Monday, September 28, 2009

Hantia Hernia Sergury

On behalf of the CIA

Young World / 28.09.2009 / international / Page 6

On behalf of the CIA

U.S. intelligence hires Iranians against the government in Tehran to work

Jürgen Cain Külbel

Iranians that in Dubai, the capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the U.S. consulate because a visa to audition, "supervised by Iranian specialists and Farsi-speaking people who work for the CIA or other U.S. agencies, interrogated and - in some cases - recruited for spying of their own government." That now the Los Angeles Times reported, citing the recently published book in the U.S. "City of Gold Dubai and the Dream of Capitalism."

Jim Krane, author of the book and Exkorrespondent the news agency Associated Press (AP) and Exberater Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, reports high-level CIA-makers have repeatedly in the past successfully against plans by the U.S. State Department, the Consulate of "budgetary reasons" to conclude, intervened. Finally, the CIA, the consulate was still less than 200 kilometers away, from Iran, "a gold mine for human intelligence (HUMINT)," the acquisition of information by human sources from the land of the Persians.

HUMINT in Dubai consulate was practiced successfully for decades by "grilling Iranian (visa) applicants." Krane said the Los Angeles Times, "Iranians with military or government background were asked to come again and again, agents harassed them," to collect, and more in-depth information. "The Conclusion that the U.S. is able to collect important information about Iran, without an embassy there and have to do it easily from Dubai to be. "

early October 2006, installed the CIA agent Jillian Burns, the conservative Turkish daily Yeni Safak, also a so-called "Iran Regional Presence Office" in the consulate, to get from there, "with a handful of employees Iran better" observers. Burns crew is from the newspaper for the bloody mass protests, the Iranian presidential elections on 12 June 2009 followed, made responsible, "It is alleged that the (projected) of the counter-revolution to the year 2006 declining. We have not forgotten that former U.S. President George W. Bush $ 400 million for the overthrow of the regime in Iran Reserved. Jillian Burns, sent to Dubai as Director of the observation post of the U.S. State Department for Iran, was probably that man who stood behind this job.

Burns, since 1993 in the U.S. State Department, is a specialist in regime change in Tehran, at least since 2003, will lecture on "What can international actors do to promote democratic change in Iran," and relies in the practical implementation in the other to the exile Zia Atabay-Iranians. The smart Exsänger, once touted as Iran's Tom Jones is the founder of the National Iranian TV in Los Angeles and works in the United States successfully for years to rival Iranian exile groups - which range from monarchists to the People's Mujahedeen, student organizations, to Tudeh Communists - in a front against the mullahs and "for the" democratization of Iran together. Burns focused primarily on the apparently from October 2006 to the presidential elections in Iran 12th June 2009.

The CIA agent Jillian Burns left on 4 August 2009 base of operations in Dubai. The regime change in Tehran at the time was apparently already failed as. In the later from the West as "show trials" denigrated charges against those responsible for the weeks of unrest Iranian relations with the CIA and Burns were unmasked. Reza Rafiyi-Forooshani, said a twelve defendants in August 2009, "I have been working for two years the secret of Emirates Dirhams 5000 and received a monthly basis. " Jil lian Burns, whose office he was also with information, he described "as his" leader.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fotos De Minores Gays

hard liquor

young world / 23.09.2009 / international / Page 7

hard liquor

U.S. research project published study to review the situation in Iran. Strong values to President Ahmadinejad

Jürgen Cain Külbel

At the annual military parade in Teheran has warned the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad residents against attacks on his country. He called in a Speech on Tuesday, the occupying powers in Iran's neighboring countries of Iraq and Afghanistan to withdraw its troops. "I advise you to return to your own countries and to use the high military spending in order to solve the problems of your people," he said. The people in Iraq and Afghanistan stood the foreign troops in their country hostile to, and it was "impossible that foreign troops permanent bases were talking in the region.

survey by telephone

Earlier, a study published at the weekend, attested on the mood in Iran, the president surprisingly good values. been created was the Work of World Public Opinion (WPO), a project of the internationally prestigious Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) of the U.S. University of Maryland. And concludes that 81 percent of Iranians say Ahmadinejad confidence and support the work of key state institutions.

The survey was between 27 August and 10 been September of Farsi speaking countries conducted by pollsters from telephone interviews. Accordingly, 55 percent of respondents stated that they voted in the presidential elections to Ahmadinejad. 14 percent would have given her voice, expressed the Mir-Hossein Mousavi, the main challenger to Ahmadinejad. Asked Who in the event of a new edition would give the election the trust decided, 49 percent for Ahmadinejad and eight percent for Moussaoui. The question of the credibility of the disputed election results of 12 62 percent responded in June by saying they had "much trust in its accuracy. Officially, then Ahmadinejad 62.6 percent of all votes received.

skepticism about Obama

The survey of U.S. university also reflects the widespread skepticism about the general Washington's intentions in the region: 57 percent of Iranians strongly believe that "the Americans to impose their culture of Muslim society" want, like many feel that the purpose of the United States only "to maintain control over the oil reserves of the Middle East," and "the weakening and splitting of the Islamic world." Six out of ten Iranians were thus "in general" no confidence that President Barack Obama the right thing "in the affairs of this world tackles." convince
The Obama's speeches in Cairo and Istanbul, in which he pointed out ways to align his country with the Muslim world, six of ten Iranians at all: Obama has "no" respect for Islam. "While the majority of Iranians is ready anyway, with Obama shops to make them trust him very little, "said Steven Kull, director of WPO. However, 63 percent wanted the Iranians to resume diplomatic relations with the U.S., twenty percent "favor a sustainable full, unconditional negotiations" between Tehran and Washington.

Full Report

questionnaire evaluations

Monday, September 21, 2009

Los Angeles Public Crusing Spots

Young World / 09.21.2009 / international / Page 7

A letter to Ban

murder of Hariri: Syria wrote to UN Secretary-General and threatens public prosecutor Mehlis and his Exassistenten Lehmann action

Jürgen Cain Külbel
