Monday, April 12, 2010

Cartoon Characters With Booty

Hasbaras willing "left "executor

The Finkelstein-bullying

About political gamblers who pretend to ideological links and some that are against signing bonus pro-imperialist War propaganda, pro-Zionist advertising, "anti-Bolshevik" Propaganda boost, dissidents denounce in public, and en passant in the interest of the State of Israel overturn the fundamental right to freedom of expression in Germany.

By Jürgen Cain Külbel in SECRET , Issue 1 / 2010, p. 10 ff

"In the military hospital in Zossen took place on Tuesday afternoon (June 3, 1919) instead of the autopsies the corpse of Rosa Luxemburg. The autopsy was made by Privy Councilor Strassmann and beer, and the court physician Dr. Störmer. The body is already in advanced stages of decomposition. From the skull major parts of the scalp and hair were detached. The face was completely blurred and bloated. Unique features revealed no more, especially since large pieces of skin were missing. The autopsy revealed the surprising finding that the skull of the corpse was completely unharmed. Neither the bone buckles, even the seams have even the slightest injury, which can indicate that the skull was hit by rifle butts, as no doubt but with Mrs. Luxembourg has been the case. When compared with the dead a wound on the left front. Sun, therefore, the skull was opened. The brain was completely passed into decay, so that was no longer determine whether the bullet had penetrated the brain. "

(Source: "The remains of the corpse of Rosa Luxemburg 'in:. Freedom Berlin organ of the Independent Social Democrats of Germany, number 267, Wednesday, 4 June 1919)

Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknecht on 15 was January 1919 in the Mannheim Road 27 arrested in Berlin-Wilmersdorf in a militia and Guard Cavalry Rifle Division, the largest of the then newly established volunteer corps to pass. After interrogation and torture at the Hotel Eden Waldemar Pabst ordered the commander to kill them both. After the hunter Wilhelm Otto Runge Rosa Luxembourg was beaten unconscious from behind with a rifle butt, jumped the Free Corps lieutenant Hermann Souchon the evacuation of seriously injured on the car and shot her through patch temple shot. The killers then threw the corpse into the Landwehr Canal in Berlin. Only on Saturday 1 June 1919, discovered the lock-keeper of the zoo-lock the tortured dead and buried them.

murderers and accomplices - Civil Guard, Rifle Division, volunteer corps and propaganda organizations - at the time were paid from the "Antibolschewistenfonds. Were the leading representatives of German industry, trade and bank capital on 10 Established in January 1919 and equipped with 500 million marks. Edward Stadler writes in his memoirs that he had actually Gustav Noske for military use advised against the Berlin council movement and the Captain Pabst, Senior Staff Officer of the Guards-Cavalry-Rifle Division, the murder of Liebknecht and Luxembourg, 12 January 1919 after appearing at Noske as follows personally suggested: "... the Parliament could keep our front-line soldiers stolen, men and deeds it to come, are when seen on our side for the time being no leaders, it should at least know the other end do not. '"(1)

The second execution of Rosa Luxemburg

Ninety years later, on 17 February 2010, followed the physical liquidation of the major representative of the European labor movement and proletarian internationalism, the ideological. Luxembourg lofty political goals such as social emancipation, collective self-determination, existence and rights of freedom of the people, manifested in her famous phrase "Freedom is always freedom of dissenters" were by no less than the Rosa Luxembourg Foundation Social Analysis and Political Education e. V. (RLS), one of the Left Party disavowed close to Berlin means: "The RLS their space commitment involve the planned lecture by Norman G. Finkelstein titled, Israel, Palestine and the Goldstone report on the Gaza-war 'on 26. February 2010 in Berlin back. This explained the CEO RLS, Heinz Vietze, and the executive board member Florian Weis: 'We hold a discussion of the Goldstone report it urgent. The political sensitivity of a lecture exclusively by Norman Finkelstein have on this subject, however, we underestimated, as we pledged in December 2009, a space for this project. We regret this deeply. '"(2)

What had happened? Professor Dr. Rolf Verleger, president of the Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East Association, summarizes the case: "Dr. Norman Finkelstein has canceled his flight to Germany. He was on 24 to 26 February in Munich, and Berlin Milbertshofen speak. This (presentation) shows a clear edge. It violates the language rules of German politics. It runs counter to the language regime of the large German media. And he speaks the truth. Prior to this truth has the local lobby group of Israeli nationalism beat-to-very afraid. So a campaign was waged. The proud of its parental-Jewish tradition was considered Finkelstein, an anti-Semite 'and' revisionist 'defamed, found thus in the Nazi corner. The Jewish community of Berlin, jüdelnde groups in the left (working groups called Shalom) and a Jewish study group in the SPD, called for the demonstration against Finkelstein. These groups wanted to the Evangelical Church needlessly perish not, as is the foundation of the Green Party, and also the foundation of the party left, they all went back on their commitments to the organization of the event. Since it did not use enough that Finkelstein is a Jew himself, and that we, the Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East, was co. There was a new commitment to space the boy-world-gallery in Berlin. But this is a relatively small hall, and Finkelstein estimated the situation now so that the disputes be concern expressed in the title of the talk expression would be to superimpose a lot. He declined. "(3)

Finkelstein has made his work often be controversial, He has often been attacked. His concern explains Finkelstein like this: 'The moral challenge is clear to the Germans, could not be greater. It consists of one part of the responsibility will be that comes to them from the crimes of the Third Reich 'against the Jewish people, it is the other, but also not to allow them to be denied because of this terrible legacy of the right to criticize current crimes, but because they are committed by a state that defines itself as Jewish. Meeting this challenge is, in truth, the noblest form of Holocaust remembrance. '"(4)

But the Federal Working Group Shalom (BAC) - "platform against anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism, anti-Americanism and anti-capitalism of the regressive Linksjugend ['solid] - looks completely different. After Honestly Concerned, a "club for lobbying and propaganda in the sense of Israel, based in Frankfurt" (5), defame since 2002 by large e-mail lists critical of Israel articles with comments or prevent pressure on the editors examined had managed to blow up the events in Munich Finkelstein, Milbertshofen and Berlin, provided the left-wing daily Junge Welt, the bullying victim is a speech-asylum.

hastily brought his Berlin now BAK Shalom Propaganda soldiers against Finkelstein's freedom of expression in position, for, as BAK Shalom: The American Jew is "for his extreme and revisionist statements and opinions known ... Finkelstein is an internationally popular among anti-Semites, because it simply by the fact that he is a Jew and son of Holocaust survivors called, credibility and the absolute truth is certified. Facts and scientific research play in the dissemination of his theories of secondary importance. "The left-Zionist country team (6) was immediately rifle at the ready to prevent the appearance of Finkelstein in the capital.

The Ruckus Network, "Eleventh Finger"

The managers of psychological war, propaganda and digital denunciation is generally not very picky when it comes to the selection of recruits. They all free, so expect the propaganda line, here and there for one-off, sometimes for long-term collaboration. On 20 April 2009 headline in the correspondent Barak Ravid in liberal Tel Aviv daily Haaretz, "Israel recruits the gay community for public relations campaigns against Iran." Ravid said that his country "now aggravated the PR in order to discredit Iran in the international community". And the new campaign by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman the checkered flag, "focusing on violation of human rights and support for terrorism, including the mistreatment of gays and lesbians in Iran. Asset in the counter-propaganda must therefore be the international gay community, the State Department turned to embark 8 million new shekels (1.5 million €) ready. The money will be used to increased activism on the Internet, on sites like Youtube for example, and the "instruction" of foreign journalists. (7)

Something is running in German part of the Internet as lubricated for years. The Israeli hasbara a propaganda department of the Israeli Foreign Ministry and known for "Zionist propaganda with Nazi methods" (8), does seem like back on the experience of their German comrades who in 2005 with the participation of 60-80 bloggers - including some from the scene of the so-called gay fight bloggers - and mentors has custody of the journalist Henryk M. Broder (Spiegel, axis of good), Hannes Stein, (then the world, axis of good), Dirk Maxeiner and Michael Miersch (Die Welt, axis of good) at the Munich Nockherberg lifted from the baptism . (9)

A "dropout" of the transaction reported against SECRET, "the intersection between the two groups (recruiters and recruits) would in the so-called hedonism. " (10) A well-known mirror-Author "catch these people (in Germany) with its instrumentalized criticism of Islam. He claims that Muslims are aggressive anti-gay and takes a few excesses as an opportunity to be a protector of minorities aufzuspielen. In fact he despises them, occurs only in the abstract as an old (Adult) news journalist for sexual freedoms. But only if they use him. He eats like too, likes to travel, had once also like to have sex .... As for now, the gay, although I always think of the striking and aggressive part, we may even designate quiet clear why you find them annoying. "(11)

Exactly. The trivial German blog Gay West, managed by the investigating Anonymous written Damien and Adrian, who is in all sorts of earthly and political sensitivities of the "Eleventh Finger" rub on to function as a break room for some of these "annoying" German Blog fools in per -Zionist cage. It is indeed an illustrious company, which has since linked with the Sisters of Gay West: Benjamin Krueger, spokesman for the BAK Shalom, for example, with his blog "Milk & Honey" or Alexander TESTING (Liza's world), Gideon Böss (World blog) and Thomas von der Osten-Sacken (Wadiblog) - all permanent residents of the notorious Islam-Basher-axis of good. But smaller video-lights can be found here, those who make the German Web's dirty work, anonymous course, there let out the pig and make no bones about it, when an Israel critic is to be destroyed; regard to dignity or life performance of a people do not know. (12)

Those bloggers are part of much larger, unwieldy hasbara Network (a look at each individual blog roll is enough), who seek their political doctrines, especially in right neoconservative think tanks in the U.S. and / or direct instructions from the Israeli Foreign Ministry obtained. There, employees observe websites and internet forums to ultra right-wing Zionist activists in the U.S. and Europe may provide clues to where to intervene in support of the Zionist policy "journalism". For the purpose of the software Megaphone desktop tool was developed, a Microsoft Windows program that is distributed by the World Union of Jewish Students and other ultra right-wing, Zionist organizations (13) on the website

The software, on 19 July 2006, connects to a server of the Israeli Foreign Ministry and from there obtained a list of publications critical of Israel, called Alerts. Of course one can "make a report" with the tool as well. On the way the Zionist government may, very quickly a large number of activists who throw themselves then on the critical websites, forums and comment features are immediately flooded with signature pro-Israeli opinion manipulation. To outsiders, the picture is that of a "broad agreement" to the Zionist policy. (14)

The "Antibolschewistenfond" has had its day, long live the financial pot of hasbara

A look at the blogroll of the BAK-Shalom spokesman Benjamin Kruger (15) speaks volumes: From there it directly to Matthew Küntzel, the writes among others for the U.S. neo-conservative opinion magazine Weekly Standard, in the American Club for warmongering (16), the American Enterprise Institute appears, where he assisted the American Michael Ledeen, a former intelligence officer and war propaganda, (17). Or even to the Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin, where Benny Morris, controversial history professor at Ben-Gurion University (18), on at the Berlin conference on Iran "2 and 3 May 2008 rushed, that "everything was all a nuclear strike (against Iran) is better than a second Holocaust." (19) or the anti-German flagship Thomas von der Osten-Sacken, who in 2002 wrote the Germans the then impending Iraq war palatable. And so on. The history of these networks is still not written. They did need since in Germany, "German Anti dünkenden left, in fact, German anti-Zionist Left and (are), which has long spread terror among the opponents of the Israeli state and government policy. Financed by the Propaganda Department (hasbara) of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, they flood forums and blogs mostly anonymously with filth and threats and also spread to violence. Zionist Jews with the same set - a classic pattern judäophobes - and insulting anti-Zionist Jews as self-haters. In the same breath, they denounce the doubters in the Bush version of the outrageous terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, a dirty word perverted concept of conspiracy theorists, isolate Muslims and praise the other, left cloaked alleged freedom and democracy in the U.S. and Israel. "(20)

early July 2009 published an article on the website of the newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, in which the" new program "of the Israeli Foreign Ministry to intensify the propaganda war abroad, mainly in Europe and the USA, was presented. The project manager Ilan Shturman, also Deputy Director of Public Affairs at the Foreign Ministry, explained how the project developed during the raid on Gaza in January 2009: "During the operation , Cast Lead, we turned to the Jewish communities abroad and with their support, we recruited several thousand volunteers. We sent them the background and public relations material, so that they represented the Israeli perspective on the news sites on the Internet. Our target audience was then the European left, which was unfriendly to the government policy of Israel. Therefore, we have begun to interfere in discussions in blogs in England, Spain and Germany. Very hostile environments. "600 000 New Israeli Shekel (€ 117 234) were the bloggers of 2009. (21) How much is gone from the earnest money to Germany, the report is not enough. The Megaphone Desctop tool was found in the relevant web presences almost inflationary.

income from fishing for duds

The ideal finishing shot, which the Berlin RLS fired, could become the Rohkrepierer because they refused Finkelstein, the right to freedom of expression. It is a novelty in Germany that a left body which is adorned with the name of Rosa Luxemburg, this terrible step is gone. But: The RLS is the Hasbaratschiks fallen into the trap, took the bait of "unjustified equating criticism of Israel's wrong with anti-Semitism" (22). And that it ferment within the party, the Left, is well known, long rub there the traditional anti-imperialists to this supposedly "modern" left (commonly known by the term anti-German), which imperialism and wars appear to be a heart needs now.

the Constitutional protection is surprised year after year on these brothers, represented "the anti-fascist left-wing so-called Anti-German a newer movement that has been dismissed a few years ago as sectarian spinning. Their full solidarity with the Jewish people and the Israeli government and the U.S. have led to a deep fracture in the left-wing extremist scene. Anti-German opposition to define their particular state the fact that they are subject to all German anti-Semitism and the desire for Great Power aspirations. Representatives of this support the military operations in Iraq and its allies in Iraq, which they regard as "fight against the hostile forces of fundamentalist Islam civilization ', as well as the policies of Israel. While left-wing extremists autonomous nation and state as a construct of bourgeois rule in principle refuse to call anti-German in its fully israel friendly attitude to all Jews, an area on a national basis. In the fight against anti-Semitism in its view merited by the U.S. very much, because they had liberated from Nazi Germany and protect Israel. The substantive opposition to fight the one hand, a supposedly imperialistic Germany and on the U.S. - from the perspective of most left-wing extremists -. To support the epitome of imperialism, anti-German ignore "[23]

long time to work some of these German Hasbaratschiks that are in the Left buried, have not only optional, like they draw their salary and from tax money. Some of the Shalomis (BAK Shalom) had or have work with members of the Bundestag found. Sebastian Meskes for example, was office manager at a member of the German Bundestag and energy spokesman for the Left Party, Hans-Kurt Hill, before he Office manager at Thomas Lutze, Member of Parliament for the Left was. Or Benjamin Christopher Krueger, spokesman for the BAK Shalom, a former colleague in the office of Bodo Ramelow tinkers, now as an office manager at Frank Temple of the Left. Let us recall the fact that it was just that Kruger, whose favorite politician is Barack Obama, who led the BAK-clique in the Finkelstein-bullying. Krueger and Ramelow are a member of the German-Israeli Society.

A source told secret: "From the Bundessprecherrat they told me that probably provide politicians like Petra Pau and the Bodo Ramelow Shalomis with donations - over these funds has only the BAK Shalom and there may but (unfortunately) not insert a contradiction. "[24] secret that makes this statement not to source their own, asked for Ramelow and Pau. The Thuringian leftist Bodo Ramelow was a relevant discussion not effective, rather denouncing, and forbade to quote from his email response. [25] And the left politician Petra Pau circumnavigated in their email response is the subject of any supply donations altogether, "Shalom is to my knowledge, a self-organized concentration within the Left Party. As far as I know, he includes manure and fellow riders, but no employees employed or paid senses. Whether and to what extent the BAK Shalom (financial) contributions the party receives, check with the party executive. I do not know. But even if so this would not be equated directly with a tax-financing. "[26] A similar question, Mrs Pau, which the Zionist campaign" Stop the Bomb "in which supporters of the conspiracy theory" Iran has the bomb " including BAK Shalom, gather to the Persians, the non-existent nuclear bomb again to take the other side of 24th March 2009: "At the opening of Rosa Luxembourg Centre in Tel Aviv (sic) has reported the Israeli alternative center in an article about a group of young leftists, Shalom. ....' With financial Support the party she organized events' for Israel, and spread racist propaganda and military terrorized members who dare to criticize Israel. " In other examples, the withdrawal of the Duisburg-Mayor candidates on the left is headed. " Is it true that Shalom is financially supported for these events? Paus answer seems the realm of copy and paste to come: "Whether the BAGemeinschaft Shalom for their political work is financially supported by the Left Party, I do not know. This question you should check with the executive of the party addressed the Left. "[27]

The discussion in terms of infiltration by the Left by pro-imperialist and pro-Zionist, supposedly "left" sub-organizations is long overdue. At least since Gregor Gysi, leader of the Left Party in the Bundestag, the barn doors ripped open to attack: On 14 April 2008, he warned in a 16-page speech at a meeting of the RLS, the left to the "solidarity with Israel." He confessed to the fact that they are part of the "German raison d'etat" and be warned of the "Anti-Zionism", operated by many left. "The concept of imperialism does not apply to Israel in any case," was the credo Gysi, the self-proclaimed "Antisemitenjäger" Henryk M. Broder, who in turn may be considered as foster father that BAK Shalom and Blogger shysters, as his "love" means. [28, 29] Gysi did not seem bothered by the fact that Broder's life work, "the Left, which emerged from the PDS" moves as "afterbirth of the SED in the dirt. [30] And certainly not by the former U.S. bridgehead against Moscow and today against Islam, Palestinians, Arabs and Persians - the pro-American, anti-democratic and expansionist Israel.

A paradox? Not necessarily. Perhaps the basis for the biggest win of the infiltrant controlled - along with the harassment of Jews Finkelstein: namely, have brought have the Social Democratic party SPD and the Left has not only expanded the right edge, but also leading members of the parties on a pro-imperialist course to the full solidarity with the Daueraggressor and illegal weapons possession after Apartheid State of Israel requires a left self-evident. Actually has to act. Rosa Luxembourg would not drive them all to the city, the bigwigs and the Internet Trolls and the Shalomis anyway. But for now she was shot by her own foundation for the second time.

The revolution is great, everything else is cheese!
Rosa Luxembourg (1870 - 1919)

(Sources: see original in this issue)