our territories too.

controlled between 1996 and 2001, the Taliban with the support of the Government of Pakistan's neighbor Afghanistan.

Yes, the Taliban government in Afghanistan caused us any problems. They eliminated all the poppy cultivation there, restricted the drug trade is a very strong and controlled the spread of weapons, maintained law and order. After 9 September was dictator Pervez Musharraf, our President, under American pressure, a U-turn in the hope of being able to extend his reign unpopular with U.S. support. He profited personally, but the country suffers because he ordered from his own selfish reasons Pakistani interests to the interests of the empire. Middle class, civil society and the media raise their voices louder and louder, however, that foreign and domestic policy are determined to protect the vital national interests again.

Obama's War Expansion Strategy »Af Pak" seeks to isolate "Al Qaeda and smash and destroy their safe havens." Al Qaeda has a base in your country?

The Pakistan Government asked to provide reliable intelligence on hideouts of Al Qaeda, if present. There was nothing. Al-Qaida and Taliban were at the time created by the CIA in the fight against the Soviets, now the U.S. is their enemy.

there are U.S. combat units in Pakistan?

There are reports that the U.S. wanted to send some troops, but Pakistan had not agreed. A limited number of trainers, however, is on site.

a matter of time until U.S. troops invade your country?

repeated claims, Al-Qaeda leader including Osama bin Laden hiding in Pakistan, run the risk of violation of territorial integrity. Obama's approach suggests that the U.S. consider our territory as a war zone. An invasion of Pakistan would be a big mistake.

Where's Osama bin Laden?

As Osama bin Laden for the CIA against the Soviet Union was working, he was a real person of flesh and blood. After 11 September 2001, which was followed by the invasion of Afghanistan and a massive bombardment of that unfortunate country, it is a mystery. There are no reliable news of whether he is dead or alive. Most people believe he was dead, he is kept alive as a spirit, as a political instrument that can be used to justify future military adventures.

are worth U.S. missile attacks on Pakistani villages, not to an invasion?

The drone attacks, it is claimed shall do against al-Qaida, but most of the dead and injured civilians, especially women and children. The people of Pakistan feel these raids as aggression.

It is said that the Pakistani army was in control of the re gion regained the Swat valley after the Taliban were driven out. This would have taken over towns and villages - in violation of a peace agreement, which in turn allowed the introduction of Islamic law in the region.

The peace agreement was violated by all sides because each side had its own interpretation. The introduction of Islamic law was an old local demand. For this purpose there was in 1994 and 1999 agreements that were never implemented. This is also the reason why the extremists have been so popular. Some criminals and foreign agents and then heated up the turmoil created at the end of the really serious situation.

Obama makes non-military U.S. aid to Pakistan Value of 1.5 billion U.S. dollars a year depending on the government's efforts to combat Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters. Is not that blackmail?

It was an American war, and Pakistan has become a major victim. Pakistan has now to fight this scourge and is unhappy about the "support" to conditions. It will be held talks to counter that.

However, Pakistan now wants from the U.S. drones and other military equipment to expand the offensive against the Taliban can. How to win the public if it is bombed?

Yes, drones and other air attacks only lead to the loss of innocent life. This actually caused anger and anti-American sentiment as well as against the government in Islamabad. At the same time it produces sympathy and potential support for extremism.

The tribes in the semi-autonomous regions along the border with Afghanistan have united against the Pakistani government. If your country will soon be rocked by civil strife?

The areas of the so-called Federally Administered Tribal Areas, FATA short, and are difficult especially in North and South Waziristan to pacify. Foreign agents are quite active there. Military action might extend the conflict really. A nuclear-armed Al-Qaeda-God state of Pakistan will never exist.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Certify For Unemployment In Georgia

a stranglehold on U.S. Congress makes loose money for the opposition

a stranglehold on U.S. Congress makes money for the opposition loose

By JÜRGEN CAIN parison, 27 July 2009 -

hintergrund.de On Friday (July 24), exactly in front of the "global day of action against the government in Tehran," the U.S. Senate unanimously adopted the so-called "Victims of Iranian Censorship (VOICE) Act, (1) and expressly stated that his intent to further interference in the internal affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The law, for had the Senators John McCain, Joseph Lieberman, Ted Kaufman, Lindsey Graham and Robert Casey made strong, regulates the "Financing Activities" of the Iranian opposition "to combat the efforts of the Iranian government, radio, satellite - and to interfere in the Internet-based transfers. "

Tehran had during the weeks of unrest that the country's presidential elections on 12 June 2009 followed, capped all electronic communications and particularly British and U.S. media, such as the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and Voice of America "(VOA), because of" dramatization "of the events, interference in internal affairs and media coverage on the basis of" dubious sources such as Twitter and Facebook " strongly criticized. BBC had set up as eight months before the presidential election, a Persian-language station, where the program is to deal strictly with the elections, who acted after the election as a kind of headquarters for the rebels. And VOA, the U.S. budget diet, dealt mainly with the possibilities of "regime change" in Tehran. (2)

"Since this cruel regime is working to isolate the Iranian society, the law, by providing support for broadcasting and new Internet and communications technologies that help to open it," said Republican and co-founder of VOICE, John McCain , told AFP. (3) Accordingly, the U.S. government is now $ 30,000,000 in the Persian-language radio program "Radio Free Europe" will pump and $ 20 million in measures that Tehran's "efforts to block the Internet censor, or monitor," lock intended. In plain language this means that it will set up a fund "to support the development of technologies that empower the Iranian people to obtain access to information and exchange them. " The legislators also requested the U.S. State Department, "Information on Human Rights in Iran published. VOICE is providing $ 5,000,000 available.

nothing creative in the intelligence West: For decades, serving the U.S. intelligence agencies, also for reasons of economy, a kind of intelligence operation, which she calls "cloack and dagger" (dagger under his cloak), this is just the psychological warfare. The virtue of VOICE - translates the voice, a symbol with a penchant for Theatrical, but pure psychological warfare - has been loosened funds are therefore nothing but the financial basis for the continuation of the kind intelligence "war" against Iran, former President George W. Bush began in 2005 that Barack Obama is smiling more. Finally, even since then have half a billion dollars in the "regime change" in Tehran, stuffed, folded does nothing. Therefore, now nachgeschoben cash infusions in order to intensify the psychological warfare, commonly known as "black propaganda" referred to: That, it is at the intelligence school book, is something "that supposedly from dissident elements among the population of the enemy (the Iranians) is, but in fact is operated highly secret from the outside. Sometimes this is hate mongering spread by radio, sometimes through leaflets, camouflaged by newspapers, by forged letters, by anything you can conceive what a perverted brain only. (4)

Whenever be used in charge in Washington for "democracy, freedom, human rights, peace," it is serious, is usually followed by wars, civil wars, assassinations. It is likely that behind the act of government VOICE, the real goal of any "black propaganda", namely, the preparation the ground for covert operations in Iran, hidden: collaborators, assassins, saboteurs recruit provocateurs who use all the "categories of secret service agent" as invent rumors spread orally, intimidation, bribery, blackmail, sabotage in all areas, kidnapping, bombing, assassination who use attack from ambush, partisans and underground army. "They also include the clandestine smuggling of all required materials. Reproduction apparatus, radios, poison, explosives, incendiary devices, and smaller weapons for the gangs, guerrillas and paramilitary formations" (5) This requires spending money.

keep Apparently, the editor of the law created VOICE the rest of the world for quite stupid, they write it firmly in the text, the U.S. Congress respecting "the sovereignty, the proud history and rich culture of the Iranian people ... and do not mix (in the affairs of the country) a ". How seriously the peace-hating cohorts in Washington with the people of Iran really mean VOICE initiator John McCain, the elapsed presidential candidate, war drivers in terms of Iraq, who wanted to stay there for hundred years (6) show in January 2008 Length: As humming it at an event in South Carolina free of the soul away: "Bomb, ! Bomb, bomb Iran "(7)

Sources: 1 http://lieberman.senate.gov/newsroom/release.cfm?id=316182
2 http://www.jungewelt .de/2009/07-11/085.php

http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5gkXKwx64nXJo0t90gcGVMzOAqVyw 4 S. Kent: Strategic Intelligence for American World Policy, Princeton, 1949, p. 21
5 See footnote 4 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-zoPgv_nYg&feature=related


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v = o-zoPgv_nYg

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Wiring Up 3.5mm Female Jack

The King of Twitter swindler

Young World / 18/07/2009 / focus / Page 3

The King of Twitter swindler

Internet Active Shah's followers bluffing with horror video, Basij were killed during the unrest in Iran four students

Jürgen Cain parison

four brutal murders in forty-two seconds to force uniforms on the roof of a house civil dressed people tied together on the back of his hands move over the railing, his arms a push, so that after several meters dive helpless and unfortunate position on the base hit, mostly with the skull, so that death occurs immediately. Zealous uniformed vacate the place hurriedly, not to eliminate the evidence of arson, no, to quickly make room for the others yet to be killed. Assembly line work, through well-organized.

The evidence for multiple murder which actually took place, supposedly in June or July 2009, so in Iran these days, is, according to the Iranian Webdissidenten »Mihanam Iran before," for the kinky people Battles was on a so-called snuff video ( from English to snuff out: kill) captured for eternity. Consistently, therefore, be the media outcry and the Iranian opposition, which this video on 9 July 2009 on the internet, Twitter, Facebook, AOL, YouTube brought in issue: "The true face of the Islamic regime. The Islamic regime in action - they throw students off the roof of the university. What these students want: freedom, human rights. "Was on YouTube concrete:" We (the Iranians) need everyone's help in this world.. The Basij terrorists throw the poor Iranian students from the roof of the University of Shiraz, "

The video is now also common in Germany, including by the 'Friends of the Open Society, brothers of the heart's mirror-author Henryk M. Broder, who has linked to his website, because the "step Step by leftist certainties have adopted. " It says: "Students throw militiamen to death. Anyone who watched the video linked here, you need strong nerves. It shows how brutal can kill the mullahs. The roof of the university students are thrown down ten meters. They are tied to the hands and kicking for their lives, and then lying there lifeless on the ground. Three cowardly murders are shown in this video. It was probably not the only ones. Nevertheless. Publising, but only look if you can "

Yes, there was actually on 20 June, 2009 that in the southwest of Iran city of Shiraz, as clarified You Tube, disputes between students and police, but no series of murders of this kind, because what Webdissident »Mihanam Iran," according to research by the author who lives in Toronto, is 48 years old, in civil life Azadiyeh Mihanam is, also likes to call David, who served up the world, is a minimum of two year old video. It was set on 9 March 2007 "Nothing Toxic" on 7 February 2008 »Little Midgets" and 21 LiveLeak.com August 2008 under the title "Iraqi prisoners are forced to jump off a building." The film has been discussed since 2007 by internet users, whether he is actually from Iraq has not been established.

»Mihanam Iran" makes advertising on its homepage for the "liberation army in Iraq, U.S. 'and glorifies the exiled Shah Reza Pahlavi and his son in exile, who as head of a puppet government for Iran rifle at the ready. And he also has the "Twitter account which will go down in history" (Financial Times) with his video-serving lie: Those with the Twitter blog address "# iranelection." There he is as "I_D_A_C_O" go or sparklehayter as ". It is precisely this "live log of Horrors," the Western press their "knowledge" exhausted by the events in Iran. Even if there mobile phone network had been shut down partially or completely, there was no electricity. For hard-working, thanks to the Twitter user overseas, as in the case of the Iran-exile and video fraudster Azadiyeh Mihanam from Toronto, the propaganda machine is still hot, and offers its scary "true" video clips from the "Islamo-fascism" in Iran. Neither Broders friends nor the Iranians in exile want to remove the video, although the history is known to them long ago. Original sound of the exiles "Yuzarship:" It does not say Iran or Iraq, it says this is the 'true face of the Islamic regime, "which both follow" Ergo, so "hhoseinz". "Please, this movie sends to all TV stations in the world, the United Nations, the European and the U.S. government. " In fact, there the matter would be in good hands. A more detailed version of the article references first appeared in the online portal www.hintergrund.de

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Was Carrie Underwood Anorexic

Iran: The king want the Twitter swindler

Iran: The Lion, the Twitter swindler

By JÜRGEN CAIN Külbel 15 JULY 2009 -

appeared in the online portal

Internet Active Shah's followers hintergrund.de bluffing with a real snuff video, the Basij, those volunteers of the Revolution, had murdered during the riots after the presidential elections in Iran four students.

a thud. The fingers of the tortured, his arms tied together behind his back, had just opened from a great height in a curved position with head and knees on hard surfaces spread themselves, slowly, slowly, until they remain in the moment of death occurrence. The blood of the shattered, his brain mass, which soaked the ground, mix with the blood, the brain of the others who pitched there before him, had been killed in a particularly insidious way.

four murders in forty-two seconds. Here's how: Uniformed on the roof of a house in civilian clothing force people tied together on the back of his hands move over the railing, the poor souls a push, so that after several meters open dive helpless and unfortunate position on the ground, mostly on the skull, so that the immediate death occurs. Zealous uniformed vacate the place hurriedly, not to eliminate the evidence of arson, no, to quickly accommodate the other to create even to be killed. Assembly line work, through well-organized. The evidence for multiple murder which actually took place, supposedly in June or July 2009, so in Iran these days, is, according to the Iranian web-dissidents "Mihanam IRAN" before, for the kinky people slaughter was on a so-called Snuff video (1) (from English to snuff out = kill) captured for eternity. Consistently, therefore, be the media outcry and the Iranian opposition, which this video on 9 July, 2009 Internet, Twitter, Facebook, AOL (2), YouTube brought in circulation: "The true face of the Islamic regime. The Islamic regime in action - They throw students off the roof of the university. What these students want: freedom, human rights. . We (the Iranians) need everyone's help on this world "(3) YouTube knew more accurate to report:" The Basij terrorists throw the poor Iranian students from the roof of the University of Shiraz (4) "Mihanam Iran" video. is now widespread in Germany, including through the "
Friends of the Open Society
" (5), heart, brothers of the mirror-author Henryk Broder, who link to his website because the "step by step from left certainties have adopted. " It says: "Students throw militiamen to death. Anyone who watched the video linked here, you need strong nerves. It shows how brutal can kill the mullahs. From the roof of the university students will be thrown 10 meters down safely. They are tied to the hands and kicking for their lives to lie and then lifeless on the ground. Three cowardly murders are shown in this video. It was probably not the only ones. Nevertheless. Publising, but only look if you can "

Yes, there was actually on 20 June, 2009 that in the southwest of Iran city of Shiraz, like YouTube, spelled out conflict between students and police, but no series of murders of this kind because what web dissident "Mihanam Iran," according to research by the author who lives in Toronto, is 48 years old, in civil life Azadiyeh Mihanam is, also likes to call David, who served up the world is not only misinformation, it is simply criminal. The Internet Gangster is in fact a video online that is at least two years old. It was set on 9 Nothing Toxic March 2007 (6), 7 February 2008 at Little Midgets (7) and 21 LiveLeak.com August 2008 (8) under the title "
Iraqi prisoners being forced to jump off a building
. The videos have been discussed since 2007 by internet users.

The impatience of the "green" Revolutionaries in Iran, together with their conductor in exile is apparently exhausted if the stalled "regime change" in Tehran. "Mihanam Iran's" attempt, which has on its website 512 contacts (9), it advertises the "Liberation Army U.S. in Iraq" and the exiled Shah Reza Pahlevi (10) and his son in exile, who as head of a puppet government for Iran is the rifle at the ready, glorified, has failed miserably. Since it profit him nor that he "Twitter account which will go down in history" (11), the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, those with the Twitter blog address "iranelection", a "Live log Horrors of the offer, served with his video-lie. There, nearly fifty years as "I_D_A_C_O" (12) is on the road or even as "sparklehayter (13). It is for this "live log of Horrors" draws the Western press their "knowledge" about the events in Iran. Even if it was switched off the mobile phone network in Iran in part or whole, there was no electricity. For hard-working, thanks to the Twitter users overseas, as in the case of the Iran-exile and video fraudster Azadiyeh Mihanam from Toronto, the propaganda machine is still hot, and offers its scary "true" video clips from the "Islamo-fascist Iran at.

The Aging Shah Groupie "Mihanam Iran" has the Twitter business "iranelection" Thank God not only discredited, no, that gentleman Azadiyeh Mihanam has indirectly made an oath, as he pointed out who had which threads in the "news reporting "pulls out of Iran and has drawn. Strangely, neither friends nor the Broders exiled Iranians want to remove the video, although the history is known to them long ago. Original sound of the exiles "Yuzarship on 10 July 2009: "It does not say, Iran or Iraq, it says this is the 'true face of the Islamic regime', which both follow. Ergo, so "hhoseinz": "Please send this film to all television stations in the world, the United Nations, the European and the U.S. government. " (14) Indeed, there the matter would be in good hands. Sources: (1)
http://mashrote.multiply.com/video/item/191 or here: http://video.aol.com/video-detail/mihanam-iran-iran- today-62-islamic-regime-in-action/1819156545
(2) http://video.aol.com/video-detail/mihanam-iran-iran-today-62-islamic-regime-in-action / 1819156545
(3) http://mashrote.multiply.com/video/item/191
(4) / watch%3Fv%3DV_t9w1SFFzg+iran+Throwing+the+student+from+the+roof+of+ university&cd=5&hl=de&ct=clnk&gl=de
(5) http://fdog.wordpress.com/2009/07/11/iranian-update-090710-milizionare-werfen-studenten-vom-dach/
(6) http://www.nothingtoxic.com/media/1188791819/Prisoners_in_Iraq_Forced_to_Jump_Off_of_a_Building
(7) http://www.littlemidgets.com/detail.php?type=2&content=56936&cf=
(8) http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=ad1_1219310824&to_friend=1
(9) http://mashrote.multiply.com/contacts
(10) http://mashrote.multiply.com/photos/album/9/9
(11) http://www.nzz.ch/nachrichten/medien/gezwitscher_aus_iran_1.2769250.html
(12) https: / / twitter.com / I_D_A_C_O
(13) ter + iran + Throwing + the + student + from + the + roof + of + university & cd = 9 & hl = en & ct = clnk & gl = de

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Why Do Whitetail Deer Shed Their Antlers

"The Iranians change '

Junge Welt 11.7.2009 / focus / Page 3

"The Iranians want change"

presidential election makes it necessary domestic adjustments significantly. Patronized by rich countries is not acceptable. A conversation with Ali Reza Sheikh Attar

Interview: Jürgen Cain Külbel

Ali Reza Sheikh Attar

Photo : Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran His Excellency Ali Reza Sheikh Attar is an ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Berlin

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced on Tuesday on Iranian state television a "new era of cooperation" in the domestic and foreign policy. What changes pave itself?

The outcome of the presidential elections of 12 June has enormous significance for us. 85 percent of the population, or 40 million of 46 million eligible voters went to the polls. This is not only a world record, but also Iranian record. The people have so that the system that evolved in the thirty years after the Islamic Revolution despite all the difficulties confirmed. With the backing of such security and We continue our work in the domestic and foreign policy. In foreign policy, this means Iran, which has political, economic, science, culture, history, a great potential in geopolitics plays a significant role, to the first power in the region has led to. The election has also shown that people want change. A sizeable part of the Iranians had finally decided on the presidential candidates Mir Hossein Mousavi. Therefore will have some internal political change in management policy.

this regard, President Ahmadinejad announced a cabinet reshuffle. What will concern the Minister?

first place, it's about justice for the poor. Minister, did not meet the needs of the poorer strata of the population have to pack their bags. The President also insisted that he would be "president of all." So he wants to meet the demands of the opposition. All people should be treated according to their skills and qualifications meet, quite a claim with Islamic coloring. The message "oil on the dining tables' has lost nothing of its symbolism, because the president will continue his battle against the camp in the Iranian society, which is greatly enriched by cronyism and corruption and had further enriched. In foreign policy, it's go increasingly to justice. There are some countries that have more power and money and remove therefore, to decide the fate of other nations. This is no longer accepted.

The Iranian opposition if they are designated as such may wish to overcome the discrimination against women.

women have always played a crucial role in society. Discrimination means, for example, that women in some Arab countries allied with the United States is not even allowed to drive. Where is the outcry? Naturally fall in our Society women's rights with Islamic precepts, which are our way of life based on, together. But our religion was the first of the world that had granted the woman to economic independence. Where is Europe was a hundred years?

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad described the presidential election of 12 June 2009 referred to the TV appearance as the "freest election in the world." Large parts of the West, the Iranian opposition in exile and see the completely different.

There were 50 000 polling stations in the country. In each polling station, usually schools or mosques, based on seven selected local people who no particular party or movement who were members of the election. Every presidential candidate is also an observer. After the polls closed were all these people, including representatives of the candidates, the votes. They drew from five documents containing the results of the vote. Impossible that conspire seven independent person to mark already in place at each box, a fraud. This is absurd.

The opposition accuses the government in spite of everything still in front of massive vote-rigging. How is this criticism of the world are made?

The elections in Iran is correct! It's not new to the world that the losing candidate's Expressed dissatisfaction over the election outcome. The U.S. Democrat Al Gore has recognized as the result of the U.S. presidential election of 2000, in which he made over half a million votes more to unite than to George W. Bush, never. Or we look to Mexico. There, Felipe Calderón was declared in the presidential election in 2006 against the leftist candidate Manuel Lopez Obrador as the winner. Obrador disputes the election result, mobilized for weeks in Mexico City's supporters, who even lived in tent cities. He even called up a rival government. It's like playing football: the warring sides have to accept the decisions of the referees. Nevertheless

Opposition calls for the elections.

The Government established the basis of this requirement is an independent body that a suitable mechanism for clarification sought and found: There were ten percent of all votes at random in front of running TV cameras - the Iranian public therefore took part in the review - new counted. Any manipulation possibility was excluded. And no other result than was reached by the election day of 12 June. Recently the government has even extended the deadlines for further protests and lawsuits. In addition, commissions are set up by volunteers or recruit just interested citizens, the further actions and deal with complaints.

President Ahmadinejad accused Western governments of "interference" in the Iranian election and advised, in the future than ever, international act decisively. The main allegations made against London. Can you be more specific?

Our country did with the great powers, Britain, Russia, the United States in the last hundred years are not good experiences. The sting is deep, and sensitivity to any kind of outside interference is actually increasing. The British government set up BBC as exactly eight months before the presidential election, a Persian-language Transmitter, where the program had only one focus: the elections. Immediately after the elections, he appeared little more than radio stations, but as a headquarters for civil disobedience, which then spread, where to gather the people what to do and refrain from, how they should behave. Even the Persian program of the U.S. channel Voice of America - which is fed from the pots of the U.S. budget, intended to "overthrow the regime in Iran" - claimed the elections very selective contributions, mainly with the possibilities of "regime change" in Tehran concerned.

The Ambassador of Sweden, the Czech Republic and Spain presented on behalf of the EU the Tehran Foreign Ministry sent a letter in which the immediate release of jailed Iranian workers from the British Embassy is required. Failing that, the EU would "take" further steps ...

nine Britons had been detained eight again set free, because they played a minor role as an informant for the British Embassy. Mind you, we have induced the release, as there was no pressure from the EU. The detained person is not currently questioned about the accusation that illegal footage concerned and made available to the British Embassy to have. She is assisted by one of the best lawyers in the country. Turns out that the person has violated our laws, you face a penalty. Threats by the EU only complicate the matter, they benefit nothing.

images of battered, bleeding and dying Tehran protesters went around the world. For the Western media, it was the work of armed commando units of the Basij, who hunted with sticks and iron chains protesters on motorcycles. Were the pro-government religious police out of control?

matter that the people in Germany, Great Britain, USA and other democratic countries are clubbed in demonstrations: Both the supporters of President Ahmadinejad and the candidate's demonstrated Moussaoui initially relatively peaceful. But it interfered increasingly troublemakers in between, they made sure - it says this country does not - that eight policemen were killed and injured more than four hundred were in that one hundred bank branches were set on fire, that innocent people, business people were injured, that to the dead came to bomb attacks perpetrated on the mausoleum of revolutionary leader Khomeini and gas stations. The security forces have arrested a troop of rioters, who, dressed in police uniforms or Basij, the demonstrators mixed and fueled the unrest. Mir Hossein Moussavi had distanced himself from these violent criminals. A further and significant role in the riots played terrorists of the People's Mujahedeen, a terrorist group that operates for years from Iraq against us, is funded by the U.S. and was canceled under pressure from the UK, from the EU terror list. Your agents are responsible for bloody attacks in Iran before and after the elections and for the brutalization of the protests.

conclusion: Iran expected a military attack of Israel? Who or what is Israel that dares to interfere in other countries interfere? For my part, I would not be averse if they try. It waits a bitter pill to the Israelis that they can swallow it. Apparently they have forgotten how you get spanked in the summer of 2006, no army, but only a paramilitary unit of the behind in Lebanon.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Groping Boobs In Night Club

Personal" No! " to people's initiative and Homilius-Verlag

On the homepage of Jürgen Elsässer's "People's Initiative", a coproduction with the right-left-left-right-knitted Kai-Verlag Homilius to advertise for my book
Hariri Murder Case "

I declare that I have with Alsatian "people's initiative" had absolutely nothing to care, and will have. From the unspeakable Publisher Homilius-I had already separated mid-2006.
Jürgen Cain Külbel

Monday, June 29, 2009

How Much Is Aswini Hair Oil

Iran: The Failure of the "green" coup

background / 26 June 2009

Iran: The Failure of the "green" coup

"Operation Ajax 2" and her fiasco -

By JÜRGEN CAIN parison, 26 June 2009 -
"Since the outbreak of protests against the outcome of the presidential election tried the (Iranian) leadership, in conflict with the old enemy opposition to swear in the community: The opponents were from the western powers and the media instigated, led by the 'Great Satan' USA. " Yassin Musharbash and Philipp Wittrock, Spiegel-Online 22 June, 2009 "How the west winds in the Iranian issue" (1)


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Weaknesses Pokemon Pokemon Deluge

moderation and protest

Young World / 17.06.2009 / international / Page 6

moderation and protest

Iran: election loser Moussaoui asks for peaceful demonstrations. Government announces "velvet revolution" in the approach to prevent

By Jürgen Cain Külbel

The supporters of the loser of the Iranian presidential election, the "as" reformers lined up political veterans Mir Hossein Mousavi protesting. A radio report of the Iranian state broadcaster Pajam that there have been in Tehran on Monday first death: "Several thugs wanted to attack a military post in the intention to capture weapons. This public property near the Azadi Square was destroyed. Sorry, there are seven people were killed and several others were injured, "it said.

After the big rally on Aza Tues Square, where tens of thousands, so the news channel Al-Jazeera, had been demonstrating peacefully for the defeated Moussaoui tried a group, the position of cooperating with Iran's Revolutionary Guards volunteer militia Basij set on fire and storm. Then the militiamen fired on the agents provocateurs. Mousavi on Tuesday called for his supporters, the garbage cans in the past few days lots, burned tires and cars and motorcycles, had to exercise restraint, but also to more protest rallies on.

parallel to the violent incidents had gathered thousands of supporters of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the gates of the British and the French Embassy in Tehran, where they waved Iranian flags and chanted anti-American and anti-British slogans. Demonstrators, who carried the interference of "Western democracies" in the internal affairs of Iran, even in the recent presidential elections, forbidding, signs "that says Down with the USA, UK and France." "We have gathered here to counter the covert Agenda (of the British and the world), which aims to chaos wreak havoc in our country to protest, "a member to the station Al-Jazeera, reacting to the provocation of the British Foreign Secretary David Miliband, the Iranian government put" state violence against the own people in Tehran and elsewhere, "a. An Iranian who protested outside the French agency, called for "all oppressive governments (in the U.S. and the EU) not to interfere in our country's future. We will "provide us with all our strength to them in their way. Also, Ali Larijani, speaker of Iran's Parliament warned on Tuesday "the United States and some European countries, their to keep their own problems in mind. There is no need for Americans to be concerned about Iran and its elections worries. " The Europeans, the Germans, he recommended, "since they had very premature," responds to the elections "not to interfere with making a fool of in this matter." The spiritual leader of the country, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, had on Monday ordered an audit of the election results after a two-thirds majority had voted for President Ahmadinejad. Now become the Guardians of the fraud allegations runner Mousavi "just check" so Khamenei.

any event, the Iranian authorities warned immediately after the foiled raid the military post of the Basij, they would immediately any "velvet revolution" to prevent the start.