linker visit to the Chancellor and a peace plan
reasons for the placement in psychiatry of a former media policy spokesman of the Left remains unclear - Chancellor Angela Merkel has not been jeopardized
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
Neurupin / Berlin. 28. October 2010. A political peace activist and former media policy spokesman of the Left Party in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern visited earlier this week for the second time the Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel (CDU) at their weekend estate. Chris J. has given Angela Merkel a letter and a peace plan for the Middle East and leave peacefully after the extraordinary visit the private residence of head of government. The police witnessed the events and made it the case that the man could leave peacefully without incident, the site of the Prime Minister.
The State Criminal Office (LKA), the former politicians (to September 2009), in the summer of 2009 for the municipal elections in North-Western Pomerania on lists 11th candidate, has been issued for investigation and subsequent brought to the campaign for peace and justice in the Middle East and the world in a body of the open psychiatric ward. The former media spokesperson will be treated according to reports in several newspapers of the institution with medication.
The exact reasons for placement in a psychiatric facility open by a former media policy spokesman of the Left Party are still not precisely known. J. Christian, a political peace activist, former member of the State Executive Committee of the Left Party in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and former media spokesperson for his party had tried four times, Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel a letter and a peace plan for the Middle East to offer them. This is him at the beginning of the week successful.
then, Christian J., who worked as a research librarian in Stralsund and freelance journalist, by officials of the regional criminal police office (LKA) in a search arrested and placed in an institution of the open psychiatric ward. Media reports that the political peace activist is treated with psychotropic drugs because he had allegedly made a "confused impression." Germany is the third largest arms exporter in the world. Therefore, the involvement of the former Left Party politicians for peace in the world and the Middle East as "unusual" is perceived and described. Why is the former media policy Speaker of the Left Party was hoping that might interest the German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel for a peace plan for the Middle East is not known at this time. An implementation of a peace plan in the Middle East could miss at least the economic interests of German arms lobbyist want. We know that sustainable and efficient operations can only weapons in crisis and war regions to achieve success. It is no secret that, therefore, is the motto for international arms deals in the logical conclusion: Yes, allow no peace, because otherwise had to count the weapons industry with revenue losses.
With the production of a letter and a Peace Plan for the Middle East, which has for the crisis-torn region, a two-state solution, sometimes providing as part of the concept, the former media spokesman of the Left Party, Christian J., according to German law does not generally guilty of crime. However, found in the reports on Tuesday and Wednesday some tabloids a "media prejudice" of the former politician of the Left Party, instead. In the titles of some tabloid newspapers of the long-standing peace activist, was active as literally as "lunatic stalker shown, which have followed with the delivery of letters and the peace plan, Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel." While writing and transmitting of letters and peace plans to a German Chancellor normally in Germany is not punishable, is in stalking or "adjustment" to an offense that a conviction with imprisonment between three months to ten years in Germany may result. The so-called "adjustment" and set out in section 238 of the Penal Code provides, in Germany since 2007, a criminal offense dar.
When a politician of the Left Party, a politician of the CDU, in this specific situation, the Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel, visited and handed over their letters, this has been in Germany is not a crime in the public Expression understanding perceived. Hardly any editorial would usually pay attention to such an event. But the headlines about an alleged "mistake stalker who tracked the Chancellor," have spread worldwide within hours like a wildfire. About the political activities of the former municipal politician of the Left Party, meanwhile, has been reported no or very little. The man was media spokesman for his party to autumn 2009 and has for years publicly as peace and political activist known for his peaceable commitment. The fact that the candidacy of former politician for the Left Party of the German state security forces might have missed is unlikely. In the local elections in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in 2009 it was publicly and properly notified elections and not a secret event. The photos and information on political, media and peace-political activities of former politicians are still many places on the internet and in reports to find the newspapers.
could probably have a quick retrieval of the state security forces and provide journalists from the Internet and in newspapers investigators insightful and comprehensive knowledge about the involvement of the media-political talk faster, without red tape and quickly.
J. Christian candidate in the Municipal elections in 2009 in North-Western Pomerania on lists 11th place for the party Die Linke. He was a member of the National Executive Committee of the Left Party, and also media spokesman for his party. Since the Yugoslav conflict J. Christian work as political peace activist and was also active when the international organization ATTAC. On request of the editorial board of the international news agency confirmed a spokesman for the National Union of the Left Party, said Wednesday that Christopher J., also a member of the party and met many years peacefully full of idealism for peace in this world "has committed was. Christian J.
contact for several years, mainly for peace between the three major world religions and for peace in the Middle East, "an increasingly peaceful." added the politicians of the Left Party. "The intrusion into the privacy of the Chancellor," the spokesman rated as "not very suitable means of transport of funds, peace plans". His political career has intensified the political peace activist as a member of the WASG. With the merger of the different currents and parties from WASG and the PDS in 2007, Christian J. joined the Left Party. For personal reasons and because of "differences of opinion in the leadership of the campaign" was the former left-politicians in the fall of 2009 from his posts resigned in the State Executive Committee of the Left in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. As a member of his party remained Christian J. The Left remains faithful. The politicians of the Left, who confirmed the commitment of his party comrades peaceful, described himself as a devout atheist who knows, however, that there is the commitment of the political peace activist J. Christian faith and reason.
The former media spokesman Christopher J. is related to the endorsement of his Christian faith known of his obligation to contribute to peace in the world, as a professed Protestant see. The Berliner Zeitung in a report in the Wednesday edition said Christian J. from Mecklenburg: "has since opened to my ring at the door no one, I went into the garden, where I met the chancellor, who was leading a call. I passed her a letter and then went back. "It's twice the man managed to get to the weekend home of Chancellor Merkel in the Brandenburg Uckermark. In one experiment, the Chancellor personally to speak in Berlin, the former media spokesman of the Left by police in Berlin was dismissed. After his visit with the Chancellor on the weekend it was home, the police observed him and not be stopped, leaving the estate to the Chancellor. He was the Chancellor for a second time visited after the latter had not replied to his letter.
The political peace activist of the Left had before his visit, on Tuesday a week ago, several members of parliament, including Ruprecht Polenz (CDU), chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, informed that he planned Angela Merkel for a second time personally . visit The top prosecutor Neuruppiner Lolita Loden Kämper confirmed, meanwhile, on Wednesday that will against the former media spokesperson for the political left, the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is not identified. The accusation "a stalker to be" the political peace activist, dismissed as false and not true. Is not known at present, for what period "must be treated" the former media spokesman in psychiatry because of its peace and political engagement - as a devout man of Christian faith and confessed to him remains the hope of meeting the commitments made in Psalm 85, verses 9-13 "But his help is so close to those who fear him, that dwell in our land of glory, that goodness and truth are met together, righteousness and peace will kiss, that loyalty is growing on the earth and righteousness look down from heaven, that we also Lord doeth good, and our country to give his greenhouse, that justice remains ahead of him and go in vogue "
. Legally considered first the presumption of innocence applies to the former, the Left leaders from Christian J. Mecklenburg, based on international and national rights, even after the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In Article 11 guarantees
first Anyone who is charged with a penal offense has the right to be presumed innocent until his guilt in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense, is demonstrated in accordance with the law.
second No person shall be convicted of an act or omission which time they were committed, under national or international law, was not punishable. Similarly, shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one at the time of committing the offense was committed.
The chance of a fair, orderly, and public judicial proceedings have been taken away from the peace activists, however, already by the "media prejudged as an alleged crazed stalker" in Germany.
The man is not a member of the CDU, because he still a member of the party is the left, but under international law may also be members of the Left Party or other parties involved in Germany in politics and peace. In Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights guarantees:
first Everyone has the right to take participate in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
second Everyone has the right to equal access to public service in his country.
third The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will have to come through periodic and genuine universal and equal suffrage by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.
A member of a party to the government of his country is not for the people of a country absolutely necessary guarantees the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The complete Version of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is on / menschenrechte.htm to read on the web.
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