Young World / 11.06.2009 / focus / Page 3
choice carnival in Iran
neck-and-neck race between President Ahmadinejad and his challenger Mousavi. Their followers compete on the streets around the shrillest support
On Shahid Doctor Bahonar Square, high up in Tehran's north, 700 meters above Downtown, nightly rages an election battle, which spread a touch of Brazilian Carnival . While dancing on a street side, the supporters of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on the roofs of their cars and the sidewalk, jump, sing, swing, giant portraits and Iranian flags, chanting fans of the presidential candidates Mirhossein Mousavi, on the other side with loud slogans, waving posters and spray loads of snow spray in over moving cars, as well as the heads of those who can not escape fast enough. According to them, are the craziest between midnight and two clock in the morning, but it's too peaceful. If the Chinese firecrackers all too often end up between the thousands of people about then the police: by means of two cruise lines, wandering around in the soft trilling and double time for several minutes in the street without someone to curl a hair.
On Friday Iran elects its new president. The Guardian Council has approved four candidates: incumbent, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Exministerpräsident Mir-Hossein Mousavi, former parliamentary speaker Mehdi Karrubi and the former head of the Revolutionary Guards, Mohsen Resai. The challengers want to improve relations with the United States and create transparency in the nuclear program. Rezai while promoting a common uranium enrichment in Iran with Russia, Europe and the USA, calls Karrubi a know-how of nuclear technology. But long ago is emerging in a neck-and-neck race between the current president and his challenger, Mousavi.
TV Heated debate followed
In a heated televised debate between Ahmadinejad and challenger Mousavi, a novelty in Iran's state television by millions of viewers, the president defended his Internal and external policies. Could "During the last four years, the Iran develop worthy, both within and outside the country," the opponent attacked frontally: "We inflicted great damage. Tensions between Iran and other countries are growing. Is this really in our interest? "Iran, Mousavi, had his adventurous, unstable, extremist foreign policy change and behave moderately. Ahmadinejad, however, dubbed his opponent "as ignorant, who have closed their eyes to the facts of the world." Criticism because of high inflation, rising unemployment, housing shortages as he belted out, as it "not the social problems only four years give "and that no new issues were. He also threw all governments of the past 24 years, to have been corrupt or ineffective, leading to the Iran correctly.
infected Indeed, the economy, despite rapidly rising revenues in the oil market in a deep crisis: food. and consumer goods prices continue to rise, inflation is above the 20 percent level, unemployment, especially among young people, increases continuously. In addition, 270 billion U.S. dollars revenue in the last three oil boom years disappeared without a trace.
Certain domestic observers say Ahmadinejad ahead of 60 percent of the vote, while others look forward Mousavi. Foreign Observers, as the Indians Dr. Naved Jamal, assistant at the Department of Political Science, Jamia Millia Institute in New Delhi, likely to do so: "The election will be decided in the last three days. Ahmadinejad is among the poorer strata points, "he told a young world. The Russian historian and Duma deputy Gennady Petrovich, the tion of the Islamic revolution witnessed in 1979 at first hand, since then, with interruptions in the country knows that will get Ahmadinejad "not cast its votes in Tehran, but from the other cities of the country and the rural population ". Former Pakistani foreign minister and ambassador to the United States, Akram Zaki said, young world, "the Iranian Government is strong, stronger than ours and that of other countries in the region. Ahmadinejad will make the race. "
homage in green
Mousavi, who announced," to do away with moral police "and laws that discriminate against women scores, especially among young people and students. And also because Rahnavard wife, former dean of Al Azar University in Tehran woman, holding in his campaign appearances, the opening speech. Today's artist is "already on the" Green Mousavi as "Michelle" - in reference to Obama's wife - celebrated.
with green, the color worship of Islam, particularly among young women men and their candidates: young women have changed the long, dark chador against a green paint, green fingernails, wear green headscarves and eye shadow; adorn young men with green cuffs and headbands, wearing green T-shirts. carries around Amin, a 16 year old student, with green pants, shirt, running around, pointed hat, a large leafy branch on Dr. Shahid Bahonar Square and looks like a wood sprite, "would change. He wants to drink alcohol and an open channel with his girl friend. "
There are the "children of the rich who already have everything and do not get enough can, "here to day to day from late afternoon until two o'clock, three occupy the streets peacefully to the" Change Iran declares launch, "Hojjat, one who has to return at the end of the night the dirt of the boys from the street, with a sour face. Here, on the slopes of the Alborz Mountains near, he knows the wealthy of the city at home. up there "And, these people from there, choose Mousavi." He was, as the majority of the population also satisfied with President Ahmadinejad, because he do something for the whole country, especially for the poor. "Ahmadinejad says his opinion because he is interested in any U.S. and UN, which in any case no good lead, "says the street sweeper.
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